Sept. 21, 2020 By Christian Murray
Police have arrested a female bigot who authorities say threw a glass bottle at a black jogger in Woodside last month then shouted a racial slur at her.
Lorena Delagune, a 53-year-old white woman who lives at the Woodside Houses NYCHA development, has been charged with attempted assault as a hate crime and aggravated harassment as a hate crime.
Delagune allegedly hurled a bottle at a 37-year-old black woman while the victim was running near the northeast corner of 53rd Place and Broadway on Aug. 17 at around midday.
The incident was caught on video and distributed by police.
The video shows Delagune throwing a bottle at the victim, with the jogger jumping in the air to avoid it. The victim turns her head back toward her blonde-haired attacker but continues to jog on.
The alleged bigot yelled at her and said “Get out of here n—-r” and “Go back to Africa,” according to the Queens District Attorney’s office. If convicted, Delagune faces up to 7 years in prison.
Police said the victim did not sustain any injuries.
The incident was investigated by the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force.
This is a hate crime, plain and simple. It shows clearly that racial discrimination and hatred is still well and alive. We also have to admit that Queens, despite being the most enthnically diverse county in the mainland United States, still has a long way to go!
I disagree. Please walk around Queensbridge, Ravenswood, Astoria Houses, and Woodside houses and they will be serving milk and cookies to all visitors.
McNamara, you’ve a real bug up your ass, where race is concerned. Why do you even live in Queens?
No bug here. Just using data and statistics to back up my statements. Not Democratic-fed pablum about equality and fair treatment. Democrats keep the poor very poor and feed them garbage like this to rationalize the inequities while keeping them dirt poor. How dumb are you?
You rambled about the projects or something? Do you know what article this is?
So they arrest a woman for doing something that caused no harm whatsoever but while speaking a verboten word and being the wrong race. (Do you SERIOUSLY think she would have been arrested were the races reversed? Lol!). She is now tagged with a “hate crime” and may face multiple years in jail, while rioters and looters get away with no charges at all.
The term for this is anarcho-tyranny. George Orwell, your time has arrived.
This comment proves my point that racism is alive and well!
She has 10 felonies and 23 arrests since 2014.
Like you said, the white woman committed several crimes, and was charged for them
What is Jimmy Van Bramer going to say about this?
Does it really matter what he says…… racism is racism including reverse discrimination
JVB never met a photo op he didn’t like. He must weigh in!
We need to defund the police. The community leaders should have taken care of this.