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More New Yorkers Can Qualify for Half-Priced MetroCards Under Program Expansion


Dec. 23 By Kristen Torres

More New York City residents will be eligible for half-priced MetroCards under an expansion of the city’s Fair Fares program, officials announced Friday.

Fair Fares offers half-priced MetroCards to low-income residents. The program was launched by Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson early this year.

“We’re a city that puts working people first, and no New Yorker should have to choose between taking mass transit and putting food on the table,” de Blasio said.

Any resident who is at or below the federal poverty line will be eligible for half-off MetroCards when open enrollment begins on Jan. 27. The poverty line threshold is $12,490 for an individual and $21,330 for a family of three.

Fair Fares is currently only open to NYCHA residents, CUNY and veteran students and New Yorkers receiving cash assistance.

“With the launch of open enrollment and this dedicated outreach effort, we hope to assist as many New Yorkers as we can in the new year,” Johnson said.

Nearly 100,000 city residents have taken advantage of half-priced MTA fares since the program launched, according to the mayor’s office.

Under the program, eligible residents receive a special Fair Fares MetroCard. The cards can be used at MTA machines and will offer users discounted rates for unlimited ride passes and single ride tickets.

Residents can apply for Fair Fares online at

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Common Sense

NYC has the highest median rent of any city in the world…if you cannot afford it please move to a smaller more affordable city with cheap rents and a manufacturing base so you can get gainful employment with your skill set…nobody is entitled to live in the most expensive city in the world and certainly others should not have to pay your way if you choose to do so…please have some self respect and stop begging for scraps like dogs….it is embarrassing for your five kids with no fathers to watch you degrade and dehumanize yourself…move on to a more appropriate place and become a role model for your children to emulate so we can break the cycle of poverty…constantly taking from others is a dying lifestyle…all the handouts are going to dry up in the next couple of years with the looming recession almost upon us…don’t stay here and set your children up to become jailbirds…they deserve an opportunity that you are obligated to provide for them as a parent…try and pretend to have some honor

Trump committed $500 million in real estate tax fraud

But people in poverty saving $1.50 on a subway ride is the real problem


The city should put into law and make similar discounts mandatory to all NYC residents at or below the poverty line for taxis, air line tickets, dining and all NYC attractions like Broadway shows. All New Yorker’s should be able to participate in what the city has to offer. Manhattan has turned into the rich white mans play pen while here in Queens we are stuck with crappy food, no good attrations and stinky streets.


First off, taking a taxi is a luxury… that’s why we use MASS TRANSIT. Second of all, dis punts for airline fair… if you don’t have the money for that, how do you have money for your destination, will they Be offering you discount deals…. it’s called kayak and other search engines to find the best deals ? dining… you go to where you can afford, are you expecting to sit at a five star restaurant and eat cheaply while other have to pay full price? For the nyc attractions, if you paid any attention, there is a program already to go to these attractions for free, broadway shows, you can find discounted tickets. Do some research!


Yea perfect and let’s let them also have court side seats to games at MSG. While some of us are working and can’t afford any of those NYC attractions, let alone be able to keep up with rent, food and transportation money. How about help the working class making just enough to live day by day a little of a discount. Or help lower income New Yorkers find jobs so they are able to pay for a broadway play on their own. No one like hand outs. Also I don’t know where in Queens you live but queens is a wonderful blend of cultures that offers great food and events. Manhattan is actually becoming a mess and not once have I thought it looks like a white mans play pen, this ideology and thinking is dangerous because it divides us to label races. Nothing is wrong with working to try and afford things in life it is not going to be this socialist junk propaganda that we are all being fed constantly.

Everybody pulled his weight.

Why don’t you pay for all of them Vera, since you want people to have what they haven’t worked for.


Vera you are wrong in so many ways. Nobody anywhere is entitled to everything that is being offered period. I can’t afford Peter Luger Steakhouse, therefore I do not go there. I do not take taxis, go to Broadway shows because I cannot afford them(it’s also funny that you mention NYC attractions “like Broadway show”) there are tons of NYC attractions that are FREE to everyone in this city. It’s obvious you are not from around here, feel entitled because you think the way the left does, or just do not know how things work. NOTHING is free, if you would like to enjoy the things you mentioned you need to work for it. There are lots of good food, things to see and do in Queens. The streets are stinky because people litter (maybe you’re one of them) and just don’t care and expect others to clean up everything and pay for everything that you seem to think you deserve so much. PS Manhattan is not the rich white mans play pen, have you been there, it’s just like every other borough just much more taller buildings. Good luck.

First generation American

As long as you make things easier for people by giving them help, they will never try and make things better for themselves.


Any resident who is at or below the federal poverty line of $12,490 for an individual and $21,330 for a family of three in NYC should ride the transit for free.


Dear Jackie… Nobody should ride for free. People tend to take better care of the things they buy with their own money. You give them anything, they waste it or don’t treat it nicely. All the hoodlums who run amok on the subways and busses do so because they didn’t work for the money to pay for that ride. They don’t feel responsible for their actions because things are given to them and not earned.


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