Screenshot via CNN
Sept. 28, 2018 By Tara Law
An Astoria woman topped newsfeeds today after she confronted Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator as he was approaching a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Astoria resident Ana Maria Archila, the co-executive director from the Center for Popular Democracy, teamed up with another woman to approach Flake this morning and demand that he explain his decision to back Kavanaugh, who stands accused of sexually assaulting Dr. Christine Blasey Ford when she was a teen.
Flake, of Arizona, is considered to be one of the more moderate Republican Senators, and was visibly disturbed as he listened to Ford’s emotional testimony yesterday. But Flake said earlier today that he intended to vote to confirm Kavanaugh.
On the way to the judicial hearing, however, Flake’s elevator was held up by Archila and another woman, Maria Gallagher.
“What you are doing is allowing someone— who actually violated a woman— to sit in the Supreme Court,” said Archila.
“This is not tolerable,” she added. “You have children in your family. Think about them. I have two children— I cannot imagine that for the next 50 years they have to have someone in the Supreme Court who has been accused of violating a young girl. What are you doing, sir?”
Gallagher interjected, telling Flake that she felt he was acting as if women’s pain is irrelevant.
“I was sexually assaulted and no one believed me,” said Gallagher. “I didn’t tell anyone and you’re telling all women that they don’t matter, that they should just stay quiet because if they you what happened to them you’re going to ignore them.”
Gallagher then demanded that Flake, “Look at me and tell me that it doesn’t matter.”
Archila asked Flake repeatedly whether he believed Kavanaugh’s testimony.
“Senator Flake, do you think that Brett Kavanaugh is telling the truth?” Archila said. “Do you think that he’s able to hold the pain of this country and repair it? That is the work of justice. The way that justice works is, you recognize hurt, you take responsibility for it and then you try to repair it.”
Flake thanked both women for speaking with him and told them that he needed to get to the hearing.
At the hearing, Flake voted to advance said Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Senate, but said that he would not vote to confirm Kavanaugh unless the Senate permitted an FBI probe.
“This country is being ripped apart here, and we’ve got to make sure that we do due diligence,” Flake said.
Now settle down all you soy-boy kiddies because Judge Kavanaugh IS getting confirmed this week. There is nothing you can do about it. Period. No amount of snowflake whining is going to change reality. See ya when it’s time to replace Ginsberg. #MAGA
“I don’t believe in Elvis
I don’t believe in Zimmerman
I don’t believe in Beatles”…
I don’t believe all women should be believed.
I don’t believe all men are sexual predators.
I don’t believe Christine Blasey Fraud.
I don’t believe Brett Kavanaugh.
I don’t believe Republican.
I don’t believe Democrap.
I don’t believe (everybody’s) President Trump.
I don’t believe (“Chinese spy”) Feinstein.
“The dream is over” for all you fragile soy boys.
Time to withdraw to mommy’s basement… AGAIN!
Would you let a drunken Brape Kavanaugh over to come play Devil’s Triangle with your daughter?
Awww, look at this old troll mangle a John Lennon song. So cute! “I’m Varzanes, and I’m an original thinker –deet-deet-deetidoo..” #adorbs
No one asked…
Yeah , nope … you’re not fragile at all . Just yelling at no one in particular on the internet .
i believe nothing
Motion for Cloture filed. Full vote imminent. Judge Kavanaugh to be confirmed soon. #MAGA. As mentioned earlier on this board, Ginsberg next! Yes, we will.
Question for Astoria Snowflakes: What do you think would happen if Kavanaugh is not appointed or withdraws? Do you think Trump would then nominate a libtard that you approve of? Don’t hold your breath. LOLLLLLL
Why did Kavanaugh lie so many times in his testimony?
* Kavanaugh lied about coordinating a defense to Ramirez’s story before it was published with some friends of his from Yale.
* “I never attended a gathering like the one Dr. Ford describes in her allegation,” — Lie. his own calendars reference such gatherings
* “Dr. Ford’s allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there” — Lie. The people in question never refuted it.
