Tequila Sunrise and Piedra del Sol
Aug. 15, 2018 By Tara Law
A Mexican restaurant and bar was shut down yesterday for nonpayment of taxes.
Tequila Sunrise and Piedra del Sol, located at 40-01 Northern Blvd., was seized by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance yesterday.
A spokesperson for the state said that restaurant owes $208,682.22 in taxes for the years since 2011. The restaurant has been open for at least 29 years, according to the business’s website.

Poster in the restaurant’s window
The tax department spokesperson said that he could not comment on the specific case, but that seizing businesses is the department’s “last resort.”
The department typically approaches businesses to work with them to pay their taxes several times before ordering them closed, the spokesperson said.
The owners of Tequila Sunrise could not be reached for comment.
Was it called something different before Tequila Sunrise? I went there pretty often in the early 90’s and I thought it went by a different name?
hope it reopens soon!
As a regular there for many many years, I knew Fernando well. So well that he has borrowed money from me a few times. One time he even asked if I would be interested in Investing in the place! BTW, Long time means since 1996. Knowing Fernando Well means, I have emptied more then a few bottles of Patron there as I read the NY Post at the bar. When I asked to review the books, He balked. That is why the deal went no further. Currently the DOF owns the lease and contents. They usually take one year to auction it off. Who would like to see it open as “Tequila Sunrise Duex”? Of course with a different Chef and all!
Keep the chef. The food was amazing.
You own a business and make the money you charge your customers tax so pay your taxes
Simple !!
It’s about time
[…] A spokesperson for the state said that restaurant owes $208,682.22 in taxes Longtime Astoria Mexican Restaurant Shut Down by Department of Taxation […]
I really loved this place. I would go with my family all the time.
Hasta La Vista, Baby.
I guess the sun set on Tequila Sunrise.
Well smigos close close….
Algo viene
*Taxation* is thievery. If one person/business doesn’t pay their taxes then they’re in trouble. But if EVERYone doesn’t pay then the gov’t is in trouble.
Here’s an axe and a fishing pole. Go live in the woods, away from civilization if you don’t believe in contributing to the common good. Don’t drive on the taxpayer-funded streets. Don’t call 911 if your house catches fire.
No taxes, no services. Plain and simple.
@ Liberty, I actually get it now. No taxes means private businesses will compete for market share and will lose profits should they provide bad services. Unlike politicians who don’t rely on profits directly so they rely on votes. I guess the only time politicians rely on company profits are for campaigns so we have to keep politics separate from companies.
Let us know how that works out for you.
Yet we have a criminal President that pays no taxes at all and he gets off Scott free
I guess ignorance is bliss…
“Yet we have a criminal President that pays no taxes at all and he gets off Scott free.”
Bwahahahaha! Put down the crack pipe. You’ve had enough.
What an aperture of the colon you are!! Do you really believe that? I knew somehow Trump would be involved. They didn’t pay taxes. Oh! Wasnt Clinton and Obama president? I guess these “criminals” didn’t pay taxes too.
More like EVERYONE is in trouble.
Want to ride public transit to work? Taxes pay for that.
Want to drive your car to work? Taxes pay for that.
Want to send your kids to school? Taxes pay for that.
Don’t want to get robbed? Taxes pay for that.
Want the fire department to save your life when your house is burning down? Taxes pay for that.
Next time you call taxation thievery, remember exactly what the government is stealing them for: goods and services everyone makes use of on a daily basis.
Liberty-,Are you truly this naive ?
Hopefully you’ve never walked on a public sidewalk or you’d sound like a huge idiot!
What a maroon.
Classic macaroon.