Poll: Forty-eight percent of voters surveyed in CD14 said they would vote to reelect Ocasio-Cortez in 2020 (Flickr)
April 10, 2019 By Laura Hanrahan
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is viewed favorably by the majority of voters in her district, according to a new poll released by Siena College Research Institute.
The poll, which surveyed 607 voters by phone in Congressional District 14, which covers portions of The Bronx and western Queens, found that 52 percent of voters viewed Ocasio-Cortez favorably, with 48 percent of all voters and 61 percent of Democrats saying they would vote to reelect her in 2020. The survey found that 33 percent of respondents view her unfavorably.
“Although it is very early, with nearly half of all voters and 61 percent of Democrats saying that they would vote to re-elect Ocasio-Cortez in 2020, she may be in position to represent this district for at least another term,” said Siena College Research Institute Director Don Levy.
While only 25 percent of those surveyed said they would describe themselves as Democratic Socialists, the study found overwhelming support for many of the key issues Ocasio-Cortez is advocating for in Washington. Free tuition at public universities was supported by 76 percent of surveyed voters, with 73 percent supporting a federal guarantee of a job that pays a living wage. Both Medicare for all and an assault weapons ban were supported by 75 percent of voters.
Receiving smaller, but still significant support, 59 percent of respondents backed taxing income above $10 million at 60 percent or more; with 52 percent behind impeaching Donald Trump.
The Green New Deal, one of Ocasio-Cortez’s largest focuses in Congress which aims to address climate change, received a much smaller 41 percent of overall support, with 51 percent of Democrats and 11 percent of Republicans in favor. On this topic, only 61 percent of those surveyed provided a response.
But survey respondents differed with Ocasio-Cortez over Amazon.
Fifty-seven percent of CD 14 voters think it was bad for New York that Amazon cancelled its plans to build a new headquarters in Long Island City while 32 percent say it was good for New York, and by 58-35 percent, voters in CD 14 support Governor Cuomo’s efforts to woo Amazon to reconsider its decision.
Other than supporting a lot of free stuff that someone has to pay for, what has she specificall done for her district other than lose a big employer that would have had a significant economic impact. I guess what I truly need to know is why do you people vote for her?????
1) AOC threw the press out of 2 PUBLIC events in August before the election, clearly indicating she does not believe in freedom of the press 2) Her Justice Democrats want to primary Hakim Jeffries, a Dem who would support her in Congress and nationally 3) Amazon was none of her business as it was a state and local responsibility and she started protesting before she ever read the document (most of us would be fired for not doing our jobs/reading the document before having an opinion) 4) She spends her life in twitter wars with stupid men and not doing work for us 5) She is now signing on to impeach rump vs. spend her time working for us, and thinking about how to help strategically get him voted out of office (think appeal to the moderate Republicans and ensure our social civil war does not continue). She is the least strategic politician I have ever seen and needs to be voted out of office. Getting the man out of office is way more important than her ego, arrogance and her lack of representing all of her constituents. I cannot and will not support her and will work for the person who will primary her at the next election cycle.
The only reason this person won is because her name is Cortez. A cat could have run for that office with Cortez as a last name and won. Low information voters voted out a powerful congressman who could actually help their community but instead voted in this airhead.
Dumb but expected.
This article is bull there was a huge door to door survey done in June 2019 and 33% said they would not vote for AOC
Oh boy just like they said Hillary was a 99% shoe in for the presidency. Yeah I believe polls .
ALL CAPS = unhinged
Who are they polling the peoples republic of queens party members??? This woman has no credentials, and no business being in a decision making position of any authority… she is a symbol of the current political fad of promoting people not on their experience intelligence, but on their poster child face of whats popular now-minority power/woman power…. I vote for someone based on their credentials, experience and character not on WHAT they are or WHAT they represent. We are slowly but surely handing over the keys to the asylum to to the inmates. Its crazy.
Let me guess: Ch is a white male from Maine.
PS I’m from the Bronx and I think she is doing a great job
However, first she’ll have to pry them from our tangerine dictator.
Yes that’s right, the people’s republic of Queens aka. the voters in her district!
They are polling mostly renters who come and go. I live in the ditmars area and before the election they were ringing doorbells and knocking on doors wanting to talk to people trying to get them to vote for her (They rang my doorbell twice but I was not in the mood to open). When my neighbor spoke to them the second time I over heard them talking in the hallway. They asked him if he knew if anyone else was home and specifically which apts. renters seemed “under 40 yrs old.”