* Kavanaugh said he has never been so drunk that he couldn’t remember what happened the next day. — Lie. Multiple people have now described him as being frequently stumbling drunk in high school and college.
* “The drinking age was 18 in Maryland for most of my time in high school…I drank beer with my friends.” — Lie. There was not a single day during his entire time in high school when it was legal for him to drink.
* In Mark Judge’s memoir, he refers to a “Bart O’Kavanaugh” throwing up in a car. Sen. Pat Leahy asked, “Is that you that he’s talking about?” Kavanaugh dodged the question.
* His yearbook refers to him as “Beach Week Ralph Club — Biggest Contributor.” — Beach Week is a yearly bacchanal of drinking, drugs, and sex that D.C.-area prep school kids engage in. Kavanaugh lied that all that was being memorialized was the fact that “I’m known to have a weak stomach”
* Kavanaugh claimed that “Devil’s Triangle,” was actually a drinking game. — Lie. It refers to a threesome with two men and one woman.
* “Boofing” referred to flatulence. — Lie. It refers to anal sex or the practice of taking drugs as suppositories.
* Multiple references to him being “Renate alumni,” referring to a young woman from a nearby school, were not sexual boasting and slut-shaming. — Lie. One of his classmates included a poem: “You need a date / and it’s getting late / so don’t hesitate / to call Renate.”
* “I got into Yale Law School…I had no connections there. I got there by busting my tail in college.” — Lie. He went to an elite prep school with other children of wealth and influence, he got into Yale as a legacy, his grandfather went there
* “I grew up in a city plagued by gun violence and gang violence and drug violence,” — Lie. He grew up in Bethesda, Md., a wealthy suburb where there is almost no gun violence or gang violence.
* Kavanaugh “never suspected anything untoward” in the information he was given by a Republican Senate staffer who stole Democratic documents — Lie. It contained references to confidential information about Democrats’ internal discussions and strategy that they had no legitimate access to.
* He claimed to have no knowledge of the sexually explicit jokes, comments and emails by Alex Kozinski. Lie. “I do not know how it would be possible to forget something as pervasive as Kozinski’s famously sexual sense of humor or his gag list”
Hey, look everybody—it’s a troll! Hiiiii, troll! What conservative nonsense are you gonna spew online today, troll?
Marco Polo- No, Trump would just get another like minded traitor, just like himself to fill Kavanaughs spot. Typical Trump loyalty oath will be administered, this way when Trump is served a subpoena he could refuse the subpoena, bring the case before the the stacked Supreme Court. After Trump wins the case he can then go onto pardoning the corrupt and treasonous behavior of himself family cronies and friends. Trump will extend these pardons to his criminal enterprises. He will be just like the oligarchs he admires so especially his lord and master Putin.
Marco Polo , got to agree with you that most of them are snowflakes and funded by Soros.
Hey! I have a great idea. Kavanaugh is small potatoes (Dan Quayle spelling?). Let’s investigate Keith Ellison who actually virulently abuses women currently! No? Why not? Just ’cause he’s a Democrat? Cue: Slick Willie, JFK, RFK, LBJ. ‘Nuff said.
Is Keith Ellison being considered for a place on the supreme court? Or is this just a desperate whataboutism?
So by your logic being a sitting Congressman and Deputy Chair of the DNC isn’t high enough to warrant (no pun intended) an investigation for sexual improprieties? Sounds like selective prosecution to me.
Agreed, Keith Ellison is NOT being considered for a place on the supreme court so this IS just a desperate whataboutism.
Just look at this troll doing all the online troll things! It’s so cute!
Marco – You don’t need to go all the way back to 60’s to find a horny politician, Senator Packwood and Roy Moore will foot the bill.
CNN doxxed Ford’s ex-boyfriend when he revealed some unpleasant information about “Dr.” Ford. No surprise from the official media arm of the DNC. Astoria Snowflakes: YOU. WILL. LEARN. TO. THINK. CORRECTLY.
