Nov. 16, 2017 By Christian Murray
The MTA will be increasing subway service along three Queens subway lines next summer, in an effort to keep up with demand.
The agency will be adding trains to the N/W line on weekdays, while boosting 7 train weekend service. The MTA approved the changes—which will go into effect June 2018– at its NYC Transit Committee meeting on Monday.
The MTA will be adding two trains to the N/W line between 6:00 am and 7:00 am on weekdays and another train between 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The MTA will also provide one additional roundtrip on the N/W between 11:30 p.m. and midnight. The MTA treats the N/W as one line since they share a timetable.
The biggest change will come to 7 train, where the agency will provide four additional round trips between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays and eight additional round trips on Sundays between 4 pm and 8 pm.
“These changes…more closely align service with observed customer demand and established guidelines for subway operation,” according to an MTA report circulated at the committee meeting. The MTA said that it collects ridership data and the additional trains will help meet capacity at times most needed.
The MTA will also be adding service to six lines in total, with the 2, 3 and Q lines also seeing more trains.
The cost of the additional service across all lines will be $5 million.
Don’t be so sure all these changes will actually take place, at least on schedule. Do be sure that lawyers will make lots of money off citi-bike / vehicle collisions. Years ago, Giannaris promised he would fix all the traffic lights on 21st avenue…..still waiting for those while he puts his overpaid feet up and relaxes. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of bad driving, since when did it become lawful to suddenly pick up speed and bypass crossing pedestrians at corners? Cyclists aren’t any more cautious or considerate and are especially dangerous on sidewalks. Last but not least, if you voted for the mayor’s second term, stop complaining. Take your sleeping pillow on the subway with you, but wait…..will shiny, new subway cars be added to the smelly, old trains or will the seats be removed to accommodate Astoria’s growing ridership instead? Enjoy your congested (morning) commute!
I guess the city projects that the new citi-bikes and bike lines are not going to make any difference with subway ridership in Astoria. My friend who is from Astoria visited me this weekend after being away for 10 years and was appalled by the traffic mess.