Assembly Member Aravella Simotas (Photo: Courtesy of AM Simotas)
Dec. 11, 2019 By Michael Dorgan
A bill to reform the way the state enforces new regulatory measures was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday.
The new law requires state agencies to first assess the impact new regulations will have on small businesses as well as help them better adjust to the changes.
Sponsored by Astoria Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas, the law aims to improve the lack of regulatory guidance and increase awareness of rule changes.
“It is my hope that with this new law, small businesses can breathe a sigh of relief because they will be given a fair chance to comply with new regulations,” Simotas said.
“These efforts are an important step in the right direction to provide the necessary support and guidance our small businesses need.”
Simotas introduced the legislation in response to frequent concerns she heard from restaurant owners struggling to avoid overly aggressive enforcement of new regulations which are often implemented without proper guidance, often resulting in numerous fines.
“As a daughter of small business owners who helped my parents operate their delicatessen, I remember the difficulty of keeping up with, and interpreting countless new and existing regulations set by state agencies without much guidance,” Simotas said.
“It angers me to hear that many local businesses encountered the same problem and that some of my favorite local restaurants have been trampled with fines for not understanding new regulatory measures. We need to do right by our small businesses and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.”
State agencies will now have to describe how they intend to communicate the new requirements and give due consideration to the practical, legal and fiscal constraints that may affect the ability of these entities to implement new regulatory requirements.
The new law is set to take effect in 120 days.
How about putting forth a bill that would require for every new regulation 2 old ones would have to be removed from the books just like Trump did….it did wonders for national unemployment and business investment
That was never enforced and he’s facing a lawsuit for it. Are you really that gullible?
According to The Weekly Standard’s Peter J. Boyer, writing in October 2017, “The government has added an average of 13,000 new restrictions annually for the past 20 years. Under Trump, the number of new regulations is near zero.”
Right, it hasn’t been enforced once.
And I agree with you, the government has ground to a halt.
Critical agencies are at risk. The “1 for 2” thing is so clearly arbitrary and stupid. That applies across ALL regulations everywhere?! They’re all interchangeable?
You’re ACTUALLY gullible enough to believe that. Your little red hat’s on too tight.
not having 13k regulations a year has freed up the economy…unemployment at record lows….stock market at record highs….consumer confidence at an all time high with best black friday ever….can’t wait for 2020 elections….see ya at the polls!!
Yes, unemployment fell STEEPLY under Obama, and continues
And yes, the economy BOOMED under Obama, and continues
It has NEVER BEEN ENFORCED so “not having 13k regulations a year has freed up the economy” is completely wrong. It has been disproved time and time again.
But don’t go against the groupthink! Keep licking daddy’s boots.
Because Trump’s idea was a complete PR stunt.
Regulations aren’t inherently good or bad. More regulations do not mean things are better and less regulations means things are good. Does the regulation correct the situation it is trying to fix?
Two Boeing crashed because regulations were not followed.
That said, if there is going to be a regulation, there should be an App or a customer service person that can answer all questions for free.