Marco- You broke the case wide open.
How come Juanita Broderick never got this much attention for a real sexual crime?
Oh! A what-about-ism misdirect! So cool!
Did anyone else see the part where she alleged to have made a cell phone call IN 1982? Lmaoooo. Why is the MSM not talking about her “best friend” the retired FBI agent that is connected to Strzok ? Or her brothers connections to all this? Huh?
As Margot Cleveland, Esq., Professor at Notre Dame has so succinctly said: “..Ford’s allegations are devoid of credibility…and does not even meet the preponderance of the evidence standard.” And this was even before the new polygraph coaching news surfaced today. There will be plenty of celebratory wine flowing by the end of this week here in Trumpkin land kiddies because Judge Kavanaugh WILL be confirmed. But don’t cry into your overpriced lattes just yet, because RBG is getting a little long in the tooth and Amy Coney Barrett needs a place to sit. #MAGAAAAAAAAAAA
You should invite a drunken Brape Kavanaugh over to come play Devil’s Triangle with YOUR daughter? I mean what’s the harm?
Margot Cleveland…. senior contributor to ‘The Federalist’, a conservative rag. *VERY CREDITABLE AND IMPARTIAL REFERENCE*
Trump defended Roy Moore after charges sexual molestation of teenage girls
Trump defended former staff secretary Rob Porter who allegedly abused his ex-wives
Trump defended Roger Ailes after the sexual harassment charges
Trump defended Bill O’Reilly after the sexual harassment charges
…and now Trump is defending Kavanaugh. Odd.
If you want to notice patterns, check out what Hillary has covered up for an actual rapist.
“WHAT ABOUT HILLARY?” is the usual refrain when Trumpeters can’t refute an argument.
She lost, get over it.
Ahh the truth slowly coming out is so refreshing… Now the second door wasn’t an escape hatch after all but a way to make extra cash renting the space… she had a memory jolt in 2012 when rumor had it that Romney if elected would nominate Brett to the SC and then she forgot all about it until 2018 when Trump did so… She was unfaithful in a relationship and fraudulently used the dudes credit cards… No wonder her social media accounts were scrubbed. Face it, you snowflakes picked the high school ‘ho to try and destroy a decent man and it’s all gonna collapse on ya. He will be appointed and the circus you created just might cost you heavily in the midterms. #MAGA
Agreed, now that we’re hearing about what a belligerent drunk Kavanaugh was in high school and all the truth coming out it’s refreshing to know what a liar he is.
* Kavanaugh and people working with him were coordinating a defense to Ramirez’s story before it was published with some friends of his from Yale. He lied about this in the interview.
* “I never attended a gathering like the one Dr. Ford describes in her allegation,” — but his own calendars reference such gatherings
“Dr. Ford’s allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there” — Lie. The people in question never refuted it.
* Kavanaugh said he has never been so drunk that he couldn’t remember what happened the next day. — Multiple people have now described him as being frequently stumbling drunk in high school and college. “He frequently drank to excess”, “I know because I frequently drank to excess with him”, “I definitely saw him on multiple occasions stumbling drunk where he could not have rational control over his actions or clear recollection of them.”
* “The drinking age was 18 in Maryland for most of my time in high school…I drank beer with my friends.” — False. The drinking age in Maryland was raised to 21 in 1982 (when Kavanaugh was 17). There was not a single day during his entire time in high school when it was legal for him to drink.
* In Mark Judge’s memoir of his time in high school, he refers to a “Bart O’Kavanaugh” throwing up in a car. Sen. Pat Leahy asked, “Is that you that he’s talking about?” to which Kavanaugh got indignant and accused Leahy of trying to “make fun of some guy who has an addiction” (meaning Judge)
* His yearbook refers to him as “Beach Week Ralph Club — Biggest Contributor.” — Beach Week is a yearly bacchanal of drinking, drugs, and sex that D.C.-area prep school kids engage in with little or no adult supervision, but Kavanaugh claims that all that was being memorialized was the fact that “I’m known to have a weak stomach and I always have … whether it’s with beer or with spicy food or anything.”