JJ, Betcha the “Knock Down the House” film didn’t include that campaign tactic in the final edit.
What has she done nothing but a made up image
She has exactly as much political experience as Trump did when he took office. You’re saying the game show host isn’t qualified?!
High-End Taxpayers will be leaving this City in droves if she gets re-elected. My family fled communism early in the Century and are prepared to flee again.
What a dumb comment!
Why is a Middle Class district in Queens , Astoria, attached to district in the South Bronx. I have zero- in common with he South Bronx and as a Homeowners, I am ready to sell to get away with being identified with this JOKE AOC who is like a cartoon character. Astorians who have lived here for decades must get out and vote.
FZ, your middle class district was attached to a South Bronx district in order to guarantee Joe Crowley a job for life. Most districts in the four boroughs (not including SI) have been gerrymandered in this fashion to ensure the Democrat candidate wins every time. That’s why most of your office holders are there for decades and it’s virtually impossible to vote them out. 2020 is the next redistricting opportunity and it’s quite likely the Dem machine will redistrict AOC out of her seat. They will also likely redistrict State Senate districts so that Republicans become a permanent minority there as well. That will be the final nail in the coffin for the Republican Party in NYS. But remember the old saying: be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.
Harry the fourth: You may be right about the rationale behind the current district lines, although most district outlines across the country don’t seem logical either. But the demographics have changed and only about 12% of Dems voted in the last House primary anyway. So that didn’t pan out for a lifelong job for Crowley. I hope the next district lines will make more sense.
The federal primaries should be held in September in NY, just like most of our statewide races — not during the summer during family vacation season.
Gardens Watcher – you are clearly light-years more astute than the average Queens voter. I have been following NYC politics for more than 60 years now. I should have made myself clearer: the districts have been gerrymandered to mathematically favor the Democrat incumbent. The only reason AOC unseated Crowley is because of the arrogance of the entrenched Queens Dem machine. Reich & Bolz (for those that don’t know who they are, you know nothing about Queens politics) didn’t think an upstart brown-skinned kid had the means to unseat their village idiot and therefore was not worth their time. Please be clear: Crowley, like most White Dems in Queens would have been unseated at some point but it didn’t need to happen yet since the vast majority of Queens districts are still fully controlled by the old-time ethnic legacy White Dems or their Asian and Jewish brethren. AOC was a fluke due to the arrogance of the Queens machine and nothing more. But hey, she won the election fair and square. Nationwide, the House has been gerrymandered to favor parties in power so this is nothing new. The only true barometer is the Senate which cannot be gerrymandered since only two can be elected from each State. One-party rule is a disaster no matter which side it is because there are no checks and balances which means we peons pay the price.
Look at the map that’s not even the south Bronx, honestly some of you people on here. I’m at a loss for words.
Anonymous- It doesn’t have to be the South Bronx- it can be almost any part of the Bronx with the exception of the Country Club and Pelham sections since the overall registration numbers for the Bronx are 90%+ Dems and 10%- Reps. The irony here is that a small slice of the heavily Democrat Bronx was given to Crowley so he could have a job for life and his handlers, the “vaunted” Queens County Democrat Organization still managed to “f’ it up. LOL. What do you expect anyway since all of the top guys in the Queens Democrat Organization live in lily-White areas of Long Island? Hell, Sweeney lives in a $10 million mansion in Waspy Old Westbury and still rules the Queens Democrats! LOOOOOL
By the way, it deserves mentioning that “Virginny Joe” hasn’t lived in New York for years and his wife hates NY. He lives in nice cushy all-White gated community in Virginia. Yes, kiddies, you actually DON’T HAVE to live in the district you represent if you are serving in the House of Representatives. So in all fairness, he ain’t the only one. Support importing third world migrants into your district and then live somewhere else yourself! How can I get a job like that???
I see your input now. I agree that is a paradox. But I still like aoc. Also I agree with a persons right to not like her. But some of these comments are not even dignified they are just insults and name calling. Very childish and racist with no merit behind them.
