May 5, 2015 By Michael Florio
It made very little dough.
An Astoria pizzeria that opened in January has already closed down for good.
Razzies Pizza, located at 29-04 Ditmars Blvd, called it a day after just four months, with the owner, Harry Puccio, claiming that his business plan was simply wrong.
“I quickly realized the concept wouldn’t work,” he said.
The pizzeria focused on Sicilian pizza.
Puccio said a pizza and souvlaki restaurant would be moving into the location in coming weeks.
“The new owner has more experience and knows the neighborhood,” Puccio said. “He has a concept that will work.”
The new restaurant owner declined to comment.
has anyone been to Via Vai?
When you read reviews of Razzie’s, it just sounds like a place run by a novice restaurateur. I don’t think it was a business model problem, but rather one of not creating a quality product and not really running the place in a professional manner.
Pizza Palace hasn’t been good in ages. I don’t know how they’ve even stuck around so long. Won’t matter for much longer though b/c it’s closing and a bank is going in…so all you Pizza Palace lovers better go get your fill while you still can.
For a long time Frankie’s was the best pizza in the Ditmars area, but that was over 8-9 years ago. It closing wasn’t a major loss in the pizza quality department.
The only pizzerias left worth eating at in Astoria are the ones owned and run by Italians.
LA Vita Mia used to be decent, but now I prefer Piazza Pizza on 31st Avenue
It’s funny how these threads turned into how Artichoke makes crappy pizza when the article is about Razzies.
Artichoke Pizza is the worst that’s why
First of all, PIZZA PALACE is complete crap and overpriced. Never fresh. I live here my whole life. Last time that pizza was good, I was 5 in 1990 and my parents did a birthday party for me. Secondly, Artichoke doesnt suck. Take it for what it is. Pizza thats fantastic when you’re really drunk. Thirdly, if you want some nice pizza (not nyc style) but neapolitan…Republic is the spot. Its pretty good. Small menu but heh, they’re a bar. That’s all i got. Ps- Basile on Astoria blvd is really good too.
Artichoke pizza is the worst. Not only does it taste bad, I threw the slice away cause it had a hair
Artichoke Pizza on 31 Street is the worst in Astoria. Way too expensive but most importantly it’s tasteless and crap quality.
I would much rather have Razzie’s back of course.
Artichoke Pizza on 31 Street & Dithers is TERRIBLE and this place closes???
Any place that opens with a $1 slice pizza is good in my book. Remember the proles! The hard workng people who live paycheck to paycheck!
Frankies Pizza is really good…..oh wait….nevermind
No they don’t. It’s horrible and the color they painted their place is ugly.
A 2 Bros pizza would wipe out Pizza Palace. It would do well here at this location. We need an affordable good tasting pizza in Astoria.
Granos Pizza is very affordable and really good food too.
Love Granos!
we don’t need chains in the area. Chains / franchises are what ruin areas like Astoria. The last thing Ditmars needs is any more chain restaurants.
Chains don’t belong in Astoria… this is NOT Manhattan, it is trying to stay as is, a neighborhood.
Astoria already has such a place – Portabello’s!!
Stop ranting about Artichoke. Just don’t go there if you don’t like it. They’re actually doing quite well.
Why should anyone not voice their opinion about Artichoke Pizza? Which is COMPLETELY HORRIBLE. Rip off prices is right! Crappy quality too.
Let me guess, you don’t like “hipsters?”
Artichoke Pizza is horrible and over-priced. I went in there and they served me a cold slice and the bottom was burnt black and charged 4 dollars. ARE YOU KIDDING???
Doing ”quite well” probably with wasp’s like you who don’t know what good pizza is… you come from god damned st. louis what do you know about anything outside of McDonalds? LOL
you seem a bit angry there “bro”. If pizza gentrification gets you so worked up, you might want to watch some reruns of isis beheadings and get your sh*t together.
I wish that RIP OFF over-rated Artichoke Pizza would close down. Terrible pizza and OVER-PRICED.
Pizza and souvlaki is a better business pan? How original.
pizza and souvlakis are sold in Pizza Palace and that place is an Astoria landmark. Good luck with that.
How the hell would he think that he was going to compete with Pizza Palace !!! And with his prices at Razzies , Harry thought he was selling gold in his food !!! Get serious dude !!!!
My god, that is so sad, he sounds so crushed.