* Kavanaugh claimed that “Devil’s Triangle,” was actually a drinking game similar to quarters. — Lie. It refers to a threesome with two men and one woman
* “boofing” referred not to one of its two common meanings — anal sex or the practice of taking drugs as suppositories — but to flatulence.
* Multiple references to him being “Renate alumni,” referring to a young woman from a nearby school, were not sexual boasting and slut-shaming — Lie. One of his classmates included a poem: “You need a date / and it’s getting late / so don’t hesitate / to call Renate.”
* “I got into Yale Law School…I had no connections there. I got there by busting my tail in college.” — Lie. He went to an elite prep school with other children of wealth and influence, he got into Yale as a legacy, his grandfather went there
* “I grew up in a city plagued by gun violence and gang violence and drug violence,” — grew up in Bethesda, Md., a wealthy suburb where there is almost no gun violence or gang violence.
* When Kavanaugh was working in the Bush White House on judicial confirmations “I never suspected anything untoward” in the information he was given by a Republican Senate staffer who stole Democratic documents — Lie. It contained references to confidential information about Democrats’ internal discussions and strategy that they had no legitimate access to.
* He claimed to have no knowledge of the sexually explicit jokes, comments and emails by Alex Kozinski. “I do not know how it would be possible to forget something as pervasive as Kozinski’s famously sexual sense of humor or his gag list, as Kavanaugh has professed to in his hearings.”
“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
B. Clinton, 12/22/07
Why are you trying to hard to deflect from the real argument about Brape Kavanaugh?
Facts are hard – The facts were never refuted by the people Dr. Ford said were present at the assault , some of the people claimed they did not remember the party or being at the party. There is a huge difference between refuting events and not recalkin an event. Just another example of the lack of knowledge the republicans love to exploit.
31aveguy, what the hell are you talking about!? Explain yourself? Where are you getting this information? Links please…
31stavegay- Nice try snowflake.
Watched the whole thing. Just wondering if anyone else found the coached and rehearsed “15 year old Valley Girl” voice irritating.
You mean the voice that Kavanaugh was making when he was blubbering about his (not-deceased) father’s calendars? I didn’t think it was THAT effeminate…
Poor alethophobic snowflakes, empty of arguments, they abuse the “thumbs down” sign.
“Waaaah! Nobody likes my regurgitated conspiracy theory posts! Waaaah! They’re all snowflakes—that’s what they are!!! Waaah! Waaaaah!”
“Waaaah! “Waaaah!” Just like you did Nov. 2016 in mommy’s basement, your safe space!!!
Can you imagine literally saying “snowflake” unironically in 2018?
You sound like what liberals sarcastically say to make fun of Trumpeters, except you’re being serious.
Triggered much? HAHHAHAHAHA
Yeah Baby! #MAGA
The two young women weren’t merely concerned citizens speaking truth to power. The reality is that Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher are both professional political activists employed by the Center for Popular Democracy.
And guess who finances the CPD?
That’s right…
George Soros!!!
The famous Nazi collaborator during WW2.
You’ve uncovered a grand conspiracy to seek justice for victims of sexual assault! How terrible!
Varzanes- You’re Fox informed. Remember that Fox tale about a uranium mine?? At least Soros does good by the public instead lying and misinforming them like Fox News does.
A Nazi collaborator “does good by the public”!
What are you drinking? …or smoking?
“Nazi collaborator”?
Soros was born in 1930. When was he collaborating with the Nazis—when he was 11??
Abuse of language without end: Survivor applies equally to someone who escaped Auschwitz and someone who experienced an unwelcome groping on a crowded subway. Politics obliterates meaning. The great yawning maw.
These extremists do not represent the majority by definition.
Agreed, the majority of people are not committing the horrific sex crimes of which Kavanaugh stands accused.