Anonymous, I am no Democrat by any stretch of the imagination but the truth is AOC won fair and square. I don’t agree with most of what comes out of her mouth but she was elected and that is that. The left should heed same when it comes to Trump. Don’t like him? Fine, then organize and vote him out next time. Instead, the entire Democrat coalition is wholly fixated on destroying Trump and completely ignoring their responsibility to their constituents. Our Republic is much stronger than Trump or the Commies on the other side. It perseveres because it is the best system ever devised. Period.
absolutely phony individual, and quite often ignorant as well … sorry she represents Queens
It boggles my mind that in this country, people like AOC and all her commie/socialist agenda popped like mushrooms. Could you have imagined that somebody like AOC would be even taken seriously say 10 years ago? In 50’s she would have been jailed for anti-American, pro-commie views
You’re calling for a return to 50’s-era McCarthyism?!
Calling for political opponents to be JAILED like under 1920’s USSR?!
By providing a living wage for Americans she’s “anti-American”?!
Have you tried a source of news that was factual, instead of Fox News?
Although she is ignorant on a few topics, I do believe she truly cares for people’s best interest.
AOC used to work for Bernie, and a lot of the traits they share I deeply admire. They speak truth to power and want to hold them accountable for their actions. That said, some of the identity politics she plays I really abhor, and wish she would dial that back. I personally thought Joe Crowley brought a lot of influential capital to our district and was sad to see him go.
I agree with you 100% — except for the Joe Crowley comment, I don’t know enough about him to have an opinion one way or the other.
I think AOC is doing a good job and genuinely cares about helping people. But sometimes when she responds with blanket criticism of GOP it seems to cause a greater divide and make moderates like her less. I’d wish she toned that down a bit while still being just as assertive/active.
fake news
What’s with all the racists on this site?!
Nothing racist about that comment. What is with the shrieking libtards overreacting to anything that is said?
We have nothing better to do and can’t get a real job because of racist Trump supporters like you!!
Why are all Trump supporters considered racist? First of all Latino is not a race but A shared language. Why is it that most liberals throw this time around like loose nickels. They have no real defense other than to be pejorative towards people who disagree with them.
It’s time for those supposedly educated people to realize this makes them look foolish. It seems most liberals especially those of European ancestry have such strong guilt about who they are That they can’t except the fact that all people are allowed to be proud of who they are and where they came from. Denigrating one group so others feel fulfilled and important is not the way to go about bringing equality to everyone.
Education and economic opportunity should be available to all. Donald Trump is trying to make this a reality. All Obama did was keep people impoverished and dependent on the government.
It is time to stop blaming those people who are successful for those of us who are not. Sometimes you have to make your own way and create your own opportunities.
Jk but I really love her!
Or do Trumptards just chant “lock her up” whenever Daddy tells them to?
I was thankful that for once I was polled about this. Though one thing that I did want to point out about the poll it was very polarizing.
I love you AOC!
With so many robo calls, phone scams and annoying telemarketing calls, I don’t bother to pick up a call unless it’s a number I recognize. So who can trust a phone call poll anymore?
I agree robot calls need to be stopped! But I usually google the institution right when they call me to verify.
Gee thanks AOC for your anti-Amazon crusade, even though the proposed site wasn’t even in your district.
What a loss for Queens, NYC & the state. Hope Amazon reconsiders but doesn’t seem likely.
One thing that I want people to consider with these anti-AOC posts is that Amazon could have stayed. They could have won over the neighborhood by investing like a couple of million on a well thought out PR campaign. They could have been like oh here’s free prime for a year for all community 2 people. Like honestly how much would have them cost them. All companies do this, it’s built into their strategies.
The fact is that Amazon could care less, they just want free land and tax breaks. They are such a cheap company it’s in their culture.
Free? We’re a free country with free speech. If I disagree with her position on a particular topic, or she blows a decision or a vote and I call her on it, that doesn’t mean I’m “anti-AOC” or a Trumpster.
The Democrats have a big tent, right?
Honestly, it puzzles me why she is seen as the ring leader for taking down Amazon. I mean, I know why she is chosen because she is so much more well known but outside of a few tweets and mentioning her concerns in speeches I don’t recall seeing her pushing against Amazon tremendously. Gianaris, for instance, made it a huge point to be anti-Amazon and plays a much larger role in the local politics. AOC obviously didn’t like the deal but she wasn’t the reason Amazon pulled out.
This is true amazon is super cheap especially because of their business model… I would know a few of my friends worked there and left.
Amazon wouldn’t have been in her district but it absolutely would have impacted and affected her district. Duh. That’s why she was involved and spoke out so strongly. A sentiment that MANY in her district agreed with.