Sept. 11, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge
A man was found dead under the Hell Gate Bridge at Astoria Park Friday morning, according to police.
At around 6:30 a.m., a passerby saw the body and called police, a detective on the scene said.
By 9:30 a.m., police had roped off a small section under the Hell Gate Bridge beside Astoria Park’s great lawn, and were gathered around one of the bridge columns, where the man’s body lay.
A cause of death has not yet been determined, but the detective said no criminality is expected at this time, and the man did not fall.
Didn’t anyone ever follow up on the “ Body Found Under Hell Gate Bridge” story by Jackie Strawbridge on 9/11/2015? I’d like to know how he died, who he was, if it was suicide, why. If it was not suicide, what happened? We’re just left hanging gor 6 years now.
Did they find out who the young man was? So sad.
You people are idiots. When a body was found in January every cried that it must be the Wetway shelter, turns out then, that the victim’s friend had killed him and neither were homeless. With the park being some much closer to say, the Astoria Houses projects, it would seem more likely that would be the problem. Gangs and stupid kids probably cause more of a spike in crime than homeless families, which is what that shelter is set up for.
Westway and DiBlasio must go
What happened to the civic power in astoria
Why aren’t they living in the Projects, instead of putting them up in shelters at $3,500 per month/per family?! Our taxes are already sky high, and now we have to support the homeless?! I can’t even afford to live in a $3,500 apartment!
1. There is not enough affordable housing in NYC
2. There are not enough Homeowners/Landlords that participate in Section 8 and Low Income Housing for Rent
*Hotel owners and some local business (i.e. supermarkets, delis, food establishments) profit from homeless shelters.
I believe that in a couple of months these shelters will house some the refugees in Europe that are coming here.
People want the homeless off the streets!
Universal Pre-Kindergarten and NYPD Reform will keep De Blasio around!
Keep voicing and writing to your elected officials about your concerns (lol good luck)
Absolutely! No doubt about it. Before anyone starts saying that there is no proof that the Westway has anything to do with it and before anyone starts saying that people in the area are overreacting, go read “Westway Woes Snag Town Hall Focus” in the Queen Chronicle published May 15, 2015. It says “Captain Dennis Mullaney of the 114th Precinct said that when the shelter became permanent, there was a slight increase in crime.” And I am sure that it’s more than a slight increase in crime.
The Daily News is reporting the death as a possible suicide. As far as the homeless shelter is concerned, it is here to stay. Most people outside of a shelter neighborhood care more about housing the homeless (especially families with children) than the location of a shelter. If you feel it is that unsafe then move. You can always wait for a change but I believe that unless someone comes in and buys these old run down hotels they will continue to house the homeless.
You’re right! Westway directly led to this mans suicide.
Yep no break down in logic here
When I was walking bye this morning work from police someone was dead with plastic bag over his head that sounds like criminality to me but mayor deblazio says crime is down ??? Astoria park had about 4 such deaths in park this summer . How come it’s not on TV news
Suicide was decriminalized some time ago.
Learn how to write correctly ! Your sentences don’t make sense !
I will wager my 1990 New York Giants Starter jacket that the Westway Motel is involved. YEAH GO G-MEN BABY!!!