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Two Astoria houses to get demolished to make room for apartment buildings

30-57 Crescent Street (Property Shark)

March 21, 2017 Staff Report

Two new apartment buildings with a total of 20 new residential units will be going up in Astoria.

According to building records, two separate developers filed plans to build new apartment buildings in different parts Astoria yesterday, replacing smaller homes with new developments.

One of the new buildings will go up at 30-57 Crescent Street, and will be six stories tall with a total of 10 apartments.

Building records show that the first floor will have a lobby and recreation room, while the five upper stories will have two apartments on each floor. The building will have a total of 8,730 square feet, meaning each apartment will average around 873 square feet.

The second new building is planned for 25-40 36th Street, and will be five stories tall with ten apartments.

According to the plans, each floor would have two apartments, and there would be three parking spaces. There would also be a rooftop recreation area for residents.

The planned building would have a total of 7,714 square feet of space, meaning each apartment would average around 771 square feet.

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I lived in Astoria for 14 years and even though I loved seeing the new restaurants, coffee shops and all the choices the area now have, I couldn’t take the overcrowding anymore and filthiness. I am an artist so I need calm to create. In Astoria there are so many people, at all times! Crime has been going up and up. The area does not have the neighborhood-y feel any more. I ended up moving to Middle Village close to Queens blvd and the Juniper Park. I have already (after a month of living there) made tons of friends. People are nice, they give you your space, they clean the snow for you if you are not home. The Park is 2 minutes from my house and the train ride to midtown is 25 minutes for me.I never wanted to leave Astoria but I am so glad I did. If I miss Astoria I just visit so I have the best of both worlds.


My parents moved to Astoria years ago because it was a peaceful area to raise a family compared to other areas of Queens which is no longer the case. Astoria still is a great place to live. However, I find that the new Astoria is more for younger renters because of its proximity to the city, restaurants, bars and night life..When your younger you tolerate rudeness, over crowding, high traffic, night noise and dirt a lot more. We also rented out are home and left for the quieter suburbs of LI.


I am so happy I live in Astoria Heights where we have mostly peace during the day and evenings. In my area, people that buy homes actually live here. It seems like the rest of Astoria is only good for demolishing and renting out for profit. Ditmars between 29th Street and Steinway is just as over crowded/loud as 30 avenue and Broadway thanks to all the bars and restaurants which stay open until the crack of dawn.


Who wants to live there anyway. Crescent, if you have a car forget about parking. 36st, 25ave, ewwww gross


This is good. We need more buildings maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!
This aint the 70’s its 2000’s maaaan, the new Millennium, 2017 guys
I was here in the 70s, its better now maaaan


No plan really…Really, have our elected officials presented a vision for the next 20, 50 years. Lol . That would require a brain , a heart. Sell a 2 family . Build a twenty on a residential , 2 family block.Just throw them up, and just a few getting richer. People who have lived here for generations have absolutely no say. The promoters take the $$ and run. They do not care about our quality of life… Do they have the space in schools, oh maybe they are not building for families…But how about transport, stores, supermarkets…How are we navigating these elements. People loved the community spirit and meeting your neighbor on avenue…Not many stores to be left or opportunities …They are designing a village of transients…No roots, no real bond to the community. Just a stop…Welcome to the 21st century..


Wait till they turn broadway into a one way. And 31 avenue into a one way. Then it’ll be like driving by elmhurst hospital. If you look at the buildings. They are half empty. Eventually we’ll have homeless shelters throughout the neighborhood. A nice mix of hipsters,homeless, and whatever families are left.




Did you hear somewhere that Broadway and 31st Ave are turning into one ways or are you just guessing? I haven’t heard this anywhere else. I live on an intersection with constant accidents and think this might actually help…. Thanks for any info! 🙂


The traia are so crowded already, more and more people and same trains. Also the parking is getting more difficult as smaller units are built without parking space


They just don’t stop ruining the neighborhood. Taking down all the house. Soon it will just be all buildings like Manhattan. No more neighborhoods. It’s terrible that the council men and money hungry landlords just won’t put an end to it all.


So much overbuilding going on between Astoria and LIC. Eventually the market rates will have to drop.


You would think so, but it hasn’t happened yet.

With an estimated 9,000 new units coming to market in 2017 for long island city, i think a lot of people will move from Manhattan to the area.

Though i do agree, it will plateau eventually. Maybe not so much in Astoria, but other areas are seeing high vacancy rates


If that happens the people that will suffer the hardest are the older family homeowners who will have a difficult time competing with the upgraded and newer apartments.


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