Feb. 24, 2017 Staff Report
The police are looking for two men who robbed an Astoria resident at gunpoint during the early hours Tuesday morning.
Police have released a video of the suspects who approached a 39-year-old man inside the courtyard of his home, brandished a firearm and demanded his personal property.
The victim complied and handed over his cellphone, wallet and an undetermined amount of cash. There were no reported injuries during the incident.
The incident took place within the vicinity of 33rd and 35th Streets at about 1:45 am on Tuesday, February 21. The police did not provide the address.
The perpetrators have been described as Hispanic, aged between 20 and 25 years and are about 5’5″-5’7″ in height.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS
Yikes! I did not realize this was so close to home. They must of scouted the area before the crime occurred. With so many shops (bars, restaurants, cafes, etc.) open so late on Ditmars it is easier for criminals to blend in and make a fast get away. I am glad no one was hurt.
Poor reporting !!!
Between 33& 35th Str??
What Ave ??
21 ave
Maaaan if i catch this guy ill do karate on him maaaaan
The story does not match the video. I don’t see a gunpoint robbery. I see a guy walking up to the area and swiping a bag that two people are not watching. if you tell the story then have a matching video. The guy looks middle eastern or Spanish. But no guns here.
This video does not match the story. It tells of 2 men at gunpoint. Looks to me like the guy walked up and swiped the bag while 2 people are talking or just standing there. At least get the story right. The guy looks middle eastern or Spanish.
Go get glasses MORON!
Don’t worry we should turn like Texas open carry then you will see a drastic drop in crime trust me.
-Nectarios Texas has a much higher crime rate than NY according to FBI statistics. Fact! Thank you for the alternative facts and injection of Fox and Trump stupid into the comment stream.
We need to send all of you to California and leave the rest of us alone. An amicable divorce is needed in the US we don’t want to live under your Left wing rules anymore just as much as you don’t want to live under ours.
That’s not a FACT …DIMWIT !
Another example of STUPIDITY & DENIAL !
Courtyard buildings. I live in one. One cannot get on through main door without a key so as usual some tenant is let strangers in. Still would be nice if landlord can provide a guard or doorman for deterrence.
Any latest news on the one robbery on 30th avenue and 38 St??
How come Astoriapost never provides the actual address. What was the avenue?
The NYPD report omitted the avenue: http://nypdnews.com/2017/02/wanted-robbery-queens-62/
With Spring around the corner, these crimes will probably increase in Astoria. Be on the look out folks and trust your instincts. As a born and raised New Yorker, these criminals are sometimes easy to detect. Be safe.
Its nice to see these Stories going up but the Homeless guy who has set at least 5 small fires on 21st including one this week by 122 and then another one last night in between 20th and 21st ave no one cares to mention.
How do you know he is “homeless”? Have you seen footage of him? I am just curious because I jog around Astoria (did notice ashes the other day in upper ditmars) and live by the train station where there are always homeless people around in the ditmars area. A homeless person is easier to spot in Astoria Heights (except on ditmars) that is why I ask.
No need to see footage I actually saw him. The one he set across the street from my home as I was on the Phone with 911 calling it in I saw him at one point set his leg on fire and then throw his body on top of it and stop drop and roll to put it out. Also another time when he set fire on the block a neighbor was kind enough to give him a winter hat and some leftover food they had he thanked them but the moment they went in and looked out the window he used the food and hat they gave him to start another fire. This has been going on since October of last year. About 3-4 people on my block have called the cops on him he has only been taken to the hospital once the rest of the time he is either let go or takes off before the cops show up.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I will definitely be on the look out. Sounds like he has mental issues and starting fires is very dangerous in any neighborhood.
This is the first I’m hearing about the fires.
I actually saw the ashes because i jog/bike all over Astoria and try to pay attention to my surroundings. I might of not paid any attention by the industrial area (factories) but i noticed the ashes in the residential area.
Hahaha Hispanic. Somethings never change maaaaaan. I need a red bull
Police really need to let us know exactly where this took place
Something not unusual for Astoria nowadays. We read about it every week. With so many people visiting the neighborhood for the bars and restaurants it is hard to distinguish who is up to no good. We all need surveillance video to help police catch these criminals.