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Man follows 76-year-old woman into apt. building, grabs her leg


April 4, 2016 Staff Report

A man followed a 76-year-old woman into the vestibule of her Astoria apartment building and grabbed her leg, according to police.

The woman was walking near 44th Street and 25th Avenue at about 8:40 am Sunday, April 3, when the suspect began following her, according to police. When he touched the woman inside her building’s vestibule she yelled for help and the man fled westbound on 44th Street.

The suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male, 30 to 40 years old, 5’10” to 6’0″, 180lbs to 200lbs.

He was last seen wearing a black hooded sweater, a black jacket, blue jeans and black sneakers.

Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)

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-Angela (and I mean the real one) Don’t waste your time responding to this dolt. This dolt needs a remedial reading class.


First Degree Harassment – NY Penalties

Harassment in the first degree is defined as:

Intentionally and (or) repeatedly harassing another person by following them in a public place, or
Engaging in a course of conduct which places another person in reasonable fear of physical injury.
This is considered a B Misdemeanor charge. A B Misdemeanor can carry up to 90 days in jail.

Please note the police never charged this perpetrator with the incident of ‘following” as highlighted in the article. Nobody said anything denying sympathy to the 76 year old woman.To quote John’s quote you mentioned, “Just because someone said something happened doesn’t mean it happened”, does not mean somebody necessarily lied. Mistakes are made and confusion can come into play. In your infantile two dimensional read of things either the cops “lied” or the victim “lied” because this perp was not charged with “harassment” charge that would accompany an act of “following” someone to instill enough fear in them to cause them to “scream”. You really need to work on your reading comprehension and stop injecting things into peoples posts that are just not there and just not written in the post. Nice doing business with you.


Sounds like this woman may have the early stages of paranoia associated with mental illness. No robbery attempt no sexual asault attempt. She’s going batty.


Grabbed her leg and she screamed for help and he ran. Maybe she shouldn’t have screamed and waited to see what he wanted to do. This way at least a “real crime” would have been committed. Stupid woman screaming for help should have just been raped so this story could be more “newsworthy” for you guys.


-he What the others are pointing out is this particular story doesn’t fit typical patterns. Not everything is sinister. Look at the bogus slashing in downtown Manhattan, Brooklyn gang rape case of girl hanging out drinking with daddy in playground or the fake rape claims of Heidi Jones of ABC’s Good Morning America. Spare us your self righteous sanctimonious BS.

He here

David- do you make it a point to follow 76 year old women home and grab their legs and runaway when they scream? I’m sure he had the best of intentions- maybe he wanted to just help her with her groceries like a nice boy. Hope it never happens to a woman in your life.

Astoria Resident

3 examples in a city full of crime is known as an “exceptions to the rule” David. I can’t begin to imagine what reason a young man would have for following an elderly woman and then grabbing her leg. Can you?


-Astoria Resident You should learn to read….David is pointing out what others like Anon and Anonymous are saying “maybe” just maybe its not what the woman has described at all. I live in Astoria over 50 years and am third generation. When my grandmother started developing mental complications in the mid 1980’s she started to believe people were following her home from C-Town.As for Davids listing examples next time maybe he should list 30 such incidents and waste more of our time like you just did. Maybe this young man didn’t follow this woman and grab her leg. Just maybe…

John John

@Astoria Resident Three examples is more than sufficient to make a valid point. Just because someone said something happened doesn’t always means it happened.

Hi mom

I’m sure he followed her home and grabbed her so he could help with her groceries.

@ John John

And just because other people have lied doesn’t mean this woman is.


To@ John John You appear to be another one posting here with a reading comprehension problem. John John said nothing about any person lying. Go back and reread the post. Well they caught the bum anyway. Charged with trespass and force able touching. No robbery or sexual charges.

@ Angela

“Just because someone said something happened doesn’t mean it happened”
How do you comprehend that statement?
And we will never know his intent because after he followed this elderly woman home and grabbed her and she screamed – he ran away. I don’t know but if someone followed my mother home and grabbed her- I wouldn’t assume he was just trying to wish her a good day. But good for you for giving him the benefit of the doubt. My sympathy lies with the 76 year old woman.


It’s summer Vegas far as a new story is concerned a man falls woman into building and attacked her by grabbing her leg Yeah but what else ?

Liberated Lady

This guy looks fine….I wouldn’t mind him following in me home..When the police track him down I’ll have to reach out. Something fishy sounding about this story..

Astoria in my blood

Nah, the “people” Trump wants to send back are too busy working hard for the minimal $$$they make putting up new buildings in Astoria for the rich.


They keep telling me that Astoria is better then ever because of the great popularity and increase in property value. Reading this it sure doesn’t seem like the Astoria that I once knew. Yes keep building condos and bring in more people and make it like over crowded like Manhattan… idiots!

Astoria in my blood

I agree keep building all these fancy buildings and making Astoria like Manhattan. all it’s done is ruin Astoria. Crime has never been this high in Astoria since they’ve started the bullshit with putting up new buildings in any spot they can find.


Yes, crime was higher in the 1980s and 1990s.

In what world does new expensive buildings bring crime? The least developed areas have the most crime.

Stop saying this that aren’t true. It sounds so stupid.


No one made excuses for the criminals when I was a kid. When a friend’s grandmother had her handbag ripped off her arm at the subway station, when a friend was mugged of his jacket in the middle of winter, when bicycles were stolen, no one thought much about the thieves’ feelings. There were no gentrifiers then, no high-rises, no cool restaurants!!! Plenty of victims, in other words, but none suitable to blame for their own victimization.


OMG, all these things happened when you were a kid? You mean crime in Astoria didn’t just start a few years ago. I’m shocked!
The other guy on here implied all of this is new.

No one is making excuses for the criminals here by the way..not sure where you are getting that from.


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