May 15, 2014 By Christian Murray
An upscale Italian restaurant is opening on the Hunters Point waterfront that will include an outdoor patio area with sweeping views of Manhattan.
The restaurant will be owned, in part, by Rocco Sacramone, the owner and head chef at the acclaimed Astoria eatery Trattoria L’incontro, who spoke at a Community Board 2 committee meeting Wednesday.
The restaurant, which has yet to be named, will be 8,000 square feet and will seat 178 in the dining area, 26 at the bar and about 60 in the patio area. That patio area faces the back of the Pepsi sign and out onto the East River.
Trattoria L’incontro, which opened at 21-76 31st Ave. in Astoria in 1999, is among the highest ranked Italian restaurants in New York City, according Zagat. The restaurant is known for its high-end pasta dishes and wine selection.
Sacramone said that the menu at the Center Boulevard location will be very similar to his Astoria restaurant.
Sacramone said he selected Hunters Point as a place to open a second restaurant since it is a vibrant area and is close to his existing restaurant.
Sacramone, an Astoria resident, has two business partners, Robert Briskin and Tommy Demaras, both of whom live in Hunters Point.
The new restaurant is expected to open by the end of the year.
One Comment
It’s great that they are opening an additional restaurant and with spectacular views. However, it would be even better if the kitchen did not wear LATEX gloves when preparing the food. I have inquired in their existing restaurant Trattoria L’incontro and the manager assured me that they do indeed wear latex gloves in the kitchen. So unfortunately my mother who has a severe latex allergy is unable to
For those reading this and are now aware of the severity of a latex allergy – People with latex allergies are not able to eat in establishments that prepare anything within their kitchen and prep areas with latex gloves because this can create anaphylaxis reaction that could be fatal. This not only goes for this particular restaurant scheduled to open, but ALL restaurants within the 5 boroughs. The health dept law is to wear gloves when prepping and cooking food, however, the law should be amended that all establishments should be using LATEX-FREE Gloves at all times.