Dec. 8, 2016 Staff Report
A two-family house located at 25-18 32nd Street is likely to be transformed into a six-story mixed use building, according to records filed with the building department yesterday.
The developer, Astoria 28 LLC, filed plans to enlarge the existing structure, increasing its height from 24 feet to 59 feet.
According to building records, the developer purchased the property in February of 2015 for $1.35 million, and plans to build healthcare office space and two large apartments.
The offices will be on the first and second floors, and will cover 3,090 square feet.
Each residential unit will span several floors, according to the filed plans, and the two will cover 4,632 square feet.
The expansion of the building will take about two years, according to the developer.
I dont like it maaaaaan.
All the city Council people do absolutely nothing for a Storia and stopping all of these buildings going up enough is enough it must stop now all they were interested in is in the money not the neighborhood anymore
I thought the new zoning was going to prevent this kind of out-of-scale monstrosity. It’s going to look awful, and probably cause the surrounding buildings to drop in value.