Shore Boulevard (GMaps)
Jan. 21, 2016 By Jackie Strawbridge
The Department of Transportation has proposed making Shore Boulevard one-way and adding new bike lanes in the area, earning the approval of Community Board 1’s Transportation Committee and positive words from local elected officials.
Under the DOT’s proposal, the northbound traffic lane on Shore Boulevard would be removed, so traffic would move one-way from Ditmars Boulevard to Astoria Park South.
DNA Info first reported on the proposal.
This lane removal would make way for a two-lane protected bike path on the road.
Currently, a two-way bike path runs along the park’s edge next to a pedestrian walkway, which the DOT said causes conflict between cyclists and walkers.
Other proposed changes include the installation of two-way protected bike lanes on 20th Avenue and Hoyt Avenue North.
The agency brought the plan before Community Board 1’s Transportation Committee, which voted unanimously to recommend its approval, according to a spokesman.
The spokesman said that while he is concerned about the removal of driving lanes with heavy development on the horizon at Hallets Point and Astoria Cove, ultimately “the benefits I think will outweigh losing the one direction [of vehicle traffic] on the park.”
He cited as a primary benefit the separation of the bike lanes out of Astoria Park, to cut off cyclist access to the pedestrian-only paths within the park.
The DOT’s proposal follows a community workshop held in October for the agency to collect feedback and safety priorities for the area from local residents.
Traffic on Shore Boulevard has been a hot button issue since Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas proposed closing the street to traffic in an August letter to the DOT, which has been a highly polarizing idea among residents.
Regarding the DOT’s new proposal, the Assemblywoman said, “the changes announced by the Department of Transportation and recommended by Community Board 1’s Transportation Committee will improve access to the Park and make our community safer. I am pleased that we reached a compromise on Shore Boulevard that calms speeding and dangerous driving and preserves vehicle access to the waterfront.”
Councilman Costa Constantinides has also been pushing for safety upgrades around Astoria Park. He released a petition for comprehensive traffic safety improvements in the area after the fatal hit-and-run of a young woman on Ditmars Boulevard and 19th Street.
“We [were] glad to see the unanimous support of this plan from Community Board 1’s Transportation Committee. This plan is a strong first step forward in improving traffic safety around the jewel of our community- Astoria Park,” Constantinides said. “The stronger connection between the waterfront, Astoria Park, and residents will be an asset for our entire neighborhood. I look forward to hearing feedback from our community and to continuing our conversation about the streets surrounding Astoria Park.”
The proposal is next expected to go before the full Community Board for a vote.
Astoria Park Study Cb1 Jan2016 by Queens Post
No one took into consideration the huge development going on in Hallets Cove the traffic jams will be crazy.
Who cares
The block that really needs to be one way would be 19th street that is the narrow street not Shore Blvd people will use 21st and 19th street to get back around to shore Blvd to find there friends parking spot at the shore. Shore Blvd has been that way for years now all of a sudden it needs to be changed if it’s not broke don’t fix it.
The benefits are so little compared to the calamity and traffic it will cause on 21 st and Ditmars Blvd. If you take into consideration the NY climate, how many days can you bike? There are a lot more cars than bikes– what should take priority? I think a vote should be taken by the people and not these self serving politicians.
I bike almost every day of the year.
As long as the ice cream truck has a place to park I am good. Everyone loves ice cream!
The surrounding community would of been better off if they just worked with the original proposal Simotas suggested and DOT and closed shore blvd to cars and made 19th street one way. However, many in the neighborhood were so opposed to any change (especially closing Shore Blvd to traffic) and they got all rallied up with the media and on line petitions and now things might look even worse than before for them.
Can we start another petition? What about my right to enjoy the view as i drive…My view is always blocked on the passenger side by my girlfriends double-chin.
Happy about the outcome. Hopefully, they will eventually close it to traffic during the day and summers.
I live right by the park and bike there all year round. I think this is a great compromise to closing it all together. People drive like fucking idots along Shore Blvd and having extra dedicated bike lanes will make the park safer for all of us.
What is everyone complaining about? You can still drive and park your car on Shore Blvd and enjoy your “tradition” “waterfront view” and so called nostalgic “quality of life.” Your petition said no to banning cars! Well, they are not banned.
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Maya Angelou
It is a matter of time before Shore Blvd is closed for good!! Its a step in the right direction. I am all for a safer and less congested Park Area.
I agree. They have to go! Everything we knew growing up in Astoria is being taken away. Enough with the bike lanes they don’t abide by them anyway!
Perhaps you need to go! Its 2016, Astoria needs to keep up with the times and stay vibrate, safe and appealing to the working class who can afford the high rents and taxes. I am a Realtor and many people 9young and older) want to be close to that area because of the park alone. One way traffic on Shore Blvd (such a small and narrow street) is a good thing! Its safer! More bike lanes and pedestrian pathways appeals to the many in our city that want to enjoy the outdoors. Community workshops and opinions were taken under consideration.
No, you have to go and take your I like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony BS and the whining babies of Simotas & Constantindis with you! Leave Astoria Park alone! Why is it, in the 1970’s I would hang out down the strip with double parked cars and some folks doing things and not with a clear head and nothing major happen? Teach the parents to watch their children more carefully because I have seen first hand, kids running towards Shore Blvd. and their parents doing nothing to stop them. And yes, that is the truth! And thanks, to the brainless twits for making Shore Blvd. more small and narrow knowing it is a two way street and has been like that in Astoria for many, many years!
“Everything we knew growing up”…like two-way traffic. Oh man! Those really must have been the good ol’ days!
this is crap…more bike accidents coming make 19 st one way asswipes
I despise these people acting like they know what we want, its clear as day that kick backs are involved here. They just couldnt leave it alone, they had to have their way even after all the residents banned together to fight them on the idiotic proposal. Seems like whoever is putting up the dividers and fences has paid off everyone more than enough to get those jobs. Im still here and I miss my old neighborhood.
As long as i can still park on shore blvd..I do not care!
what a betrayal of the residents who got involved to fight the closing of shore blvd. We were assured that Shore Blvd. would be left alone. The politicians decided they were going to do what they wanted anyway, the people be damned. Simotas and Constantinidis have to go.
this was a done deal and a signed deal a long time ago — all the petitions did not work — the money is talking for them –
I know how you feel! I actually went to the community workshop and had cancelled my hair and nail salon appointment on that day. What a waste of my time.
Shore blvd was not closed and will still be open for traffic and parking. Reread the article.
Were you at the workshop? 1) there was absolutely no “assurance” given that Shore Blvd would be left alone, indeed it is impossible to leave it alone as its current configuration is putting lives at risk; and, 2) making it 1-way was an idea that several different groups of people at the workshop suggested. There was universal agreement in the room that speeding on the Blvd was putting people in the area of the park at risk. This is a great proposal.
I agree 100%. Gianaris neds to go too. This is a slap in the face of the community.
It will not work – the traffic is going to be crazy on 21st under the bridge
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. The city and our representatives spend a lot of time and money on this issue. Give it a chance.