July 27, 2018 By Tara Law
A man was fatally struck by a train at the 30th Avenue subway station this morning in an apparent suicide.
The man was hit by a Manhattan-bound N train at around 11:36 a.m., police say. The train’s motorman told police that he saw the man jump.
The N, Q and R lines were facing considerable delays due to the incident, the MTA said.
As of noon, there was no W train service and no N train service between 57th St-7th Ave and Astoria Ditmars Boulevard. The MTA is currently recommending that displaced passengers take the Q69 or Q102 local bus.
An MTA spokesperson said that he did not know when normal service will resume.
I think a lot of people here are missing the point. alCause and Effect: why did this person feel that way,what led up to it, This person evidently needed some kind of help or counseling maybe the compassion they received from friends just wasn’t enough. You know a lot of people hide their feelings and I guess if anybody knew that would happen it would not have happened. I saw a few of the comments from the people that did know this particular person. I personally have experienced living with someone who is depressed probably will always be depressed and you know you just got to try to look for the signs I know sometimes you can miss them.Everybody seems to be commenting about what happens after the person commits suicide.What about what happened before,what led up to it,that’s kind of more important.Depression is definitely a disease, just like any other disease and needs to be diagnosed and treated.So if you can’t have a little compassion at least be a little understanding.
Why do people think its ok to take others with them? Muslim terrorists, head on collisions with a tree and passengers shooting up a Waffle house or school or your wife and kids then aiming at yourself? Aiming at police and getting return fire?
What is it with these Mental cases who just can’t do it in private? Come on lets discuss
That is a horrible statement. They are sick and hurting they aren’t thinking rationally and they sure are not thinking of your inconvenience. Have mercy on his soul. Too much hate in this world.
I think a lot of people here are missing the point and cause and effect why did this person feel that way what led up to it this person evidently need some kind of help or counseling maybe the compassion they receivedfrom friends yljust wasn’t enough you know a lot of people hide their feelings and I guess if anybody knew that would happen it would not have happened I saw a few of the comments from the people that did know this particular person I personallyb have experienced living with someone who is depressed probably will always be depressed and you know you just got to try to look for the signs I know sometimes you can miss them.Everybody seems to be commenting about what happens after the person commits suicide.What about what happened before,what led up to it,that’s kind of more important.Depression is definitely a disease, just like any other disease and needs to be diagnosed and treated.So if you can’t have a little compassion at least be a little understanding.
I personally knew that man who jumped. Sorry that his death slowed down your daily commutes. Every single person on this site should find Jesus, or face the reality of Hell.
God bless all of you and the victim’s family. I pray that God will show mercy on his eternal soul.
Death is real, but so is faith and salvation.
Why call the person who committed an act of killing a victim when in reality it is the perpetrator? Think.
Some people steal steal, some people commit murder, some people commit self-murder. Some take others with them like the father in Astoria or the guy in the German wings plane who was “suffering” and took all those live with him that didn’t want to go.
Mental illness, severe depression that includes suicidal tendencies, evil, personality disorders.. its up to the individual to get help. To go and publicly kill yourself with kids and others around and possibly endangering other with flying body parts …instead of in a private way – or better yet, get all the help you possibly can – doesn’t get sympathy from me. Its incredibly selfish and vile, and at the end of the day, we are all still responsible for our actions. In this day and age of blaming our problems on anything but our choices and actions and the fact that it is we who must own and deal with them, I bet more than a few will disagree.
Again, the problem was not that he inconvenienced people but that he chose to do it in a way that would rain blood and guts down on pedestrians. He deliberately did this over a busy intersection, one block from a playground. And before you go and assume that children were not affected because of how early it was in the morning: mine was. We got off that train and I know he saw the firemen examining heaven knows what along the side of the track. I honestly cannot recall whether I saw human remains down there or imagined them, but I think he understood that the person our conductor had said was blocking the train had been squashed under it. The scene below was chaos, and thankfully he didn’t see the mess this man made in the street with his blood and other bodily fluids, but he sure as hell saw the woman who had collapsed on the ground in tears because of what she had seen – the one who had to be taken away in a stretcher – and considering the state of my wife after witnessing this I had no choice but to explain suicide to a child who lacks the maturity to grasp it correctly.
I am pretty sure he did not have in mind all the caos that he might cause that morning. If he was aware of that he would not just done it. When people commit suicide they all just wanna free themselves from all the pain that who knows they have been suffering for a long time. You probably will never undestand this because he was not a loved one right??. Just do me a favor and save those comments for youself. He was my friend and you don’t have idea what really happened to him. Have a little respect.
