Ravenswood Houses (21st Street)
Aug. 26, 2018 By Christian Murray
A 29-year-old man is dead after being gunned down at Ravenswood Houses in Astoria this morning
The police received a call at about 5:20 a.m. that a man had been shot in front of 35-20 21st St.
Upon arrival, police discovered the victim unresponsive with multiple gunshot wounds to his chest. He was taken by EMS to Elmhurst Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Pursuant to an ongoing investigation, a 17-year-old individual has been taken into custody with charges pending, police said.
The name of the deceased has yet to be released, pending family notification.
RipJelanMoreira 29 years old
I cannot believe this?… Another young man killed.. and on your daughters 1st birthday too.
My heart is heavy and I’m numb right now….. but I’m so glad they caught the 17 year old who took your life away ‼️ ___________________________________________
You were one of the nicest, humblest, so respectful, and kindest young men you could ever meet from the neighborhood. Always quiet… never loud. #gentleman
Not one person has anything bad to say about you . You were not a gang banger either!
He great father to his two children … a hard working man too #constructionworker…. a truly good guy ……There was never a time where I wouldn’t see him #smiling .
Beloved … Your light is still bright, your love still felt by all (so many people are hurting .. everyone loved you ), your humor and smile still remembered by the ones you touched.
May your star ✨shine even brighter today on us as we remember you and your amazing warm spirit. #Gonetoosoon #ripRico ? #soulflower ? #143 #tighthugs
This man was an amazing man. This was NKT over a girl! This was some assholes tryin to make a name for themselves. Unfortunately, they took an amazing man from the neighborhood, a wonderful father, and someone we all loved and needed. He was someone who steered the younger kids doin bad, to do right. Someone you cannot replace! So before you post nasty shit on here, just know RW lost a legend! And just an FYI anyone getting gunned down n their lives taken shouldn’t be a stepping stone for ppl to talk shit they don’t know. Let’s remember 2kids lost their Dad and a mother lost her son.
Depraved indifference. This man deserved better than this. Where are the protests? Where are the candlelight vigils? Where is the mayor? His hands have blood on them…
Not a word from our community leaders. They’re too busy doing photo ops with new garbage cans on 30th Ave.
Most of you people making comments are completely ignorant and lack knowledge on the way society is regulated. As long as inequality exists in the world there will all ways be chaos. The media promotes violence, our country leaders engages in violence etc … people are influenced from the things being promoted. The social injustice has a major affect on the things that occur in society. Until everyone has justice and treated as equals all the chaos such as violence will always occur and that’s just the way it is. I pray for the victims family to endure such a devastating situation.
Stop making excuses.
@Ella They’ll hit that thumbs-down button as many times as they can to try and convince themselves they’re right. We live amongst evil people
Lets blame everyone and everything except the people responsible. Great!!!!
Zero accountability cause it’s always someone else’s fault. You are also part of the problem!
You are the ones dodging accountability. To act as if you and your people aren’t responsible for all the crime and violence in the black community is laughable. You do not even have the decency to keep your prejudice to yourselves; you harass us in the street and then go home to sit behind a computer and bombard us with racist slander and then want us to take accountability for the position you left us in. What a joke. Thumbs down all you want your place will still be waiting for you in hell.
It’s not just a black community
You guys are sop lost in this
In what’s going on
Like jeez
Knock some common sense into yourself’s
It’s craxy because I had just came in the house an hour before literally just closed my eyes all I heard was the gun shots it’s sad that we live next to a whole precinct and we still aren’t safe ! He was a friend to a lot of my friends I only saw him a few times but I heard many great things rip to him and condolences to the family
Reading this kinda feels like reading about a suicide bombing in some middle east country. Expected and business as usual. Like the suicide bombings, I think, again?.. whatever.
First of all there was no bombing related to this if that’s what your intention of this comment is
Second of all how could you whatever this
This comment as long as all the others are completely insulting
I’ve lived in what you people like to call the ‘hood’ or the ‘ghetto’
And I just think that these comments are the worst they are insulting
You guys keep saying oh I know what it’s like when you’ve probably never stepped foot in what you call the ‘hood’/’ghetto’
So it’d be helpful if you guys would stay out of it
I’ve been a defense attorney for 20 years and from my experience, arrests are at an all time low. It seems like crime has increased, only because with the 24 hour news cycle, apps that track crime, and local social media groups, we’re hearing about these incidents more frequently and immediately.
I do agree that it’s the younger generation that are responsible for these acts – these kids have no conscience, they’re selfish, and have no compassion for their fellow man. Blame their parents for failing to teach them to respect their community.
Fewer laws and less police enforcement equals less arrests but that doesn’t mean that there is less crime. Things have definitely improved over a 30, 20 and 10 year period. However, crime has obviously increased over the last 1 to 2 years. Arrests are artificially low because Deblasio decriminalized many quality of life crimes, took away stop and frisk, eased the NYCHA felony ban, decreased evictions for dangerous criminals living in NYCHA and pressured officers towards low enforcement.
You know what
what if their poor as hell and have no freakin family to worry about them
I will say that’s not so it’s people that lived in housing for years and didn’t come from shelters or section8 that r killing there friends or just killing people. At the end of the day who is god none of who doing the killing. I wish people stop pointing the finger and get help for our young men and stop letting these streets rise our children, and young men.
You people have no empathy this was my brother he was a Innocent Victim your comment are not helpful to our family that lost a Goodman A brother father and a role model to the younger generation we lost a staple of the community
I’m sorry for your loss. I hope they catch the animal whom did this. May he Rest In Peace
Sorry for your loss. Was he going to work at 5 a.m. on a Sunday morning?
