Recovered at scene
March 29, 2016 By Michael Florio
The man who went on a deadly crime spree earlier this month now faces 25 years to life in prison, according to the Queens District Attorney’s office.
James Dillon, 23, who slashed multiple victims and killed a liquor store owner on March 6, was arraigned last week while in the hospital.
He is being charged with murder in the second degree, two counts of attempted murder in the second degree, assault in the first degree, two counts of assault in the second degree and three counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, according to the Queens DA.
DNA Info previously reported on the charges.
Dillon continues to be hospitalized after being shot several times by police officers, which put an end to the violent tirade.
Dillon’s weekend long crime spree started on March 4, when he approached a 26-year-old man on 28th St. at 10:50 p.m. that night and slashed him on the chin, according to Captain Peter Fortune, Commanding Officer of the 114th Precinct.
The incidents picked up on March 6, when he slashed a 39-year-old woman on 36th Street. He then slashed a 43-year-old man while entering an apartment building on Roosevelt Avenue in Jackson Heights.
His violence turned fatal when he entered Astoria Liquors & Wines on Astoria Boulevard and stabbed owner George Patouhas in the neck. Patouhas was removed to Mt. Sinai Hospital where he later died.
Dillon also attacked a 61-year-old homeless man who frequents the liquor store. He splashed him with a flammable chemical and set the man on fire. The man was injured but survived.
Dillon then tried to break into a woman’s apartment on 42nd Street at 5 p.m., Fortune said last week. Following that he attempted to break into a FDNY vehicle on 35th Street near the 114th Precinct. Police spotted Dillon and began to chase after him, when he jumped the fence into his backyard.
Officers chased Dillon into the yard where he threw chemicals onto the officers. In the struggle police fired seven shots at Dillon, striking him in the leg. He has been hospitalized since.
Dillon is a diagnosed schizophrenic, who “apparently was off his medication for quite sometime,” according to Fortune.
His charges stem only from the 36th Street slashing and liquor store incidents.
The police didn’t know he had mental illness until they stopped him bit when it came to an elderly black woman who was known in her neighborhood to have mental illness she was shot & killed for approaching cops with a baseball bat. Not a knife, not unknown chemicals, no murderous rampage but a fucking baseball bat.
Also, I love how little focus I see for the victims and their families but I’m sure if the perp was a minority you would be bleeding hearts then. I’m not saying all white people are this disgusting but you have to understand the level of skepticism blacks especially would have with that statement about not demonizing people, blacks are demonized because they exist. Have you not seen how many blacks lost their lives due to police misconduct or who don’t get justice by comparison to white who commit the same crime?
While you say not all white people are this way not enough of you care to help change the way things are. Not enough of you care because the change doesn’t effect you directly. Not enough of you care because your privilege has you in a position to comfortably complain online while people of your skin tone disgrace you. White people are the only group in America where 1 person can do something stupid and it only represents that person while blacks, asians, Hispanics and Muslims…they represent their entire group and even if they’re the best they have to offer they’re still scrutinized (ask The Obamas, best of what black people could be yet white people hated him)
So don’t sit here complaining about blanket stereotypes when white people been doing it for so long it’s hard for other groups to simply exist.
You are a racist my friend, only a person who generalizes people in different colors or race is a racist. FYI first slave and slave owner were black, think about that for a second. Its tiresome how its always oh poor me. People bitch about all the african americans killed by police cause they use that as an example for self pity. Oh poor me our people were enslaved for so many centuries. Blacklivesmatters forces people to feel racist towards white people. Again research history you uneducated fool. first slave and slave owner were black people.
What’s tiresome is the false equivalency assert and the ignorance you exhibit. Aside from your poor grammar – which we could kindly attribute to carelessness – the irony inherent in your exhortation to “research history you uneducated fool (sic)” is laughable. Or, it would be if it weren’t so sad.
“You” are the one who needs to learn more history! Black “slaves” and “slave” ownership in Africa was not the same as it was around the rest of the world as it was perpetuated by evil white people. Poor me?? THIS COUNTRY’S WEALTH WAS FOUNDED ON SLAVERY!!! There are millions of Americans who still don’t believe in racial equality and they engage in their beliefs through their professions regularly, including the police department. Did you forget that this country fought inside of its own borders because of racial biases???? Now race issues are nothing but phantoms of days gone by that still haunt the dreams of black people??? STFU and go tip a cow!
So your saying black slaves and slave ownership in Africa was good? You are a fool.
Look I agree that blacks are trgeted by police as dangerous criminals, that’s a fact and it’s unfair. I grew up in a hood in South Florida and while I could walk through the rich neighboring area with impunity, my friends couldn’t.
My issue is this false equivalency that because police target minorites (I’m Hispanic but look pretty much white ) all whites are at fault and are responsible. In every country around the globe foreigners (to the dominant race, not foreigners as in any one from a different country) are put down and criminalized. This leads to criminal behavior because their chances are inherently less. And it’s fucked. But it’s a human issue that all of us ad a species need to grow out of.
Slavery was an issue for all races in all locations. This dude saying it’s documented that blacks were the first slave owners is taking out of his ass, because slavery existed before written language and that’s why this whole tribal race issue is so rampant. It’s innate in our programming.
But yeah. This article demonstrates a different issue, our God awful mental health system. There needs to be a way to keeps tabs on people with violent tendencies like this 23 year old kid. I believe they should be reintegrated to society but clearly this wasn’t done the right way. And I hope that one day our police can respond with compassion regardless of race.
Clearlyn you have no understanding of racism Anonymous, July 3.
The police DID KNOW HE HAD A MENTAL ILLNESS! Get your facts straight before you go attacking people and making EVERY STORY ABOUT RACISM. Don’t you have anything else to do with your life?
Yep. And lucky for the lunatic, he ain’t dead! If he was a black man, woman, or child, he would’ve died. Period.
Well said!
Or slightly dim witted? Yes, it is his mental illness. He is a diagnosed schizophrenic who was off his medicine. That’s not like having the flu and not taking antibiotics. If he were black I would feel the same way. Despite what you believe not all whites give other whites a pass simply because we share a skin color. Nor do we automatically demonized those who differ from us. If he was a black man with this mental illness I would hope he would get the care he would need- not call for a needle to be stuck in his arm. Not all whites are racist just like not all blacks are criminals. Blanket stereotypes work both ways and not everyone belongs underneath them.
Tell that to your white counterparts who have done their best to make black lives not matter over generations.
No one implied all whites were racist. What was stated is that blacks w the same issue are not given the same courtesy. Your discomfort with the truth of racial bias does not mean those who are on the receiving end of it will be silenced.
I hate that race is an issue here.
I agree with police target blacks unfairly, I’m Hispanic and from a bad area so I get it. But this issue more focused on our nation’s terrible healthcare system, especially our terrible mental health system.
Let us look past race here and accept that until we fix this healthcare issue, sad and damaged people of all skin colors are fucked.
If this thug wasn’t white, people would be screaming for the death penalty. He’s white, so “let’s hope he gets some compassionate care- it’s not him but his mental illness that is to blame.”
I pray for all the victims involve in this horrible situation and for their families.
I hope to God that James Dillon (Fox) will get the help he so desperately needs and let’s not forget to pray for his family and for those tha are dealing with mental issues