An accusation from 30+years ago. Non stop news coverage…..Pictures of Keith Ellison ex girlfriend with black eyes…..Who cares……Corey bookers groping article…..Who cares. Lol. Best reality tv I’ve seen in a long time!!! Bunch of sheep. Tv and social media are your herders. Are you triggered… do you need a safe space….
You forgot “Slick Willy” the rapist…
These idiots view sexual harassment and rape selectively.
You’re saying a president from a long time ago is almost as bad as Brape Kavanaugh?
Bert, You are 100% correct.
What an embarrassment to Astoria.
I know you are but what am I?…. infinite.
Has everyone forgotten the tawanna brawley case ???? When that girl accused 4 boys of raping her??? That case went on forever. And in the end she was lying. Look it up
And yet there were thousands of boy and girls not lying but the Catholic church did nothing. What is your point?
“Has everyone forgotten the tawanna brawley case ???? …And in the end she was lying” What does that have to do with anything?????? Are you saying all women on the planet Earth are all liars??????????? How much do you like question marks?????????????????
I’m a registered Democrat. After watching this, I have to say that I can’t wait to vote republican in every election for the rest of my life…..#walkaway
Ww1- Yeah support that low wage right to work for less republican RTW legislation. Support the outlawing of birth control.,vote republican and keep women where they belong. Which of the questions that Kavanaugh evaded was your favorite?
Tommy O .. birth control lol. Rape and abortion are wrong for the same reason. They are both violent acts of aggression upon other people’s bodies. Yeah go ahead and say Fox and Trump made me say this. Lol
Let’s get real- Nothing more violent then the product of an unwanted prenacy, the prisons are filled with them. Just ask Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacey.
Tommy O..Ted Bundy or Gacey never killed as many as abortion does..keep on watching Fox and MSNBC for your education you stupid fool.
At first I thought he might be innocent, now I’m convinced he did it.he came off as a belligerent alcoholic.
That’s because the Dems are gas-lighting you just like Ellison did to the woman that he abused.
You’re upset that a woman come forward about the terrible sex crimes someone committed?! You’ll make a great Republican!
It totally makes sense that you change parties based on a single video of someone you don’t know.
Thank you both so much! Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for doing this in public regardless of the power and the press in the room.
Minor point but how could she not Tell anyone AND not be believed?
Really? Woman that suffer abuse, rape, sexual assault rarely tell anybody because of the shame and stigma associated with it and because of people like you that won’t believe her. I pray all the women in your life Al Terego are all safe and that nothing like this ever happens to them. Would you believe them if they told you? I bet you would!
OH, for Pete’s sake: Jimmy headline grabbing again. We do not know for sure what happened to the Ford woman. I guess the presumption of innocence does not work for Little Jimmy and his pals.
Yeah, makes it strange that Kavanaugh wouldn’t agree to an FBI investigation and dodged every question about it, huh? I wonder what such an “innocent” person has to hide…
Judge K has been vetted through six separate FBI investigations for various jobs held in the past and has held the highest possible security clearances while working for President Bush. He requested a hearing immediately once the allegations were made and is fully cooperating with the present investigation. There is no attempt to “dodge’ anything because there isn’t anything to dodge.
He will be exonerated and confirmed.
He wouldn’t agree to an FBI investigation of the sexual assault allegations (which have never been investigated) and wouldn’t answer a single question about the FBI investigation.
He requested a hearing, which would presumably include an investigation, when the allegations first surfaced. It could have been handled confidentially sparing both of them and their families all the nonsense that has surrounded this. But, DiFi and friends thought it would be better to thrust all of this into the public eye for political gain thereby betraying them both. He will be confirmed.
Except that Jeff Flake (a republican) changed his mind and wants an FBI investigation now.
I guess the presumption of innocence does not work for Little Jeff and his pals?
Flake is no Republican. Or Democrat. He is simply a coward.
Plenty of Republicans are cowards? Our war-dodging president who ridiculed actual soldiers that got captured, for example.