Proposed location (Photo: QueensPost)
March 26, 2019 By Meghan Sackman
A new space for pups to play is expected to open in Astoria next month.
A new dog run is being built on Triborough Playground C, which is on Hoyt Avenue South between 23rd Street and 24th Street. The run, which is expected to open in April, is shaped like a dog bone and includes a brightly-colored design.
The playground’s basketball court is also being revamped and will open at the same time, according to the Parks Department.
The dog run will feature separate areas for large and small dogs, with each area featuring spray fire hydrants, rocky mounds for the dogs to climb, drinking fountains with dog bowls, and seating for owners. The run, which is about half an acre in size, will also include a hose and drainage in order for it to be kept clean.
The revamped basketball court, separated from the dog run by a fence, will feature a new asphalt pavement, a new color seal, new backboards, seating and a drinking fountain.
The sidewalk along Hoyt Avenue South–adjacent to the park– has been widened and street trees have been planted.
The push for the new dog run took off in 2014, when a group of dog owners released a petition on Change.org to call attention to the community’s need for a space for dogs. The petition ultimately gained more than 700 signatures and the backing of Council Member Costa Constantinides.
The following year, the community voted in a participatory budgeting poll to direct $500,000 in capital funding to a new dog run. Borough President Melinda Katz agreed to contribute an additional $500,000 later that year to fully fund the project.
The project’s design phase began in 2016 and its opening is anticipated to be on schedule.

Rendering (Source: Parks Dept.)
I have a dog. I’m glad to have a place where he can run around off leash. But 1 million for a patch of concrete, with water, and a fence is a joke. The thing has been sitting there, done, for a few weeks and no one is opening it up. I’m sure the workers are bilking us all for mega OT. I’ve had family who have had city jobs and the stories I’ve heard of workers bilking OT and extending jobs as long as possible is certainly applying to this dog park. It’s a crime….and people wonder why the subways are terrible, the roads full of potholes, and other infrastructure issues. Incompetence and corruption. That’s why.
I’m sorry, I am so confused as to why it’s an entirely concrete dog park? How is that better than Bugsby’s Dog Run?
What a waste of money!!!
As a native Astorian and dog owner, I just cant see the need for this overpriced dog run….there is no need for dogs to be socialized in that setting and is a breeding ground for worms and disease…Great way to blow taxpayer money…anyone hear of the new homeless shelter approved on 47th street and 31st ave? More bad news for Astoria
Ah yes our idiot city councilman 1 million for a dog park. Your constituents and fellow Greeks mainly the elderly are slowly winding up on the streets. Your building a park for a bunch of hippie trust fund dopes . Meanwhile your main constituency is being forced out onto the street. Your priorities are mixed up .
Do you think Council Member Costa Constantinides will open the handball courts across the street for human (taxpayer) enjoyment?
Why all the hate ? Probably a bunch of transplants. My question, is why put a dog run in this location to begin with?
Transplants, transplants, blah, blah, blah
What a waste of money
You should probably leave Astoria. Get out, see the world. Pathetic.
Not that I need to explain to an unknown “Name”; I have traveled all over the world – but have lived in Astoria all my life. The way that Astoria is changing due to “Pathetic” millennial liberal transplants, such as yourself, is disgusting. Our local politician (Costa Constantinides) needs to get some scungilli(s) and stop this s*%t! Vallone Sr or Jr would have killed this, along with the other “stuff” going on. Walk your dog and clean – up after it. If it needs a dog run – head back to Idaho
Always the same story on here: it’s everyone else’s fault
Crime? It’s the new people’s fault
Pollution? It’s new people’s fault
Reckless spending? New people’s fault
I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the precious people who “never left”.
You didn’t keep it safe.
You didn’t keep it clean.
You didn’t keep your politicians in check.
