Astoria Park (GMAPs)
Jan. 31, Staff Report
A man was found dead in Astoria Park this afternoon from a gunshot wound to the head, according to police.
The police found the man at about 2:30pm after they receive a report that there was an unconscious person inside the park near the pool (24-02 19th Street). The police discovered the man lying on the ground dead from a gunshot wound.
EMS responded to the location and transported the victim to Elmhurst Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The incident and the investigation is ongoing, according to police. There have been no arrests.
The identification of the deceased—a 42 year male– has not been released, pending family notification.
A park being safe has nothing to do with an isolated incident between two Croatian immigrants. Here is the article on the two men’s backgrounds from the New York Times.
My 1st thght was victim was shot somewhere else & dumped in Astoria Park. Last 12 years I walked my dog in Park even in the wee hours & never had trouble there. Then again it helps 2 have a pit bull.
Wow that’s amazing! I’ve never heard of something like that at Astoria Park I mean you had a few going ons in the eighties but nothing like this. At 2:30 p.m.! Its mid afternoon everybody’s out and about. Somebody must have dumped his ass there. Maybe the person who made the anonymous phone call should be a person of interest or knows something at the least. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that one out. Hey Newbie for your information Astoria has always been and still is one of the best and safest places to live why do you think the rent and the real estate is so damn expensive! If you had done your homework or at least open your eyes a bit and look around you would know this. So my suggestion to you is next time keep your opinions to yourself your mouth shut your eyes and ears open and pay attention! Don’t be a moron or your life! By the way you voted for Obama didn’t you ?
He was FOUND @ 2:30 !!
Btw…… I agree with most of your comments !
When you come across a killer w /a weapon ….You could be riding w /100 pit bulls …….You’re Gone & the pitbulls……So always …..beware !!
Anyone w /a weapon don’t give a crap about 100 pit bulls !!!
Wow I lived in astoria for 15 years, grew up there and I went to that park all the time, even came back to visit it quite a bit after I moved! Never saw any crime or anything, crazy.
It’s either the bus driver or someone riding up and down a quiet residential neighborhood looking for easy unsuspecting residents who never had to worry.
The park is close to the Westway!!! One quick bus route will take you past every single one of those recent crimes that have occurred over the past two months. First stop 21st ave and 76th street ..hold up at gun point, stop 2 Westway, stop three woman held up at gun point never reported in media 49th street 21st ave, next stop McDonalds on 31st and Ditmars, next stop child screams as suspect tries to steal phone. Final stop still on the same Ditmars bus route…Astoria Park…finale! Coincidence???
the park is NO WHERE near the Westway hotel! Geez. Fear mongering much? The “bus route” you refer to doesn’t go near the park. Q69 turns at Ditmars and 21st Street and no where near where the body was found. Good grief!
The Park has always been up and down in terms of safety. In the 60s through the 80s it was a lot less safe than it has been recently because first heroin, than crack, was out of control and drug users made the park unsafe. Since the 90’s it has been safer, and I fear the bad days may be coming back. I’m speaking as a third-generation Astorian who lived there over 50 years.
I live one block away from the park and have been living here for 4 years, and i have never heard of such thing happening. So sad, i thought it was safe…
You should visit parks in Jamaica, Queens……Bronx……Brooklyn…… Let us know how it goes…..Obviously you have to beware no matter where you are ! Probably an isolated incident !…. We don’t even know if the crime was commited there.
Bull crap all the time! This……That ;;;
To the IDIOT that said Astoria Park has never really been safe …..I suggest you visit some parks in Jamaica (Queens), Bronx or Brooklyn……if you come back alive…. let us know how safe Astoria Park is ! There’s a BIG difference between a “Crime area” and an “isolated incident”. Obviously you have to beware !! …..where ever you are. The shooter …..was probably an outsider ! We don’t even know if he got killed there……the body could’ve been dumped. We’ll have to wait and see.
