Sept. 24, 2015 Staff Report
Two teenage boys were robbed in two separate incidents in Astoria last month by a suspect who is believed to be of a similar age, police said.
The first incident took place on August 25 at around 6 pm when the suspect targeted a 14-year-old boy near 8th Street and Astoria Blvd and threatened him with violence if he didn’t hand over his iPod, according to police.
The alleged perpetrator—believed to be between 14 and 16 years old–took the iPod and fled.
The second incident allegedly took place on August 27 at around 6:40 pm when the suspect approached another 14-year-old and demanded his cell phone while claiming he had a weapon.
The suspect removed the victim’s iPhone and fled, police said. No weapon was displayed.
The suspect is described as follows:
Male, black, 14-to 16-years old, wearing a white T-shirt.