If you know for a fact that I don’t understand what he was going through, that means you DO know what he was going through. Unless you’re so assured of your version that you feel confident sharing it with the class, I’ll stick with my version.
And yes, people do sometimes commit suicide in the nastiest way they can think of, when their suffering includes a contempt for the society they live in, or even all of humanity. What do you make of the person who killed three other people the other night before taking their own life? Do I also lack appreciation of that person’s suffering? Is a little respect in order perhaps?
What a waste of time with all this ignorant people I am done here. Edward and Rikki hell is waiting for you guys peace maybe is the same person using different usernames. You both guys should look for help.
Anonymous you are actually defending people who often take others lives or cause PTSD to others along with their own decision to end their life while you wish hell onto those who did nothing wrong? That is pure evil. Shame on you.
Tell your kid to kick the drama
I said nothing about drama. That’s something you came up with on your own. No, that he lacks the maturity to grasp suicide was evident to me from the fact that he didn’t give a damn. We’ve talked about it since and he still doesn’t seem to care. On reflection, I think he might be onto something.
Take a look at the award winning short documentary available free online, “Man under”. It talks about the terrible life changing trauma inflicted on innocent others when people choose to commit suicide in public and involve others in their decision. Others who may be used as the vehicle to achieve it (and creating danger for those people as the train may need to brake suddenly), those who try to help and those who witness it. And it specifically addresses it as it occurs in the NYC subway transit system. The psychological damage and PTSD some people undergo can be devastating.
“Suicide doesn’t take away the pain. It gives it to someone else.” Spot on. Thank you for this. It’s a little surprising to me that the MTA can be so cold toward its motormen, but then again there are hundreds and hundreds of them who have been drafted into the unpaid side-job of administering euthanasia.
What I want to know is why is the majority upset in the comments, yet the likes are all on the negative point of views, what are you feeding the world ? This is like saying it’s ok to kill yourself no one cares, or saying don’t be weak, it’s one thing to say be strong it’s another to be cold heartedly egotistical and act like self righteous trash…. iono what’s going on, on this page but it seems some Evil bots have it rapped under there A.i. … shameful good bye
I think what you are seeing is people who feel it is actually not ok to kill yourself. Not ok at all. Especially when you choose to do it in a way that can put other people in danger (in front of a moving passenger train) and that can cause severe psychological trauma for people that can have long lasting effects. Not ok at all.
Who a cares about tax money, who cares about being late, who cares about caring ? His hurt is over now, and maybe he thought it was an easy way, no one cured his pain, no one knew what he was feeling, yes sorry for the train operator, not sorry people were late, sorry for those who saw it, sorry for those hurt by the pain he impacted people with, life is short you go one day anyway, this is not an answer, and yes that’s a safety issue, suicide is illegal, but still may his soul rest and peace and may The Higher Power protect those he had if anyone that loved him and tried…. It is better to keep negative comments to one self and not be so selfish because u were out of AC or a little late weaaaaa, it’s all bash the issue, till it’s someone you loved or knew …..
“the truth”, so you do admit your comments are “negative”. Carry on saluting your ironic enjoyment of an insufferable existence where you righteously complain about being late to your tax farm slave gig.
@rikki Comparing suicide by train to murder or negligent homicide is absolutely ridiculous. My boyfriend died when someone drove the car he was riding in into a tree. The minor inconvenience I suffered because of a train delay is nothing by comparison. You ought to engage your brain before you engage your keyboard.
My deepest condolences to the family and friends. I know how much this hurts.
Dam shame.
Who knows what s the problem the poor man was facing? No one can dye happily.
You have got to be kidding me .A person commits suicide and your complaing. ?
I was on the train and I immediately felt sympathy for this person to have felt there was no better option. I also feel sad for the train driver and what he’ll have to deal with in the coming years. The above comment is childish and insensitive. This incident made me an hour late to work, and not once did that change my feelings of sadness and sympathy towards this person.
May he RIP I’m sure he didn’t wake up and say lets ruin everyone’s day
Yeah because you’re a mind reader.
Rikki, someone felt their life was so overwhelming the only way to escape was to commit suicide & end their life and all you can think of is how a train ride was delayed for a few New Yorkers? Grow up, so what you were a few hours late to whatever was more important than a human life. Please reconsider your comment
I am agree with you, people have not heart , they just care about themselves. God bless his soul.
riccki what a horrible person you’re!!!! I hope your family never pass for a situation like this, you’re a very selfish person , a horrible human being
Why are the cops lying about this? It’s clearly the train’s fault and the man had the right of way. When will trains stop hurting innocent people? Do they think they own the tracks??
