(Photo: Frances Brennan)
Oct. 19, 2018 By Tara Law
Council Member Costa Constantinides introduced a bill Wednesday that would eliminate a program that lets delivery companies pay reduced fines for parking illegally.
The bill calls for the end of the controversial Stipulated Fine Program, which lets delivery companies such as FedEx and UPS pay reduced penalties in exchange for waiving their right to contest violations.
Constantinides argues that getting rid of the program will discourage trucks from abusing the system, which officials say would make streets safer and reduce traffic congestion. He also says that applying the same ticketing rules to all drivers is fairer.
“Massive delivery companies shouldn’t get a free pass — which many times they literally do — for illegally parking in front of fire hydrants, blocking bike lanes, or eating up handicapped spots,” Constantinides said.
The Stipulated Fine Program was put into place in 2005 as a way of reducing costly court battles when delivery companies fought the tickets. In 2005, the New York Sun reported that it took 55 days for contested tickets submitted online or by mail to be processed.
Jacques Jiha, the Department of Finance commissioner, told Crain’s New York Business earlier this month that if businesses started leaving the program and challenging tickets, they “would clog the system and impose a huge burden on the city.”
The department also argues that the delivery companies are paying what they would most likely pay after the tickets were contested.

Councilmember Costa Constantinides (Photo courtesy of Costa Constantinides)
The Department of Finance, however, recently announced a plan to reform the program, which included increasing some of the predetermined penalties for program participants.
Constantinides also introduced a bill Wednesday that would require the city to set an example in terms of what time of the day deliveries are made. His bill would require the Department of Citywide Administrative Services to plan for deliveries between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m., in an effort to cut down truck congestion during the day.
“With unprecedented traffic… it’s important we fight for fine equity, promote overnight deliveries, and protect our pedestrians,” Constantinides said.
Who does he think delivers his packages – the toothfairy? Give tickets to out of state license plates. There are more Pennsylvania, Florida and NJ plates in NY than in those states. Let the drivers prove they don’t live here most of the year.
How about directing the 114 to write tickets to all those double and triple parked cars on 36 street and 23rd avenue. Ive had my driveway blocked on 15 different occasions because everyone attending a house of worship has to illegally park . The tickets and towing has helped but a different car appears on Fridays. I guess your a true socialist sir want to hurt the businesses and the cost of operating in your neighborhood.
Meanwhile just yesterday in Astoria, a SUNDAY, had to drive through an obstacle course of double parked cars, one was even blocking my driveway for a good 10min, the driver decided to finally stop kicking a soccer ball around and move it. UPS, USPS, FEDEX or any delivery company, which usually park for a few minutes do LOCAL deliveries for residents or businesses are not the real problem. Constantinides, since you’re willfully clueless yet again, it’s not commercial delivery trucks that are the problem in Astoria, evident if you ride your bicycle or take a walk through Astoria on a Sunday even, especially around parks.
To speak out against those people who double park with impunity would be considered a hate crime.
Mr. Kersey is absolutely right
Kostas – if you wish to make it ALL fair …. send forces onto Steinway and desolve the double park issue there !
This is an area where the law does not apply !!
People here park as of Theo own the F street … unfair …
Same goes for 31st Street and Ditmars area ….
Make it all fair
WTF does “desolve” mean?
People are just making up words now?
– Remove
– Make disappear
Yes that’s what “dissolve” means. But what is “desolve” lmao.
Where are these delivery trucks supposed to park when making deliveries instead of penalizing them make delivery spaces forget about more bike lanes makes more sense.
Here’s the problem. Deliveries need to be made, and there is nowhere for trucks to park because our poorly designed street systems in most areas of NYC left no room for alleyways or back areas for deliveries.
Go after the double parkers between 28th Ave and Astoria Blvd on Steinway street. Oh wait, no one will, because ya know…
There is a mosque and a soon to be school on that block. If you do not like driving through that area then don’t!
About time! I live in 36 Street and Fedex aand especially UPS use our block for a parkling lot. My wife was trapped by one of these trucks for a half hour and almost missed work. There’s no stopping these guys. We also need more enforcement.
Same things happens when you live or park next to a mosque in Astoria. I was trapped by double parked cars this Friday for over an hour and calls to the city were not effective.
Call queens parking enforcement district direct forget 311. You’ll get a faster response they’ll send an enforcement agent that wont give preferential treatment
Fathead Constantinides doesn’t know what he’s talking about there is nowhere for these trucks to park when they arrive to make a delivery. I never saw a delivery truck parked in a handicapped spot I did see passenger cars park there though when they’re not supposed to.