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Man Robbed at Gunpoint in Astoria last month, police say

Suspects (NYPD)

Suspects (NYPD)

June 15, 2016 Staff Report

The police released footage yesterday of two suspects they believe robbed a man at gunpoint in Astoria last month.

The alleged perpetrators, a male and a female, walked up to a 28-year-old man near 3-15 27th Avenue shortly after midnight on May 22, took out a firearm and demanded his property.

The victim complied and the suspects fled the location with his wallet and iPhone 6.  A short time later, the suspects attempted to purchase items at the Trade Fair Supermarket, located at 30-08 30 Avenue, with the victim’s stolen credit card but were unsuccessful.

Video footage of the suspects at the supermarket is below.

Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)

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-Peter We can pay for and do everything in your silly long winded post and make all the corporations involved with this industry even richer or just simply ban rapid fire assault weapons like every other safe civilized nation in the world did and save ourselves tens of thousands of dollars a family. You sound like a very gullible man.

Peter R

Former CIA Officer on What to Do If You are Faced with a Crazed Killer Like the Orlando Shooter

By Jason Hanson

I don’t work on Sundays and don’t answer my phone.

So when I checked my voicemail on Monday, there was a message from a reporter at a local news station asking about my thoughts and what could have been done to save more people in the Orlando shooting.

It’s obviously a terrible tragedy that’s occurring more and more in the United States. For years, other countries (Israel, for example) have had to deal with this type of thing, but the United States has been relatively immune.

Being that the Orlando shooting is the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history, I’m hoping that we realize we need to take more precautions and that this is something all Americans need to be prepared for.

In a perfect world, in elementary school, high school and college, we would have active shooter training. This active shooter training would be what the Israeli’s teach their citizens and there is no doubt it would have saved lives in Orlando.

For instance, I carry a gun daily, but I realize the majority of Americans do not and never will, so I’m not going to say the solution is carry a gun so you can take down the active shooter.

Instead, the solution is very simple and it’s to immediately rush the shooter and stop him by taking out his eyes with your thumbs. That may sound gruesome but an active shooter could be wearing body armor or he might be huge and be able to bench press 350-pounds.

But, it doesn’t matter if he’s built like the Incredible Hulk, an eye gouge affects him just as much as it affects a skinny 110-pound guy.

And, if he gets gauged in the eyes his hands will immediately go to the eyes to protect them and if he can’t see and is protecting his eyes that will give you plenty of time to do other things such as disarm him, tackle him, and do a series of strikes.

I wasn’t at the Orlando nightclub and don’t know anyone who was. However, if it’s a crowded nightclub I’m guessing there were plenty of people near the entrance where the shooter first walked in with the gun.

These people’s reaction was to probably flee because they had not been trained and did not know any better. But fleeing only gives the shooter more time and space to shoot people.

Had one of the people rushed the shooter, who was probably arms length distance away, then perhaps only three people had to die instead of 50.

The thing is, most Americans don’t have the knowledge of how to stop an active shooter. It doesn’t have to be training that is scary or intimidating but it should be something implemented in our schools because it will save lives.

And, if heaven forbid, you find yourself in this situation and the shooter is close by, rush him, and take out his eyes with your thumbs (basically, grab his head with both of your hands as if you were going to head butt him, and your thumbs will easily find the eyes.)

Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer, runs the website, Spy, Escape and Evasion, and is author of Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected


Peter R Dealer- Gun owners are 6 times more likely to die violent death according to AMA and FBI statistics. Fact. Yes its a nice dream to see a punk like this get a nice surprise and get what he deserves. Also according to AMA and FBI statistics a gun in a home is exponentially more likely to be used on a member of the family or in a suicide then as means of self defense. The laws are not leaving people defenseless that statement is absurd. Taking precautions and being aware of your surroundings are best ways to avoid becoming a victim. This is also a fact.

John John

The guy in this article didn’t acknowledge any of the characteristics or details to the Orlando shooting. Not all active shooter events and situations are alike. He forgot the part about him being a tactically trained professional with a gun. He never mentioned the mass chaos in the case of Orlando or the facts that it was dark and extremely loud. As people at the scene will tell you, nobody knows what’s going on and with an automatic weapon in play time to react in a dark loud and chaotic environment is hindered by the stampeding panic stricken crowd. His advice about everyone rushing this armed coward and blinding this piece of human trash sounds great but he neglects to factor in any of the factors I pointed out or the “element of surprise” or the complete sense of disbelief and confusion. This guy Peter R sounds like a complete gullible imbecile who needs to raise the bar of the quality of information he is putting in his posts.

Mike OB

Hey Pete: A former CIA Officer really said these things you posted? He really said people in a poorly lit disco with music blasting many of them already shot should have devised a plan to rush a gunman,somebody with the capability of firing 500 rounds per minute in rapid succession? Would he really believe they could devise such a plan under these conditions in less then a minute? He didn’t just say it would’ve been a lot better odds if we just didn’t sell these weapons of war to civilians? Life is not a video game. You and your fairy tale article definitely speak like a couple stupid Monday morning quarter backs who have never been in a situation or an event involving an active shooter. Your posts are insults to all those who have died in these mass shooting atrocities.


