Melinda Katz and Tiffany Cabán.
July 25, 2019, Jackie Strawbridge
The recount in the Queens District Attorney Democratic primary race completed today, with Borough President Melinda Katz declaring victory over public defender Tiffany Cabán.
“Now that every valid vote has been counted and recounted, the results confirm once again that the people of Queens have chosen Melinda Katz as the Democratic nominee for District Attorney,” Katz campaign adviser Andrew Kirtzman said in a statement.
The Board of Elections has not yet released the certified results, however Katz reportedly appears to have a lead of roughly 60 votes.
There are also about 100 uncounted affidavit ballots that remain in dispute. These ballots had been invalidated due to technical errors in how they were filled out.
Cabán is challenging the invalidation of these ballots in court. The next court date is Aug. 6.
The Cabán campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Katz’s declaration of victory.
The primary was held on June 25 and Cabán initially held a lead over Katz of more than 1,000 votes—until affidavit and absentee ballots were counted, ultimately putting Katz 16 votes ahead.
That narrow gap triggered the recount. All told, more than 90,000 were manually sorted and then recounted in a process that began on July 9.
The election results have now been certified. Congrats to Katz! Say Good Night Johnny.
Hurrah for Melinda Katz. Maybe now Queens can get back to being a nice place to live. And I’m not even a Democrat.
We know that Reich Crowley Bolz Sweeney rigged the outcome.
Their corrupt puppet Board of Election director Michael Ryan “certified” their results. Look him up? How many ethics violations does he have?
I think some journalist will win a Pulitizer soon on uncovering the suppression of democracy in Queens by Crowley, Bolz, Reich, Sweeney and Katz. They will and should be convicted. Twenty years of election tampering needs to end.
Gardens Watchers still has not put up a single argument as to why and how Katz , who has never been a prosecutor, or attorney and has never argued in a courtroom, should win job as Queens’ top prosecutor? what a joke? Nor has he come up with any defense that Joe Crowley ever won an election legitimately?
Pulitzer anyone? Let them certify and sink their ship further. Good luck Crowley, Bolz, Sweeney, Reich and Katz! Crowley should have supported the closure of Rikers – instead of favoring real estate developers! He may regret that?
Congratulations Ms. Katz and Ms Caban should stop this circus . Time to work now we are tired of games .
We don’t want another “AOC”
AOC Crying in her BEER!
I guess you’re making fun of her for that?
Another unqualified machine politician “wins” over the popular choice. Joe Crowley would be so proud.
Joe Crowley is pulling the strings now to make sure Katz wins. His personal attorneys Bolz and Reich , who control the Board of Elections, orchestrated Katz win. Absentee ballots were created by Crowley-appointee BOE employees. This is not over. The corrupt Queens machine will be caught out by rigging and this election . They rigged it for Crowley for two decades.
Wait a minute, Johnny! 10-word penalty for leaving out your cut-and-paste part of who’s going to be appointed to fill Katz’ current position!
Oh, now you’re charging absentee ballots were “created” by BOE employees? New low for you, Johnny & relatives. How many fake aliases do you have?
Your choice is not a popular choice. Get over it.
Congrats Katz! A real democrat that sticks up for blue collar middle class families & union workers.
Katz is not even an attorney, and she is a puppet of the corrupt Queens Machine – this is not over. They rigged it, and once they “certify” the results they incriminate themselves more at the Queens BOE.
The moment Katz was baked by Cuomo her “win” was guaranteed. He puts his people were he needs them. This time it was not Caban. Katz and Caban are not good candidates for DA. Katz waited till last minute to write a letter to de Blasio to halt the a mega jail project in Kew Gardens as she was pandering for votes. She did not say she is against the jail. She only said that the community was not involved in the decision and that the process should start again. Don’t be fooled, she has the power to say no on the jail and ask Koslowitz to do the same. But she didn’t. Please remember to vote in November and fight for your property values and family safety.
It was a low-turnout election. There was never a guarantee who would win.
The Gov, the Mayor and most electeds want Rikers shut down and replaced with community-based jails. But the proposed mega jail in Kew Gardens is way oversized and that was Katz’ primary objection.
As Borough Pres (or as Queens DA), she doesn’t have the power to stop the project.
Umm, wrong. Katz is an attorney. And not a puppet — like you.
No “machine” certifies the results. The Board of Elections certifies the results.
You know well that Queens Machine, led by Virginia Joe and Long Island attorneys Reich, Bolz and Sweeney, run the Queens BOE. stop trying to fool the people
Notice that Gardens Watcher, never disputes that Joe Crowley ever won an election legitimately? He sat in Congress for 2 decades because Machine rigged elections in his favor.
Also, you can not dispute that Katz has not practiced law, has never been a prosecutor, yet she wants to be chief prosecutor of Queens, and she has zero court room experience ? Why is she qualified again?
There is a “Lord”