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NYPD: Man Shot Twice in Buttocks at Astoria Houses

(Photo: DCPI)

Sept. 25, 2018 By Tara Law

Police are searching for a man who allegedly shot a 21-year-old man in the buttocks outside of Astoria Houses on Friday.

Police say that the shooting took place at 4:00 p.m. on Sept. 21 outside of 4-10 27th Ave. 

The man shot the victim twice in the buttocks and then went inside 2-10 27th Ave. 

Emergency responders rushed the victim to a nearby hospital, where he was in stable condition.

The police have released two photos of the suspect but have few details.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).

Astoria Houses (QueensPost)

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Stop the Madness!!!!

1) Bring back Stop & Frisk.
2) Increase police foot patrols.
3) Strictly enforce evictions for any NYCHA residents convicted of serious crimes.


Is that the 24th shooting at Astoria projects this year? I think we just broke a 20 year record. Thanks Deblasio

Wake Up!

Crime has drastically increased this year. Deblasio decriminalized many quality of life crimes, put many restrictions on the police & pushes cops toward less enforcement for low to mid level crimes so he can fudge the numbers. These changes have emboldened criminals and it’s starting to show.


Yeah, I was just saying to my friend the other day, “I’ve been seeing a lot of ’emboldened’ criminals these days… so many criminals walking around with an inflated resolve to commit crimes lately…” LOL


Oct. 2, 2018 By Tara Law

The number of people murdered or shot in the 114 precinct this year has increased significantly compared to previous years, according to NYPD data.

Nine people have been murdered in the precinct for the year through Sept. 23, compared to just three for all of 2017 and two in 2016. The neighborhood has not experienced a year with nine or more murders since 2010.

The NYPD also reports that a total of 26 people have been shot in the course of 18 shootings in the precinct, compared to eight shootings with eight victims during the same period last year.

The precinct’s commander, Deputy Inspector Oswaldo Nuñez, attributes the jump to increased violence at Ravenswood and Queensbridge Houses.

Twelve of the 18 shootings have taken place in public housing, Nuñez said.

114th Precinct boundaries (Astoria and Roosevelt Island)
Many of these shooting are caused by rivalries between “crews”— small gangs with between 15 and 30 members, according to Nuñez.

Of the 14 active crews in the precinct, 12 are based in public housing. There are five known crews in Queensbridge Houses, four in Ravenswood Houses, two in Astoria Houses and one in Woodside Houses, Nuñez said at a precinct meeting earlier this year.

In recent months, however, a longtime rivalry between crews based out of Ravenswood and Queensbridge appears to have ratcheted up, Nuñez said.

The killings and shooting are over often over seemingly minor issues, Nuñez said.

“A lot of the shootings are over disrespect,” Nuñez said. “Trivial things. It could be about a girl, a history of not liking each other. Retaliation. It’s hard to pinpoint.”

Nuñez pointed to a shooting on Sept. 21, in which a 21-year-old man was shot twice in the buttocks at Astoria Houses. The people believed to have been involved in the shooting were known to have held a grudge against one another, Nuñez said.

The precinct has taken steps to deescalate the violence by deploying more officers at the public housing developments at night, when many of the crimes have been taking place, Nunez said. More officers are being assigned to street duty and are working overtime hours, he added.

To a lesser extent, some high-profile domestic murders have also driven up the murder rate for 2018. For instance, on July 30, a man killed three people— including his five-year-old son— on 30th Drive.

Such crimes are “very difficult to prevent,” Nuñez said.

Nunez said the numbers also appear high this year because in previous years the crime figures were “remarkably” low.

Nuñez said that a certain level of fluctuation from year to year is to be expected.

“I think we’re just having a bad year,” he said. “Crime goes up and down.”

Community leaders who work with residents at Queensbridge and Ravenswood Houses said that there is a lot of tension right now between crews at the respective housing developments.

“Its seems as if the territorial beef between Ravenswood and Queensbridge has been ramped up,” said Bishop Mitchell Taylor, the senior pastor of Center of Hope International, a non-denominational church located by Queensbridge Houses.

Taylor said that the rivalry between the two developments has been a recurring problem for the community for many years.

At the same time, Taylor praised the efforts of the 114 Precinct. He said the precinct has developed a line of communication with the public housing community.

“I think the NYPD has made great strides in terms of public outreach and communication, but there’s always more to do,” Taylor said. “They are very actively reaching out to me and to other community leaders.”

Carol Wilkins, the president of the Ravenswood Houses Tenant Association, said that she’s noticed an increased police presence in the development. The key to combating violence in the housing developments, Wilkins feels, is to “build community.”