Hey Pete- Do you really expect us to believe an actual CIA Officer would say people inside a dark noisy disco with music blasting in the middle of a stampeding and hysterical crowd, many who were already shot could actually communicate and devise an effective plan to “rush” a gunman, somebody with the capability of firing 500 rounds per minute? How gullible are you two? Life is not a video game or an action flick. Wouldn’t a person in the CIA just say it would be easier and smarter just not to sell these instruments of war to a civilian population? You definitely speak like somebody who has never been in a situation or an event involving an active shooter. Your posts are an insult to every person wounded, killed and to all those who have laid their lives on the line responding to these atrocities.

Peter R

794,300 total police officers

error rate

avg. deaths of a shooting
rampage stopped by police

criminals killed each year


gun owning citizens

error rate

avg. deaths of a shooting
rampage stopped by a citizen

criminals killed each year


The numbers of mass shootings did go down from an annual event to an event that happens every 5 years with a much lower body count. I believe the objective is to reduce unnessary bloodshed and the costly expense of caring for the maimed. Yes the mentally ill do cause these tragedies but limiting access to weapons like guns reduces the number of dead and maimed as proven by the numbers experienced by the Australians with their passage of gun control


Peter- The worst crime in the nation according to FBI statistics are Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina and Tennessee. All Conceal carry states. LOL I told you in an earlier post that all your lies were easily verified as the lies they were. You make it too easy.

Peter R

“Better to have a gun and not need it then need it and not have it.”

270 Million





A recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally (more guns = less crime).

Nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not in general. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate 3x that of the 9 European nations with the highest gun ownership rate

An analysis of the FBI crime statistics found that states that adopted
concealed carry laws REDUCED:


Aggravated Assaults


With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had 3 of the worst 6 school shootings.


Peter R, Your post is all lies and propaganda. First your ridiculous post regarding every public mass shooting since 1950.
1-Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an American engineering student at the University of Texas and mass murderer who gunned down 49 people, killing 16 in August 1966.
2- The Luby’s shooting was a mass shooting that took place on October 16, 1991, at a restaurant in Killeen, Texas, United States. The perpetrator, George Hennard, crashed his pickup truck through the front of a Luby’s Cafeteria, and immediately shot and killed 23 people, and wounded 27 others before shooting and killing himself. I
3-On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area. Six people died, including federal District Court Chief Judge John Roll; Gabe Zimmerman, one of Rep. Giffords
4-At the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) in Huntsville, Alabama, three people were killed and three others wounded in a shooting on February 12, 2010. During the course of a routine meeting of the biology department attended by approximately 12 people, professor Amy Bishop stood up and began shooting those closest to her with a 9-millimeter handgun.
5-On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas.Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others.The shooting produced more casualties than any other on an American military base.
Your post is one lie after another. Your not even a good liar all of your bogus statistics are all easily verifiable. Just like I did with with your lies about shootings only taking place where citizens are banned from carrying guns. Your lies about European crime are just as easily verified and the lies about concealed carry laws reducing crime are.




What does the buzz word liberal mean? It’s not pro or negative gun it’s about a prohibition on rapid fire types of guns like the machine gun which is already banned you idiot


Howard Stern is not a liberal he’s a greedy Millionaire with a trophy wife who could give two shits about the working class.


-Roderic Statistics provided by the CDC and FBI. Idiots with guns murdered 13,286 people, wounded 26,819 many maimed in 2015 alone.There was 22,000 suicides with a firearm and 43 people shot by toddlers in the last year alone. Assault weapons that can mow down hundreds of people in seconds without even seeing the whites of their eyes, sold to anyone who wants one even when that person intends to kill you, your family and neighbors.The evidence shows that there are fewer than even 3,000 Defensive Use of a Gun annually. In comparison, there are about 30,000 gun deaths annually, and many more injuries and shattered lives. The costs of gun ownership unequivocally outweigh the benefits.


-Roderic Statistics provided by the CDC and FBI. Idiots with guns murdered 13,286 people, wounded 26,819 many maimed in 2015 alone.There was 22,000 suicides with a firearm and 43 people shot by toddlers in the last year alone. Assault weapons that can mow down hundreds of people in seconds without even seeing the whites of their eyes, sold to anyone who wants one even when that person intends to kill you, your family and neighbors.The evidence shows that there are fewer than even 3,000 Defensive Use of a Gun annually. In comparison, there are about 30,000 gun deaths annually, and many more injuries and shattered lives. The costs of gun ownership unequivocally outweigh the benefits.


So basically we are at the mercy of the criminals. The wolves can get the guns illegally and we are the sheep waiting to be slaughtered?


-Roderick wow you really are uneducated. Get a gun just accept the fact when the thing you bought for protection is never used in that type of situation and exponentially more likely used on a member of your family or by a family in a suicide.


@hmmmm We see you’re not one truth fact or statistical analysis.


Shoot em up partner, but first learn some grammar before public statements and make a fool of yourself


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