Aug. 20, 2018 By Christian Murray
The police are looking for a man who allegedly groped a 28-year-old woman on Astoria Boulevard earlier this month.
The victim was walking along Astoria Boulevard at about 1 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 3, when a man who was following her grabbed her from behind in the vicinity of 8-63 Astoria Blvd., turned her around and forcibly grabbed her buttocks underneath her skirt.
The woman screamed and the suspect ran to parts unknown, police said.
The suspect is described as being approximately 30 to 35 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall, 175 pounds, with a slim build, black hair and last seen wearing a white shirt with HOLLISTER written on it, gray shorts and red sneakers.
Surveillance video and a photo of the suspect were taken from 12-21 Astoria Blvd., prior to the incident.
Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)
How comments drift when Russians get involved….Any conflict makes Putin grin, then bare his bear hugging smile. Folks
New York City’s infrastructure is groaning under an overbuilding frenzy of high rises, and simultaneous forced depopulation of stabilizing older middle/working people. Where are the new police precincts, fully staffed, with modern infrastructure? New Schools? Real Estate Board of New York is the lobby that pays off our politically except for a few to turn a blind eye to the lack of thoughtful planning. LIC has the same decrepit precinct in place since 1900 or so–one guy said there aren’t enough lockers to change, no place to do paperwork, etc. Yet…thousands more to patrol.
lol…. you liberals make me laugh. ” Must be a Trump Supporter ” GET OVER IT ALREADY!!!! She lost. That’s it. I hated Obama but guess what, he was my president and I had to respect that. I don’t get how you people can dwell on this. Yuppie mentality. #MakeAstoriaASTORIAagain
Groping random women? Disgusting. He must be a Trump supporter.
The real crime is that he is a 30-plus-year-old wearing Hollister. #GetWithTheTimesYouOlds
Women should be able to walk around when and where they want how however every time I read about something like this it’s a woman alone in the wee hours of the night it’s just not safe. I think they have a false sense of security. We need foot patrol and bring back Stop and Frisk.
Yeah midtown girl, a stop and frisk search would detected that “concealed” weapon..
You’re absolutely right!!!
Put more cops on foot patrol!
Bring back Stop & Frisk!
Pretty sketchy in that area at all times. Perfect area for predatory lowlives to assault women. Dirtbag.
Somebody ought to know this guy.
Bill Clinton was the biggest sexual predator in politics and Hillary enabled him.
*was* being the key term here. Trump has taken the crown.
Truth – Look up the word consent. Fox News has you all confused. O’Reily the rapist paid tens of millions of dollars to stay out of prison for rape not harassment.,
I disagree with you.
Actually he got The idea from The Clinton’s . Mr Clinton forced him self onthem, and Ms Clinton paid them of .
“Whatabout Clinton” is the usual Trumpeter response.
This guy would have been 6 years old when Clinton left office.
I think you mean the Catholic church. They systematically molested half the world’s population. I know that number seems high, but they were really motivated.
Not wearing that brand anymore
Look at the picture – he is still aroused. Ugh – what is going on in Astoria?
I have had it around here! Astoria is not what I expected when i moved here a year ago. I felt much safer in nearby newly developed LIC. Its too dirty, noisy, over crowded and unsafe for my taste and the amount I am paying to live here is not worth it!
I can’t take you seriously.
You are complaining that Astoria is over crowed and noisy for the amount you are paying yet LIC is your better option?!?!..where one bedroom condos sell for $1 million and the place never stops building high rises ?!?!
You should compare crime here to all the other areas around you. It is really not unsafe.
It is dirty though. It drive me nuts that people don’t know how to through away their garbage.
Crime has increased ALL OVER NYC and that’s because of all the new restrictions put on police.
Um no, on both your “points”.
Grouping people is illegal and the police are not restricted from enforcing the law.
And, crime has not gone up all of NYC.
But to your point, are you saying it has gone up over the last week or over the last 30 years, or the last hour?
1. The police are restricted from enforcing the law. The DAs will no longer prosecute crimes that are no longer politically expedient.
2. As far as crime not being up: follow the link to see Jimmy O’Neill reading the latest Constat numbers.
Who on earth is Jimmy O’Neill? And what is Constat? Do you mean CompStat? If you look at the statistics there (you don’t need some guy Jimmy O’Neill to tell you what they are), you’ll find that crime has gone up in the city since 2017 an astonishing 0.1%.
As for your claim that police are restricted from enforcing the law because DAs no longer prosecute crimes that are no longer politically expedient, is simply fatuous.
So move…
The crime is up everywhere in NYC. Thank the mayor and a police force that is just fine kicking back and not responding to many lower level crimes. We have the largest police force per capita in the nation and they are useless in tackling most of the crime that they are called to respond to. Debra if you don’t like Astoria, please leave. Less people mean less rent hikes. Good Luck!
Astoria is not what some developers and landlords try so hard to sell. And this is why many renters move out within a year or two. Its mostly older homes and buildings with lower middle class and working class people including many on fixed incomes and public assistance. Its very diverse both culturally and economically.
Feel free to move. Others will want your apt.
Isn’t it odd how someone felt safer in LIC than Astoria.
How time flies…
I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.
Disgusting. Where would he get the idea that grabbing and sexually assaulting women is ok, except from Trump?
Bill Clinton?
Yeah, because 28 year olds are definitely looking to Bill Clinton for their social cues.
He doesn’t look old enough to remember the Clinton presidency, your whataboutism is THAT old.
He probably remembers Trump saying “grab em by the pu$$y” though.
…and George Bush senior.
It’s like it’s a requirement for presidents, yet we keep electing them!
and what about JFK and LBJ they were just as bad.
Not bad as our president
I’d rather he do all that stuff before he was married and became President unlike Bill Clinton who was doing that while being President!
Good point. Trump committed horrible sex crimes and cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star *before* he was president, so that makes it ok.
He used $130k in campaign finance money to pay her off (a federal crime) while he *was* president though…
Better than Bill Clinton raping women before and during his presidency.