Sick sick ,maybe you think this us funny . Shameful
Can you imagine if it had been a woman. The patriarchy surely would have been blamed.
I think it’s a cry for help, be strong rikki, this too shall pass.
I was there in the morning, and shocked at people asking if the other platform was still working (knowing a dead man was there), others attempting to take pictures of the body.
Whats wrong with You people ???> This is how little a human life costs today?
The Same way i’m shocked by your uncompassionate macho comment, typical of a first grade asshole.
Welcome to the new Astoria! A bunch of mostly whiners and cry babies that do not care!
You right, but I don’t know how I feel about your last sentence.
My friend was late for work. It didn’t cross her mind once that she was inconvenienced. She just felt overwhelming sadness for this man.
[…] QUEENS • A man was fatally struck by an N train in an apparent suicide at the 30th Avenue subway […]
Now this is a perfect reason NEVER to publish his name, he was a selfish ingrate who screwed up peoples lives for hours, cost the taxpayers money. MTA should sue his estate for the damages
You are a heartless Person Hope one day This never happen To someone in your family Mental health is a Big issue So many hide the disease I pray they rip
You should be ashamed of yourself for this comment.
I’m speechless… people like you are precisely what’s wrong in this world.
If you are going to kill yourself do it ALONE. I have NO sympathy for those who drive a car into a tree with passengers, those who shoot up a Waffle house or school then turn the gun on themselves, or jumping in front of a train affecting thousands of people.
People have JOBS people have family People might be on their way to say good bye to a family relative and never made it in time because of this selfish excuse for a man wanted his 15 minutes of fame.
Rikki, any interest in getting a coffee to discuss this in more detail?
No i dont want to give you any reason to run out of the diner into the middle of queens blvd and screw up traffic for hours.
Such a big tough keyboard warrior, you are.
I knew this person and you can’t imagine how bad depression is. You might be smiling but from the inside you are not here. Your mind can play really bad on you. So do me a favor shut ur fucking mouth and have a little respect for this family.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I was on the platform when the train came in and, while disturbed at some responses that ranged from clueless to callous to apathetic, there were also those who were deeply shocked and saddened. I, for one, am still shocked and saddened.
I’m so sorry for your loss and cannot believe how horrible people are. It really makes me sick. May your friend be at peace.
Rikki are you just fishing for comments; you sound like a ridiculous douchebag. Mental illness is not a joke, the dude may have been really depressed. Even though suicide is never the right answer, your judgement is flawed and ignorant to say the least.
Wow. Hope you never lose someone to suicide. How about we realize something is fucked with this world, when people feel that is the only choice they have left?
You’re a heartless person Nikki, I hope something like this never happened to your family, you’re a very selfish person, God forgive you for your stupid comments out of place…
Heartless comment. No compassion at all for another human being and probably no compassion for yourself and for others close to you. Selfish?? Don’t use the adjective that describes you right now. I don’t condone suicide, but people go through shit.
Hopefully you never ever have to go through this with a close family member or a loved one because trust me, I’ll eat you out from the inside out.
Are you serious? If so, what is wrong with you? This person’s life was more important than money and a few minutes of people’s time. His family is hurting right now and deserves your compassion. I hope none of your loved ones ever feels such despair.
Heartless comment. No compassion at all for another human being and probably no compassion for yourself and for others close to you. Selfish?? Don’t use the adjective that describes you right now. I don’t condone suicide, but people go through shit.
Hopefully you never ever have to go through this with a close family member or a loved one because trust me, I’ll eat you out from the inside out. My girlfriend was next to that man and I promise you the last thing that’s on the back of her mind was the heart wrenching moment when he jumped and the thoughts of his loved ones and family, not the fucking time and the taxes that she lost. The man was well dressed, nervous looking and sad, according to my GF. A traumatic experience for her. Bless his soul and RIP.
Omg I can it imagine seeing something. Like that . It’s so sad I wished it would be stoped . Sending prayers to him and his family and the ones that saw this tragic death
Rikki, that sounds extremely typical of a human to judge orhers based on their sins.
Remember that just because the victim’s sin affects others doesn’t mean the sinner’s life is worthless and they are garbage. It only means their human.
Come on, we could say the same about you every time you look at porn and mentally have sex with a dude or girl.
Now, should we exile you for that? No matter the affect (direct or indirect) that it cause your family, no big deal right. Its difficult to understand, but a sin is a sin that is a sin.
Read your Bible or there’s is a good chance you may end up in hell. Praying for Rikki and the victim’s family equally.