Im gonna bet its a suicide. Nothing to do w park safety or rent, just depression.
Rent ??
I live right by the park! I have grown up in this park…. As are my kids! It is very well lit…. Safe and a great place to go at anytime day or night! It is a tragedy that something like this happened so close to home! Hopefully the killer is found and gets EXACTLY what he deserves! RIP
This sort of thing can happen any where, but to Astoria Homeowner ,pls. crime has risen since the Westway became a homeless shelter.Bigoted ,racist blah,blah ,blah .Fact is fact ,no matter what color fool.
I used to walk my dog there a lot at 3 am for a few years in 1995. There was always a bad vibe there at 3 am ! I seen lots of weirdos and well as bums on the ground and some were knocked out from alcohol.
Some people passing through gave mean stares at 3 am . I was way too busy trying to keep up wit ha golden retriever . We just liked to look at the view, but my dog grew fearful of the height of the wall. Any one who snuck on us were quickly scared away by me. Im just the kind of guy who will do something if you attack me your ll definitely get attacked back so most people of the night were terrified of me. I was not trying to be that way but …I did sense it was a scary place, I was scared but i still went. I felt deep in my heart it was a place of death. Eventually my dog was too scared to go near the pool.
First of all Astoria Park had always been safe. I find it interesting that after the fraud of a mayor NYC currently has and his socialist agenda he puts a homeless shelter in the Westway Motel. Crime has risen ever since he back doored this community.
The park and the family shelter are no where near each other. To imply that crime has risen because of it, and that somehow this incident is due to that, is low and bigoted. There is no data proving anything of the sort because it’s not real so stop blaming homeless families for everything.
You obviously have no idea of the information that proves exactly what I am saying. Do your due diligence don’t believe what those politicians are telling you. Speak to some of your fellow home owners and find out first hand
Westway had turned into a shelter long before Deblasio ! Btw……Town meetings are trying to shut it down !
Everyone’s butthurt that something happened in their beloved park, I live next to the park and so many robberies and such have happened there in plain daylight. The only thing new is the death.
I grew up and still live right by the park (38yrs). While I’m shocked that this has occurred, Astoria park has always been safe and I still feel safe going there. This is just an isolated incident and I hope the culprit is caught quickly.
I grew up in this park, aside from an occasional nonsense scuffle this park was always what we deemed safe. A welcoming environment that the kids from the 80’s called home. These tragic events can sadly happen anywhere.
horrible, this park has never really been safe.
Considering this is one of the largest parks in NYC, this park has always been safe. For you to even say that you are an outsider or a relatively new arrival.
Well said! EXACTLY
Astoria park has ALWAYS been safe. You can walk at any time of night and no one bothers you. It is surrounded by a tight community and everyone is friendly with each other. I agree, you must be a newbie.
Relatively new arrival= someone living or visiting someone residing in the Westway!
Go back home idiot! This park was ALWAYS safe. Crime went up along with the rent!!!!!
You should visit parks in Jamaica, Queens ….Bronx…..Brooklyn…and if you come back alive …..tell us how safe Astoria Park is. There’s a big difference between “Crime Areas” and “Isolated incidents”. The shooter is an outsider….probably. We don’t even know if the crime was committed in the park. We just have to wait and see. Obviously ….. You have to beware no matter where you are !!!!
I replied to you ! Do your research before you make comments. You always have to beware no matter where you are !
Do your research before you comment ! My reply was towards you !
My reply was towards Anonymous !
Ooooo ! Then don’t go to the Park !
The park has been up and down in terms of safety. During the 60’s, 70s and 80’s it was a lot more dangerous than it has been recently. When heroin, bad during the Vietnam era, and crack, worse during the 80s, both went down, the park became fairly safe. A generation of peace and quiet may be ending now though. By the way, I’m speaking as a third-generation Astorian with over 50 years in the burg.
Jesus. I work out at that park.