Sept. 28, 2015 Staff Report
A 26-year-old man was shot dead outside a Steinway Street hookah bar in the early hours Monday, according to police.
The shooting took place in front of 25-86 Steinway Street at about 4:00 am this morning. When police arrived they found the victim with gunshot wounds to the body.
EMS transported the victim to Mount Sinai Hospital where he was pronounced dead. His name has yet to be released.
There have been no arrests and the investigation is ongoing, according to police.
Soon my gay friends will have bars all along this ISIS terrain and we will be dating the boys wearing veils aka. garbage bags so you will think we are women.
Steinway between 30th and 25th ave.
Welcome to the biggest pig sty in the city.
Was the shooter a Morocan guy who later fled the scene in a white bmw?
Live hear my whole life as well..that stretch of Steinway has a bar that is actually called Isis lounge…its there seriously…anyway all guys no girls on that block besides the morocans who hit up Irish bars trying to bag a liberal white girl very sad…I hope I’m right that that blocknis totally being watched by big brother Fingures crossed
I agree…There are usually only men hanging out in those lounges…To me, the sidewalk/street in that area look dirty and smell of smoke from the hookah lounges..So many double parked cars… I cant believe they are building a school on that block
Yes that stretch was always men smoking hookah. But the past five years that has changed to hookah lounges. They serve hookah, alcohol, hipsters and hookers. When it was only older men, there were never any problems. Except maybe double parking their taxis. Now it’s a whole new ballgame. And now the low lives from surrounding areas are infiltrating Astoria because of the nightlife and the easy to smash drunk white chicks. I’d like to rewind to 10 years ago. Astoria needs a do over.
That is what happens when business’ (clubs, lounges, bars, restaurants etc.) are open until the crack of dawn! Astoria is a place which caters to many young adults and nightlife. Unfortunately, things like this are bound to happen with this atmosphere.
When I was a kid, It was largely Italian with some Greek establishments. Back then there was a big porn theater, where as kids we’d go while cutting classes. In the back of the Italian cafe (it’s still there but now all Arab I forget the name), they ran an illegal gambling racket in the back. Those were the days! I guess it was around the 90s when the area started to change significantly, when the Italians (who owned a lot of the real estate in that area) and I guess some Greeks began to either sell or rent to the Middle Easterners and you saw the area change big time. But then again, it was largely German at one time and then you had the Southern Europeans arrive.
I know the feeling. It all started to change after the 90’s! You remember that Edelweiss Greek pastry shop on Steinway and Broadway?? I remember going there with my parents around 1986 I think.
It Was Very Berry Night!
Remember when this stretch of Steinway was all Italian? Remember Nino’s restaurant? Ahhh those were the days! Did not need guns to finish your battles
Do you know what happened to Nonos restaurant. I heard he passed but his son Gregory should be running the business
well its so amazing how ppl associates bars and other establishement ….with any occurences in the street….in this particular incident the shooting happene actually across the street from the so called establishement . the shots where fired in the opposite way between two individuals that had an argument in the street while they were both parked int the public street when they reach into there cars pulled fire arms and started shooting at each other ….wich the victim got shot a front of the pharmacy …..so all this misleading info has to be corrected …..instead of defaming and wrong info i live right a cross crystal lounge …that place is very known to be theral …i got denied entrance there for not having id even tho i live a cross from there so ppl get your facts straight and the media i hope u dont get a law suit for wrong info and character defamation…….
I’m so glad I’m moving out of this crappy neighborhood. Filthy, no class, bad mannered, overrated, overcrowded, everyone looking sad and pissed off for a myriad of reasons!
Good for him, He also had a gun, he sliced a guys throat a few months ago at a gas station and is wanted for murder…. Good for him
As opposed to his head.
Uhm, the head is, in fact, part of the body.
So is the brain, but in your case, maybe not.
“When police arrived they found the victim with gunshot wounds to the body.”
A bit vague, no? Where else are bullet wounds going to be found?
Yikes! I hope he make a speedy recovery.
He was pronounced dead.
Well, things can change.
Who the fuck is liking your posts…
It’s Britney b*tch
This part of Steinway street is like walking thru the Middle East. Take your pick Islamabad,Karachi. Enter at your own risk.
There’s no basis to your statement whatsoever. This part of the neighborhood has been demographically Middle Eastern for over 30 years with no issues. Due to the current popularity of hookah, it’s now frequented more often by people from other parts of NYC bringing along with them their problems. It’s not, “enter at your own risk”… If you have an issue with the neighborhood, you should move back to whatever bigot Midwest town you came from.
There’s a lot of basis for his opinion! I have lived in Astoria for all my life, and I have seen that neighborhood go rapidly downhill since the war started. The “immigrants” or “refugees” who are arriving in hordes are mostly male, very healthy and well-fed – they’re completely different from the Middle-Eastern people you’re describing – they’re violent, they hate America and many could be ISIS soldiers – You need to wake up and realize what’s happening to this country.
Hordes of refugees? What nonsense are you spewing? This neighborhood has been this way for as long as I can remember. Greeks, Italians, Arabs, Hispanics… One big melting pot. Stop with your feed the fear comments. “ISIS” is not working at a sandwich shop on Steinway.
30 years?? The neighborhood changed after 9/11 …I grew up in Astoria and before that it was all Italian!! After 9/11 those basterds moved In !! They should never be their to begin with!!
Charles Williams from Brooklyn is someone that sounds Middle Eastern to you? Did your parents have any smarter kids?
Right, because 9/11 caused an influx of Middle Eastern people to move to Astoria… I’ve been able to grab a falafel sandwich on Steinway since probably 82. Where’d you grow up? Near the Con-Ed plant? Would explain a lot.
The neighborhood didn’t change after 9/11 you just happened to take more notice of people who are middle eastern. The melting pot of different ethnicities were always there. Your bigotry and racism is just more apparent now. And you fear anyone who looks or sounds different than you do,
I agree. That stretch of Steinway has always been Middle Eastern. Astoria, with its close proximity to the city has attracted the right out of college crowd, who drive up rents and changed the landscape of Astoria. Hence, Hookah lounges, clubs, strip clubs and sports bars. Young girls dressing like hookers and stupid 20 somethings trying to impress them.Then you have the dredges of earth who come to make trouble from surrounding areas. I don’t see how a thug with a gun looking to pick up some straight out of college chick in Astoria has anything to do with our Little Cairo.
He had a gun, he’s from Brooklyn and he got exactly what he was looking for. Probably someone from East Elmhurst next store smoked his ass.
The midwest? Sounds more like LID to me (Long Island D**khead).
“Silent majority”, you need to stay silent, because you’re ignorant. I’m not middle-eastern, have lived in the immediate neighborhood for 14 years, and it has always been trouble free and safe. No less so than other parts of Astoria. Take your bigotry elsewhere if you don’t like the ethnic mix.
YES And the middle easterners are not the problem its the thugs that come from brooklyn to hang out at the lounges that start the problems.
Instead of this “baseless” back and forth just go to the 114 precinct police reports they contain physical descriptions of assailants with race addresses and zip codes of people arrested filed by address.
Perhaps you should change your name to “racist minority.” If someone got beat up or shot outside some Irish pub, would you proceed to indict Ireland, Scotland, and the UK? Pull your head out of your a** for like two seconds and look around.
I wonder how so many hookah lounges can afford to stay open while paying rent and bills.. Is there rent cheaper in that area?
A lot of those lounges are covers for other types of illicit activities and that’s why they are able to afford the rents.