“There’s so much hated, and we’ve got to open our eyes as a community and combat this hatred,” Wilkins said

maga again

70% of all those stopped and frisked were later found to be innocent, but who cares? As a Trump supporter I don’t really care that citizens constitutional rights are being violated.


70 percent of people stopped and frisked weren’t arrested is misinformation. It implies that that number of people were stopped and frisked when it’s stop, question and or frisked. People being stopped and asked why they’re wearing a mask on a warm day, or wearing gang colors in a rivals territory, or why are they hanging out in front of a known drug spot is what we want the police to do. In a small fraction of those stops people were frisked because it’s believed they had weapons. In either case stop, question, frisks left a person with no record, and in most cases a simple warning which is what I want my police to be doing. More interactions and warnings in advance spare me the cost of the hospitalizations, and investigations after hands off policing let’s bad things happen. An Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Problem is people are lemmings and will follow along with any rallying cry. America is turning into a nation with attention deficit disorder and mob politics, on both sides of the aisle.

civil rights? who cares

If I had never heard of Reasonable and Articulable Suspicion or The Constitution I would totally agree


Articulable suspicion, hmmm so a person pulling up a mask while casing passerby and following a person, quickening his pace to catch up to them….. nah don’t interrupt them, and stop and question them, they’ll feel violated and have hurt feelings. Better to let them complete the assault or even worse, then grab them. This approach is great…..for the criminals, lol. As for the constitution, I’d imagine you’d tout the great injustice of unlawful search and seizure, which I agree is bull, problem is the the criminals have no qualms searching you for your wallet and seizing it and no whining on message boards would correct that situation. Worst part is this whining and pandering leaves my neighborhood more dangerous because now the cops won’t approach any of the bad guys anymore. Awesome, thanks!


“…a person pulling up a mask while casing passerby and following a person, quickening his pace to catch up to them…”

You forgot that they’ll be carrying a bag with a giant dollar sign on it too…


Astoria Projects + Ravenswood Projects + Queensbridge Projects = 90% of Astoria’s & LIC’s crime.


It’s not the projects. It’s the way these kids are raised. Astoria houses has over 3500 residents. One idiot doesn’t represent the whole place


“Most of our shootings are taking place on housing developments,” said Deputy Inspector Osvaldo Nunez at the 114th Community Precinct Meeting last month.

Justin Foley

It’s almost as though building housing that concentrates people who are poor and in above-average need for social services help creates an environment conducive to street crime.

As to Astoria’s crime problem, I suspect that most of it happens when many of our residents go sit at their desk at their day jobs in the financial district in Manhattan, but I guess it’s just easier to hate on folks in public housing, right?


Yea let’s blame Trump, Wall Street, hurricane Florence and the toorh fairy. No accountability for the people committing the crimes.


This is ASTORIA POST. It talks about Astoria news. Focus on the topic at hand. You’re obviously trying to distract people from this shooting that took place in Astoria housing projects. Go to CNN or Fox News to discuss Trump.


Poverty doesn’t give anyone a right to commit crimes. Subsidized rent, free education, and Medicare available to the poor and disabled. Criminal decisions are just that, criminal. A little effort and discipline goes a long way but that actually requires effort. Something in short supply these days, easier to blame the “system” and the concentration of poverty. Maybe we should give folks who pay almost no rent free cars, and luxury apartments in high rises paid for by an increasingly exploited middle class, yeah that’s a genius idea!


Well NY is much safer today than it was 20 plus years ago (2000 plus murders in the 90’s vs less than 300 murders a year today), so I’d say my generation of involved NYers did something pretty awesome. This backslide of filth, and drinking and weed smoke is an attempt to appease the newer generation who aren’t accustomed to hearing “No” from anyone, which usually devolves into whining, protests aka riots, and self destructive behavior. Asking everyone to participate in making the city a safer, cleaner place isn’t offensive. Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country, remember that one?? Stop accepting mediocrity from your current political leaders!


“I’d say my generation of involved NYers did something pretty awesome…” Specifically what did you and your generation *do*? Like, what were quantifiable things you DID?


Hmmmm, what quantifiable thing did I do. Actively reach out to my neighbors and actually talk to the knuckleheads that throw beer bottles on my street and want to start fights with the younger kids. And re: the younger kids I actually pay them a few bucks while harassing them to help clean up our block. Does supporting politicians like Giuliani (who I admit is quite a jerk these days, but was a pretty good mayor back in the day), and Bloomberg vs today’s leaders ie; Diblasio who encourage and subsidizes filth and stupidity. And you. What are you doing to help? All the additional people who’ve been shot and murdered would like to know???


yet another crime at the astoria houses projects. good luck building luxury condos and rentals a block away.


Astoria reputation has gone downhill. It seems like there is a shooting every month or every other week in addition to all the crime. Its truly sad.


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