Feb. 19, 2018 By Tara Law
A baby boy was found dead in a trash can near a playground on the border of Astoria and Long Island City on Saturday.
The police responded to a 911 call at around 10:48 a.m. and discovered a newborn unconscious and unresponsive near Dutch Kills Playground, located at 36th Avenue and Crescent Street.
The baby was found by a passer-by in a green trash receptacle about 200 feet from the playground.
EMS brought the child to Elmhurst Hospital where the boy was pronounced dead.
The baby appeared to be full term and had apparently been healthy, with no external deformities or signs of trauma, according to the Queens District Attorney’s office. The medical examiner will determine the cause of death.

Dutch Kills Playground (Parks Dept.)
Investigators believe the baby, whose umbilical cord and placenta was still attached, had been dead for at least six hours when the body was found, according to reports.
Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown noted that New York has a Safe Haven Law which allows parents to leave babies under 30 days old at a drop off location, such as a hospital.
“Unfortunately, the mother of this baby did not adhere to the law and instead chose to stuff the infant in a bag and discard him in a garbage can,” said Brown.
In New York, a parent who wishes to leave their child can call the Safe Haven hotline at 1-877-796-HOPE, and the child will be picked up by child care workers.
No arrests have been made.
To whoever did this I really hope they find you. If you don’t want children DON’T have them and throw them away. They are humans beings they aren’t garbage. There are women out there that cannot have children and would give anything to be able to have.
Really 15 people give thumbs up to something like this. WOW the world we live in.
May that innocent beautiful baby RIP. How can a person be so heartless?
Are there any surveillance videos available from the two nearby schools or the stores on 36th Ave?
There should be cameras around. Houses around there have.