May 12, 2016 By Jackie Strawbridge
Kelly’s Bar is slated to get some new neighbors.
Developers are planning a six-story, 10-unit residential development next to the well-known local bar on the corner of Crescent Street and 31st Avenue. Construction permits for the new development at 23-60 31st Ave. were filed with the Department of Buildings on Wednesday.
Calvin Danzig of Danzig Realty purchased the property for $1.65 million in early March, according to Department of Finance documents. Demolition plans for the existing two-story house were filed on April 29.
Danzig said that they have not decided whether the building will be rental or condos, but that it will be on the luxury market. There will be nine one-bedrooms and one two-bedroom apartment.
He said that it’s too early to name many building amenities, but there will be high-end features such as extra tall showers, and tenants will have a lamp-lit shared backyard.
“I think that whole general area in Astoria is a fantastic location,” Danzig said. “It somewhat reminds me of when I was in Europe, with all the cafes, restaurants and so on.”
“It’s just illuminated,” he added. “I think it’s one of the better areas in all the boroughs.”
Danzig estimates that demolition will start in about a month. He hopes to have the building complete in early 2017.
Pretty soon the streets will be packed with people and cars like midtown. These new buildings better have underground car garage or I will put orange cones on the street to save me a parking space!
Nothing illegal is going on here. I am sure the sellers are happy and the new buyers are looking to make a profit. Which person is going to buy an old house like this one in Astoria for 1.65 million and just live in it. Astoria is good for renting. The renters keep on coming and are willing to pay a good amount of money for something new. Unless, there is a major change in our economy or our building laws change this will be an on going trend throughout the city.
I am sure the past homeowner is very happy with the $1.65 million they got. If it was not for these developers/buyers this old home would of sold for much much less. Nowadays, with the amount of money homeowners are paying in taxes, insurance, heating/water/ bills etc. and the amount of money it takes with permits to maintain/update an older home it is not worth it to buy an older home unless you are prepared to make major renovations and suit renters to help with costs when it is more that a one family.
As someone who has renovated and lived in both older and newer homes, you have a far greater chance of getting a safe, energy efficient, well designed space with a modern home. New houses, if honestly inspected, are far better, more energy efficient. In any older house you do not have ANY idea of what it looks like when you take the walls off.
lived here all my life, and my two family house is being overwhelmed with high. buildings. It is no more a small , close neighborhood. Years ago we weren’t even mentioned on the news. People were moving out, not they regret that they moved. I feel my grandfather who was the original owner of my house in 1926 is rolling over in his grave. All I can say these developers will not get my house unless my son will sell when I am gone.I hope my house still stands for a fourth generation.
As a homeowner in the area and with new construction being inevitable, I rather the new development is build to suit the “luxury market” than some Affordable housing unit. Keep the Affordable Housing Apts near the Ditmars/20th Ave area (plenty of unused space in that area).
“F” you pal !!! We like our space on ditmars. Stay in your cockaroach infested over populated neighborhood and leave Ditmars alone
Couldn’t they build something more in line with the low “rise” symmetry of that block? Radically dissimilar architecture and structures lacking any type of uniformity are eyesores and distasteful. Just imagine a six story building wedged between that old structure housing the bar and the brick three family three story structure. It creates a street that looks muddled.
I agree. I thought the zoning changes had eliminated those “pencil” buildings between lower-rise buildings. It’s going to look ugly, which also makes the surrounding real estate less desirable.
The “luxury” tenants will probably try and get rid of Kelly’s eventually too.
I hate to be one of those “get off my lawn” guys, especially since I’m only in my late 30’s…but I’ve lived in the area my entire life, and this continuing replacement of lower density residential with higher density residential sucks.
They keep on building, yet there are no services being added – no extra bus service on 21st street, no extra school seats to keep up with demand, and so forth.
Kelly’s is the bar me and my husband met. 20 years ago. We used to do liquid lunches over there together ;D
We don’t need more of these fake “luxury” buildings with their extra luxurious rents – especially once the economy crashes after the election.
The advantages of demolishing old building for new modern structures are far more advantageous than keeping the old ones. There is dire crisis for space to live in many cities such as NYC. By replacing old structures with bigger buildings, we can provide home for more people occupying the same area of land.
I really think it’s more about greed, especially when the new structure a higher-market building put up by outside realtors.
Demolishing old buildings also destroys the historical texture of the neighborhood. This is why I don’t choose to live in the new LIC or midtown. Old buildings can be renovated i.e. recycled, and even expanded. This one looks hideous superficially, but it has a classic turn of the century cornice that is going to be lost. We lose these things bit by bit, and then suddenly the street looks like a mall (with above market rents).
The new buildings are not priced for everyone, these new constructions are moving out the long time residents there is no low income housing. Astoria is getting over run and over populated. Which brings more noise, garbage and crime.
A lot of people complain that low income housing brings crime. I can never keep track.
Is it rich people or poor people that brings crime?
understood Deb, but… not with the prices they charge for rent…
$1.65 mil is a lot of money for a regular 25×100 lot with a teardown house.