The suspect and the northeast corner of 53rd Place and Broadway (NYPD and Google Maps)
Sept. 16, 2020 By Michael Dorgan
A white woman threw a glass bottle at a black jogger in Woodside last month and then shouted a racial slur at her, police said.
The police released video footage of the incident yesterday that shows a white woman hurling a bottle at a 37-year-old black woman while she was running near the northeast corner of 53rd Place and Broadway on Aug. 17 at around midday.
The black woman can be seen jumping in the air to avoid the bottle. She turns her head back toward her blonde-haired attacker but continues to jog on.
The suspect yelled at her and said “get out of here n—-r,” according to the New York Daily News.
Police said the victim did not sustain any injuries and the incident is being investigated as a hate crime by the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force.
The white woman is described as being in her 40’s and is around 5 feet and 5 inches tall.
She has a light complexion with blue eyes, long blonde hair and weighs around 160 pounds. She was last seen wearing dark sunglasses, a black tank-top and white shorts.
Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM, or on Twitter @NYPDTips.
All calls are strictly confidential.
Blue Eyes? X-ray vision much? Video shows ?!
Too perfect ? BEFORE the “show” starts…?
And WHY are these ladies and the ?people out? We are still being told to Social Distance and NOT hang out from COVID-19 and are “Expecting” another lockdown soon.
Also WHY wasn’t BOTH ladies wearing MASKS!?
Like the rest of us are FORCED to?
If your man Biden comes in he gonna fine you? if you don’t. So the JOGGER as well as the “White” looking lady are both commiting a CRIME! Cause not wear a MASK is rude to Cuomo (he don’t want to get sick…he’s got one foot in the grave as it is being a “targeted” boomer!)
Also since EVERYONE nowadays are unemployed and no more free dough/checks (Thanks to your home girl Pelosi), why did the jogger spend the little money she had to come to a neighborhood that all news media reports isn’t her home neighborhood? Money for gas, or MTA could of been spend for lunch or RENT….?
Why spend money to get to someone else’s neighborhood to JOG?
Can’t she do that in her hood or a local park for FREE? ???
P.S. BLM founder & leader admitted that their TRAINED MARXISTS and the Chinese Comunist Party is the one funding them. Google Dailymail uk to find the truth.
Oh and here’s a time line for the forgetful types:
***in 2019 Trump found out China was stealing$$$ on tarifs and such imports/exports and wanted them to pay America a fair rate. So 2019 was a trade war between US and China!
That’s when bans started cause they China didn’t want to pay. Then China caught/made Covid but WE didn’t know cause Pelosi n Crew was immpeaching the Pres.
***In late 2019 the Dems didn’t want the impeachment to end so they stalled and went on vacay.
Pelosi didn’t send the notes til mid January.
So when you say Pres too slow on Covid blame Stalling Pelosi. Cause in on open and shut case She costs us months in impeachment processes that they did behind closed doors and stated with her pal shummer that the American people wants don’t count! (google it)
*** We found out about Covid from a Chinese doctor that risked his life to inform us of back in late Febuary. China said he died.
– But as anyone knows from chinese refuges found through out the city the Chinese Government will SILENCE those that oppse them (Google Red Tiananmen Square).
***The CDC & Who with Fauci SAID it was HARMLESS just WASH YOUR HANDS!
***In 1 month they changed their minds and “suggested” masks.
— Governor Gavin bought $400 million in masks and the goverment big wigs dumped their stocks BEFORE we were Lockdown & the stockmarket took a nose dive.
Doctors across the globe admit to playing GOD and on death certificates put Covid on everything to drive up the numbers the European news media uncovered this and the Doctors stated that more died from other things than Covid.
But mask are now mandatory to shop ANY WHERE on the GLOBE! Except joggers in others neighborhoods it seems??!
If your tired of a one globe order where HATE is a new norm. Stop letting China’s Government rule you! Even the fist raised is THEIR & Hitlers Salute!
Race baiting clickbait. Could have said, Drunk Woman Hurls Bottle and Racial Slurs at Jogger Lets fuel the fires of unrest some more why don’t you? When a person of color assaults someone please include their race in the headlines as well
It was a racially motivated hate crime therefore race is a factor, that’s why it’s addressed as such. She was not “drunk” she was a racist white woman triggered in the presence of a black woman. Instead of downplaying the issue maybe you should spend more time questioning why you choose to defend a racist.
Go on the Sunnysidepost Their the rasist “white” woman’s NEIGHBORS. Who known her for YEARS said she is a known COLUMBIAN immagrant who has MENTAL issues and LIVES at Woodside NACHA.
Soo…BEFORE you spread your HATE to make racial divide stronger…GET YOUR FACTS -STRAIGHT-!!!!