Take some responsibility, Mr. World (heh) Traveller
Astoria was NEVER as dirty as it is now and NEVER had as much crime as it does now. End of pathetic story
“Astoria was NEVER as dirty as it is now and NEVER had as much crime as it does now…..” THAT IS A STRAIGHT UP JOKE!
It’s pathetic to think that staying in the same neighborhood your whole life entitles you to anything or makes any kind of difference. It means nothing and absolutely no one cares. And if “millennials” and “transplants” really are changing things, it’s just goes to show how truly powerless you are and always have been.
I’m actually a third-gen native New Yorker… but I don’t need to explain myself to someone with an unknown name like “Never Left Astoria.” Still think you should still move out of your parents’ basement.
You must be a trust fund baby…….don’t live in parents basement….worked hard to own my house. To think this has started over a dog run park, by your rude comments, is truly sad.
You gotta be kidding… NOBODY with trust fund money is moving to ASTORIA! Don’t flatter your sh*tty hood.
Some dogs are active and need to be exercised. This is a really nice way to bring the community together. How lucky we are to have a park and a place for families in our community to spend their time. Relax a little bit. The world changes every day, it has will change whether you accept it or not- just worry about yourself and your life and be kind. Oh and for the record, trust fund babies live in the city not in Astoria.
Council Member Costa Constantinides is behind this so plenty of $ must be lining his pockets. Meanwhile Steinway Street is a ghost town. Businesses leaving in droves. Let’s make sure the dogs have a place to piss and shit all over.
With rising rents and cost of living courtesy of your elected officials, you can get plenty of rest sleeping next to the dog run. Or you can call mommy and daddy and have them wire you some money so you can pay your cell phone bill.
It’s so disheartening to hear that a dog run is going to be built UNDER a HIGHWAY. Residents deserve better than this. They’ll be a constant drone from cars overhead, pollution from and smell of exhaust fumes, no sunlight not an inviting place to sit an socialize. Like so much else in north western Queens, local government is just throwing us a bone. Shameful.
But residents *chose* this as a part of participatory budgeting, and dog owners lobbied for it. Then the city paid for it, which is good. Would be nice if we could rid this area of the traffic & exhaust altogether, but that’s unrelated to the dog park I think.
Should get rid of you.
Don’t know what’s with all the negativity. Can’t wait to have a proper dog park to take my dogs as opposed to the nasty mud puddle we currently have.
I’d be curious as to the amount of contaminants in the soil, and air, being that it’s under a long time, well traveled bridge. Not sure if I want to breathe in those fumes and same for my dog.
“The run, which is about half an acre in size, will also include a hose and drainage in order for it to be kept clean.”
And in the winter, the water supply will need to be turned off. How does one keep the area clean in December thru February?
The same way any sidewalk anywhere gets cleaned in the Winter: by Nature. You know.. wind, rain, snow. The bridge is over 40 feet high and the space is COMPLETELY open on all sides! You’re are acting like this is a domed stadium or something.
It opens next month! Has anyone actually walked over to see it!?
I grew up across the street and used all the parks under the triboro. We were protected from the elements by the bridge. Everyday was playday regardless of the weather. Rain may catch the edges of the run, but it be dry for the most part.
It is underneath the bridge, rain will never Wash away the smells. How do they plan to clean the urine?
Try reading all the way to the end of the 4th paragraph: “The run, which is about half an acre in size, will also include a hose and drainage in order for it to be kept clean.’
Hose will be off in the winter.
The article clearly states that a hose and drainage system has been installed to keep it clean…
The article says it will include sprinklers, and a hose and drainage system for cleaning
ONE MILLION DOLLARS for a dog park???? Ha! What a scam!!!
They never received your bid for the contract. I’m sure they’d accepted it since it would have been so much less. ?
They should start fining dog owners who don’t clean up in the park. Will recoup that $1M fast.
Exactly, a million dollars to pay the salaries and over time of the employees at the city agencies. Largest scams ever!!!!
How much do dog parks usually cost?