30-90 Steinway St., Astoria
Dec. 2, 2019 By Kristen Torres
Plans were filed late last month for a new, mixed-use building at 30-90 Steinway St. in Astoria.
The six-story building, which will house five apartment units along with commercial space, is proposed to replace a tiny, single-level storefront at the location. Plans for the new construction were filed with the Department of Buildings on Nov 22.
The entire structure will be 69 feet tall, with 6,696 square feet of available space; 812 square feet will be used for commercial space on the first floor, while the other 5,884 square feet will comprise the building’s apartment units.
Plans for the narrow structure reveal each floor — from the second to the sixth — will house a single apartment, with a duplex apartment being built on the top level.
The building will be located between 30th and 31st Avenues — seven blocks away from the N/W at the 30th Street subway station and a similar distance to the R train on Steinway.
Steinway Equities has owned the property since 1999, according to City records. The current storefront was erected in 1930.
I sympathize with you Angela. Imagine investing to buy a home in a quiet part of town and years later it gets overcrowded and unbearable. Now you have to move. Which is difficult and to find a new job in another state wont be easy. On the bright side you will be able to sell your home for more and buy more in that new state.
Costa must have gotten a nice fat envelope for this one
He didn’t.
Pat Macnamaracist is completely wrong again.
Great for Steinway street. Need some new buildings and bring back foot traffic to Steinway street.
Another development in the works that is going to be overpriced. An apartment complex on Steinway where parking is already atrocious. Will parking spots be factored in or will that be an additional expense?
Since you live in a city, maybeditch your stupid car and take public transportation like everyone else.
I am a resident of Astoria for over 45 years now and seen the changes over the years. All for the worse! However, apts in Steinway is actually a great idea because of the high rents for store fronts. Got to nice with the times!
Wow, 45 years and all for the worse. Yet for some reason you are still hear.
Maybe after like 20 years of things getting worse other people would have moved.
Where do you expect him to go after, probably, living majority of his life here? The changes he’s talking about just started 5-7 years ago.
Go anyplace. There is an entire world to see.
Most companies are international and have options to work overseas.
Lower crime rates are such a travesty, huh?
I remember when you could not walk around 33rd and Ditmars without risk of being stabbed, shot or mugged. Astoria used to be mean streets and anyone who grew up here knows this. Therefore, this Jim Cudsk is being dishonest. He has not lived here for 45 years. Not by a long shot. Anyone who has knows how dangerous this place was, and if you want to return to that garbage something is wrong with your head.
Lol, “here”. I went to that LIC school with the predator Math teacher.
Those apartments will be small and narrow and cost big bucks to buy or rent. Sad!
Steinway is looking like a ghost town. What happened, business owners get some stores like TJ Maxx like on ditmars. Stores like Lord & Taylor outlet, etc. Not nail and coffee shops. Don’t you think we have enough of them.
More ‘affordable’ housing?
Can you imagine telling your friends that you live in a duplex, only for them to find out it’s on Steinway Street. How embarrassing!
Enough development already
“Where have all the Good Stores Gone,
Long Time Passing
Where have all the Utility Stores Gone
Long Time Ago
Where have all the Food Stores Gone
Gone to Development Everyone……..”
People need places to live. Would you rather have that one story building wasting space or an empty store. People want condos to buy, restaurants, coffee shops, craft beer and a place to work out. Other than that, the rest has seen its day.
to John – Sure people need places to live but, all that’s built is for the well-off. What about the rest of us? And don’t you dare tell us to move.
If you can’t afford to live here, goodbye.
Stock Market Investors are expecting a 2020 recession. Housing bubble burst. The rich are already repeating the 2008 fiasco and committing suicide. Check the news. Or your local investor rags such as Forbes, The Real Deal, The Investor, Wall Street Journal News, to name a few. Where you gonna funding to push US out? Your BROKE and depending on others to fund your fantasy playhouses! Oh and China’s already in deep doo doo from We Works. Read & Educate yourselves before you make your selves sound dumber than everyone knows you are. Oh and your parents aren’t going to fund it either, their broke too & dreading the future. Look on the bright side you managed to kill your families stability resources with your greed before you killed our plant with all you construction toys and life size hot wheels. Breeth deep the smog & smoke are yours. Oh and Your smokes were reported yesterday to cause cancer to your yoyo, but you “hip kids” don’t like kids so it’s cool! BYE!
Don’t start sentences with a conjunction such as “or” and go on to state that people sound dumb.
Ok, what about the rest of you.
What is your plan? Not build. Will not building anything lower the rent. You can not force developers to take a loss to build low income housing. The only way to do that is fund it through government programs.
What is your suggestion? I never hear anyone offer a realistic solution.
I’m not saying to not build at all but come on, I’ve been here since I was born…I’m 32 now and it is ridiculous! There are new developments going up left and right which means more people which means it will take 2 hours instead of one to run an errand on ditmars or steinway. It is too overpopulated and on top of it all everyone seems to have 2 cars each these days. It’s simply too much too soon. Astoria isn’t at all what it use to be. After 32 years I finally considered to move out of the city because of this. So, I’m literally forced to move because it’s too much. I have to leave my home of 32 years because all these developers see is dollar signs but they dont have to actually live here so they dont care that we suffer.
And to add one more thing to my comment (short story lol) since june I have listened to the beeping of a bulldozer nonstop from 6:40 am – 4:00 pm and have had my home shake from the not secure metal floor plates, all while pregnant and trying to remain stress free. It is impossible, our peace has been stolen. I hear the beeping even when there not there anymore. So I dont care about these greedy developers and about making housing for people. I’m at the point where it’s like Astoria is full go find somewhere else to live!!!!!!! K I’m done lol
Developers build because there is demand.Where are you going to move with no development? Nothing is what it used to be. Do you know of any unchanged places? I do, they are rural with not jobs.
Astoria has become a vibrate cultural community that is a destination for movie shoots and restaurants with a good school system. People can live wherever they want. You are in no position to tell other people Astoria is full.
By all means let’s limit the construction of new housing so we can preserve neighborhood gems like [checks notes] Jewel-Licious and uh… GNC.
No more development! Please save jewel-licious, a neighborhood icon!