The two suspects police are searching for in connection to a Feb. 6 robbery (DCPI)
Feb. 8, 2019 Staff Report
A man was robbed at knifepoint near Steinway Street earlier this week by a pair of thieves who used his bank card to withdraw more than $100 in cash, according to police.
The 38-year-old victim was near 41st Street and 34th Avenue on Feb. 6 when the two unidentified men approached him at around 1:15 a.m. and took out a knife, police said.
The two then forcibly stole the victim’s ATM card from his wallet, and demanded his pin to access the account.
The pair later made two unauthorized transactions that totaled about $106, police said. It is unclear when the purchases were made.
The 38-year-old was not injured as a result of the robbery.
Anyone with information on the case should contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-8477, or text CRIMES and then enter TIP577, or visit www.nypdcrimestoppers.com.
Even if the police catches these guys today, Deblasio will let them out tomorrow.
Deblasio does let anyone out or in. Yes, you don’t like Deblasio but comment like this just make you look dumb.
What none of you C.H.U.Ds seem to get is that this happened at 1:15a. Newsflash, a-holes, after 10p rolls around and the dinner crowd retires to their apartments, the City goes into night-mode and there’s no neighborhood that’s 100% safe (and I’ve lived in most of the nice ones, across multiple administrations). Crime isn’t up, the City doesn’t resemble Escape From New York, and ‘de Blasio hasn’t joined MS-13. It’s just an unfortunate event for the victim, who happened to be out at an hour where this kind of thing is more likely.
Nice job Victim Blaming!!!
Only two years ago this guy is busted for stealing tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars (way more than $200) and the comments are mild compared to here on this post. Not a single person blames the mayor or talks about neighborhood crime going up.
Hmmm, wonder what is so different.
All you privileged white people think you guys are better than everyone. If you think crime is up in Astoria then you’re a moron. Learn to understand the system first. Crime is at an all time low. Check out NYPD’s compstats. Many of you people complain about the gangs and bad kids in the neighborhood, well guess what they’re not from other neighborhoods, They’re your own damn kids!
People like you are the problem. How do you know that the people complaining on here are all white? Astoria is very diversified. You’re an idiot!
Preach brother!
Really?!?! My Mets won the NL East title in 1986 AND 1988. If the 1980’s are “making a strong comeback” I can’t wait!
What is the matter with all the haters?
Bless us, everyone.
I couldn’t agree more with you Larry, astoria has changed dramatically since de Blasio, is done so much damage to our city, .
Crime is not predictable ! But a curfew, can keep some of the youths off the street’s!!
Crime is not predictable ! But a curfew, can keep some of youths off the street’s!!
I’m glad the man was okay and not seriously hurt – except emotionally, because now he’s going to be looking over his shoulder – which is a horrible way to live! How can Mayor DeButthead and the P.C. say crime is down EVERY YEAR?? No matter what the crime – rape, assault or robbery, it’s still a crime against an innocent person that can devastate them for life!
It is still down over the last 20 years. Are you saying it is not down?
Which crimes? Felonies or minor crime? What data are you looking at?
There are millions of more people in NYC than decades ago yet serious crimes have steadily decreased. How can you find a way to complain about this?!?!?!?
Yes, there is still work to do, but my god. What do you people except? Do you want the world to be free of every single crime within the year?
I’m sorry but the rent is too damn high in Astoria with all these implants moving in. If it takes a few petty crimes or shootings to get that down, I’m with it!
Be careful what you wish for because (God forbid) you or one of your loved ones could end up as the next victim.
This mayor’s policies are taking us back to the grimy days of NYC
Soo true thiS mayor doesn’t Ghiberti a damn about Saftey at all
They keep saying on tv that crime is down but it sure doesn’t look that way
Agreed, this single crime proves that crime is up all across a city of 8 million people
I wish it was only this single crime but unfortunately I’m starting to see crime happening more frequently lately.
Did you report it to police?
Less enforcement = Less crimes reported. Deblasio’s smoke and mirrors
Very true!
This is what happens when you take away Stop and Frisk. People getting shot in the head at Jackson Heights train station in broad daylight and getting robbed at knifepoint in Astoria.
Deblasio abolished Stop & Frisk and decriminalized many quality of life crimes such as writing graffiti, drinking/urinating in the street, jumping turnstiles, etc. This has produced ARTIFICIALLY LOW crime stats because cops are making less arrests. Hey, criminals love it!!
What would stop and frisk do in this case? They are saying knifepoint but it could be a swiss army knife for all we know. While I agree stop and frisk keeps criminals on their toes, and it is effective, and I support it 100%, but in this case it’s hard to tell.
How is racial profiling effective?
it violates our 4th amendment
Both unconstitutional and Ineffective.
they can smoke weed and urinate in public not pay subway or bus fare without so much as a slap on the wrist. Quality of life crimes lead to bigger crimes. But Mayor McSleaze is in bed with developers and special interest groups. yeah we need more Pre K
The earlier kids go to school the more successful they are . I’m not sure why you keep bashing pre-k for all but it’s probably because your mind is like “ it’s free, that means it’s socialism , socialism bad “. You should stop acting like a Catholic and be nicer to people .
I should be nicer to people while you espouse anti-Catholic ideas??? Putting kids in nothing more than glorified day care at the expense of taxpayers while quality of life crimes are ignored isn’t socialism-it’s called stupidity. Your misguided notion that these children will become overachievers is hysterical. I realize you have fond memories of the 2nd grade-both times you attended. The mayor’s indifference to quality of life crimes has spurred on these criminals. Enjoy the view from your ivory tower
Maybe you should read up on how it didn’t work or how crime was way , was worse .
It’s like you people use every crime to say “ look look! Crime is going up “ without even posting the data showing the trend . Yes it went up from a second before the crime . Did it go up over 10 years ? Did it go up over 20 years ? What are you using as your start date ?
Did no one take statistics in college in this comments section ? It’s like debating children .
Naw. Stop and frisk was unconstitutional. DiBlasio just stopped the city from paying millions of dollars just to lose in court, not to mention all the damages that would have been paid those who were illegally stopped.
Deblasio City! The 1980’s are making a STRONG comeback!
Great! Makes me feel younger just thinking about it.
Sounds good to me, maybe then my family and I could afford to buy a house instead of living in a split apart single family home. Want reasonably priced housing? Make NYC less desirable since nobody supports high-density high-rises.
Is The Cure going back on tour?!