The white 2-door Mercedes Benz coupe and 8th Street facing north (NYPD and Google Maps)
July 30, 2020 By Michael Dorgan
Police are searching for a suspect who carried out a drive-by shooting near the Astoria Houses NYCHA complex in June.
Police said the shooter was inside a white Mercedes Benz coupe in the vicinity of Astoria Boulevard and 8th Street on June 29 at around 11:35 a.m.
The suspect fired off one shot before speeding off in the vehicle in a northbound direction along 8th Street.
There were no injuries reported as a result of the incident and the investigation is ongoing, police said.
A photograph of the Mercedes used in the shooting has been released.
Why no license plate in the rear of the car? The camera could have caught it.
Because of the pandemic and unemployment, they could not afford to register the car and pay for plates, insurance even though they were able to buy a Mercedes coupe. AOC says people rob, mug, shoot people because they need to buy bread, pay for utilities and rent. Keep voting Democrats Astoria. Let’s see how bad it gets!
Agreed, Trump’s response caused the worst economy and joblessness in the history of the US. Let’s blame Democrats.
What kind of poor, unemployed, needy person buys a Mercedes coupe and shoots people in the middle of the street? A drug dealer or a recently unemployed waiter? I am %100 sure he is not a Trump supporter though and against the police. Let’s blame Trump.
These are criminals. Why would they leave the plates on? Check the projects for the suspects. happy summer!