Why does it matter where he was going no ones life deserve to get taken because of what time they came out side
His brother was a perp!!!
He was a long time friend. He was a great guy. Sip baby boy. We have great history. You will be missed baby boy.
I hear it had something to do with a girl named E black who’s friend was also shot a few weeks ago in Ravenswood. These girls running around sleeping with diff guys that all know each other. It’s so sad.
I heard same.
I heard the same name. But who is E black?
RIP to this young man and many condolences to his family but it won’t change anything unfortunately. Black lives matter yet we out here killing our own. RIP ????
EVERY LIVE matters
My condolences to you and your family.My brother was was also a victim some years ago in Astoria Projects. I miss him dearly,May the lord be with you and his family at this difficult time.
I see how these comments are the opposite of helpful.
I feel they are insulting
I am sorry for your loss,by the descriptions he seemed like the greatest person.
This murder happened in front of one of my family members building,when I heard about it I thought wow that must’ve really hurt this mans family,angered them.
I don’t know what the pain you and your family are facing but I feel terrible that this even has to happen in this cruel world
I also heard that the memorial was shot up too but I don’t actually know if it’s true but if it is that’s really messed up.
Once again I am sorry for this happening to your brother
He seemed like an amazing person
No one deserves this.
I live and have lived in this neighborhood my whole life. Its not convicted felons causing the ruckus, its young kids 15, 16, 17, 18 yrs old causing most of these issues. You got these young kids out here with no guidance, parents who gave up on their kids and let them do whatever. It used never be like this. Now we got kids from this neighborhood and other neighborhoods killing each other woth no regard for each others lives. This is tragedy amd something has got to give.
wake up this is the real world it’s getting worse
This is the present not the past
Don’t compare it
Is it me or does it seem like crime has drastacly increased this year in Astoria, LIC and all over NYC???
The recent spike in crime has everything to do with Deblasio decriminalizing many quality of life crimes, low enforcement policy and massive restrictions on police officers.
This sh*t is out of control lately.
Here we go again…
Incidentally this happened directly across the street from the police station I say this to say it doesn’t matter if your in NyCHA if someone has plans then they have plans!!!This has to stop all over NYC!!!!
Andddddddddd another shooting at Ravenswood projects… ? ? ?
The majority of the time it’s either Ravenswood or Astoria projects.
Crime is still at the lowest levels since the early 60s.
Thanks to Giuliani and Bloomberg crime has drastically decreased since the Dinkins’ days. However, crime has started increasing lately due to this mayor’s crappy policies.
100% correct
I am definitely starting to see a lot more crime this year.
I lived there from 1951-1971,it was very safe. those days are long gone since the thugs took over.
I grew up here for 18 years and I come back and this is whats going on. Growing up I never worried about getting robbed or shot it just didn’t happen.
I drove passed this as cops were called. I heard the blood curdling screams, saw the panic and terror on the faces as I drove past. These are human lives and the fact that some of you are using it to advocate things like stop and frisk (which has nothing to do with this and was demonstrated to be inherently racist) or are making comments concerned about what people will think of you when you say you’re from Astoria over the lives of these people is absolutely disgusting.
I Live Here I These Projects And That Man Was A Good Man Just Tring To Provide For His Family Our Neighboorhood Has Took A Turn For The Worst Since New People Have Come To Stay Not To Mention That They Have Taken Majority Of Programs From Our Children
This is all being systematically done ….. Big time developers pay scumbag politicians to get the local precincts to stand down … Crime goes up Therefore lowering real estate prices …. Then they swoop in and buy everything for way less…… Then they gentrify the area and pump up the police presence and that’s how it’s done ……
I grew up here for 18years. I have never seen so many cops in the area till recently. The cops arent being told to stand down. People are just being savage. There are police on every corner now cause of it and they make rounds every 15 minutes.
NYCHA housing, section 8 developments and homeless shelters are causing the majority of crime in Astoria and LIC.
NYCHA housing, section 8 developments and homeless shelter are all a product of systematic oppression. Most of these problems stem from a human beings natural instinct to survive and provide for the family.
When you treat someone like a animal 9 times of 10 you will get one.
Welfare and Medicaid and obamaphone, the horror
That’s Great! Blame everyone and everything except the people responsible.
It’s the weed!
That is insulting
Increase police foot patrols!
Bring back Stop & Frisk!
Strictly enforce evictions for convicted criminals living in subsidized NYCHA apartments!!!
Cops are always present in my neighborhood, and this still manages to happen, foot patrol, post and everything, its the police state over here and it still happens!!!!!!
It happened across the street from the precinct at that!!! Smh!! ???
the sad part is directly across the atreet of there this took place Is a police station !!!!
Very sad but not surprised. Crime has increased all over NYC and especially in NYCHA housing cause Deblasio eased the felony NYCHA ban and no longer enforces evictions of dangerous criminals.
Do you have any any actual statistics to cite regarding crime increase?
Take off the horse blinders and look around, ask the locals or read the news and you’ll realize that crime has increased over the last 1 to 2 years. Stop being ignorant!
People used to say nice things when I told them I am from Astoria. Now all i get is a blank stare, a frown and questions about it being as unsafe, dirty and noisy as they hear it is from people and everything they see weekly on the news.
Ok, move out.
That’s funny because when I tell people they say “ that is a hot area . It’s so expensive “
Highly overrated by a few landlords and many developers. And yes not worth what some people are paying in rent. The Con ED plants also make things a bit muggier and hotter around here.