(Photo: NYPD Housing PSA 9/Twitter)
July 15, 2018 By Tara Law
Police have released a photo of a man who allegedly shot an 18-year old inside a playground at Woodside Houses on Broadway on Aug. 5.
Police say that Elijah Price, 22, and an unidentified man walked up to the 18-year-old male victim inside of the playground in front of 49-15 Broadway at 9:30 a.m.
The teen tried to make a run for it when he saw the pair approaching, but Price shot him in the thigh. Price and the other man then fled on foot.
Price is considered dangerous, police say. Price last lived at Astoria Houses, at 1-25 Astoria Blvd. He is 5 foot 8 inches tall and 170 pounds.
Members of the public with information about Price are asked to contact the 114 precinct at 718-626-9334.
Police are continuing to investigate the incident.
Not everyone inAstoria is on welfare. Many of us work hard. And if you don’t know subsidize is a thing of the past. We pay just as much rent as you do $2000 is what some us pay CASH ? so if you don’t live in it you shouldn’t comment with out having facts. There is crime everywhere housing developments just get a bad rap. But I tell you this you have many nationalities live in these developments because they can’t afford to live in the homes they purchased. I’ve been here and this development and I was able to put all three of my kids through College Masters Degrees all three.
You are correct that not everyone in Astoria is on welfare but EVERYONE in NYCHA has at least part of their rent subsidized by working taxpayers. You are also correct that crime happens everywhere but according to the 114th precinct deputy inspector Osvaldo Nunez, “the majority of Astoria’s crime comes from the NYCHA housing developments”.
The truth hurts!
So true, my parents live their and rent is not cheap. Cause you live in housing doesn’t mean your rent is low or you on welfare.
Dangerous criminals should not be allowed to live anywhere let alone public housing. Most of the residents there unbelievably pay a market rate rent. Their electricity is subsidized. Scared silly people
I am back to walking my dog in my courtyard only. She seems so upset. I can not wait until this suspect is caught!
Again, a product of the housing projects preying on law abiding tax paying citizens. This trend is nothing new, it has been going on at since the 50’s when I was a child. No more projects or low income housing, this is all it produces.
Where are people.suppose to live? NYCHA provides affordable rents. ?
Andddddd he’s from Astoria projects which means our tax dollars subsidize his rent while he’s out shooting people. I call that the double whammy!!!
Ive seen rich White people do worse shit. Getting ebt while having the nicest cars, clothes and houses. Find ways around taxes etc. White people do worse shit while not needing to, some people are a product of there environment so that’s what they do best
You’re obviously trying to turn this into a race issue which is nonsense. This is about a young able bodied person living in a taxpayer subsidized NYCHA apartment and commuting crime on his spare time. I find it funny that you’re trying to justify this criminal by saying white people also commit crime.lol All criminals are dirtbags regardless of race.
This is the second time this month police are looking for someone dangerous from Astoria. I am tired of all the negative press around here. All i see is patrol cars driving around! Why does this keep happening?
It’s citywide, not just Astoria.
Deblasio decriminalized many quality of life crime and put massive restrictions on police which embolden criminals. His policies showing their true colors…
There was a time when Astoria had a safe family neighborhood vibe no matter what was happening throughout the city.
Your comment is a complete fallacy.
Deblasio supported a law to allow police to write tickets for drinking in public, urinating and spitting. It does not restrict the police from making arrests. The police support this change because it costs a lot of time and money to bring in people for these crimes which means those police are off the street for hours. Now the police are on the street longer which is better.
Stop spreading misinformation.
Please stop the BS. Deblasio downgraded the quality of life crimes from arrests to just writing tickets and then told police officers to not even enforce tickets. On top of that, he took away stop & frisk, eased the felony NYCHA ban and more. It took Giuliani & Bloomberg 20 years to clean up NYC & this guy Deblasio is slowly taking us back to the Dinkins’ days.
Maybe you should “Stop spreading misinformation”.
You should stop being ignorant and spreading false information. Crime has been a record low since bill deblasio became mayor. Your just angry because you want police to arrest minorities for quality of life crimes. You can’t expect to live in a crime free society. Be happy the crime rate is lower then the Giuliani and Bloomberg era
SHOCKING!!! He’s a resident of Astoria Houses which means our hard earned tax dollars subsidize his rent while he’s out committing crime.
Crime has increased in NYCHA developments and the surrounding areas because Deblasio is not enforcing laws that kept out the dangerous criminals.
Proof Links are below:
WOW! Why would he allow that?
When they get kicked out of public housing they end in in shelter hotels which is more expensive for taxpayers. The mayor is actually saving us money by keeping them in public housing then a men’s shelter. Also kicking them out of affordable housing increases chances that they will commit another crime to live. The mayor is not being soft on crime. He is trying to find more logically and fair solutions to a problem that is not working. Many of his supporters agree.
1) A convicted felon should not be allowed to live in NYCHA. You can’t rob us at knifepoint in the day and sleep in your taxpayer subsidized apartment at night.
2) Dangerous criminals should not be allowed to live in subsidized housing next to vulnerable seniors and families with kids.
3) Shelters hotels are a scam. The majority of these hotels are owned by Deblasio’s political contributors. Our tax dollars are paying between $200 to $400 a night for a family to sleep in a room with no kitchen. That’s an average of $9k a month per hotel room which is crazy. This is Deblasio’s way of paying back his campaign donors.
These are not “logically and fair solutions to a problem”, this is INSANITY.
Spot On!!!
I see theres a lot of ignorance in Astoria. NYCHA resident’s pay 30% of their income towards rent . It’s not free