A body was found on the G train platform at the 21st Street-Van Alst Station Wednesday. (Photo of officers at the scene courtesy of R C MacLagger)
Feb. 9, 2022 By Christian Murray
A body was found on the G train platform at the 21st Street-Van Alst Station in Long Island City this morning, police said.
The body, believed to be that of a middle-aged woman, was discovered on a bench at around 8 a.m., police said. A subway rider found her sitting on the bench unresponsive.
The deceased woman, police said, is believed to have been homeless. There were no signs of trauma although the police are still investigating.
The medical examiner will determine the exact cause of death.
A friend from childhood. Sweet person with mental illness. Nobody knew she was living in the subway station for a year. Very sad.
Disgraceful that in one of the richest cities in the world this happens. Where are the elected officials who have been saying they are going to do something? They are cooking vegetables or talking about social reform programs as people drop dead in their own filth. THRIVE NYC took over a billion dollars and solved NOTHING. Developers are given huge incentives to overdevelop in poorer areas resulting in displacement of so many. Democrats now cry of a housing crisis. They—Bloomberg, DeBlasio, and the corrupt city council-stood idly by while skyscrapers took over working class areas. Infuriating
that’s sad so many homeless people are everywhere. Why Can’t the government buy all the abandoned property in the USA and build them places to live and work.
Cecilia what you suggest sounds ideal and kind -however- capitalism doesn’t allow for housing to be given away.n It’s a survival of the fattest, richest, dog-eat-dog society here, and one in which its citizens’ liberties are stock and trade. In the city we live in we witness daily the inequalities among us yet we try to pretend they don’t exist, that we all have equal opportunity and are living free in a free country.
Everyone said the city needs to do something about the homeless. There was a time I had to reside in a city shelter and I saw why some homeless felt it was safer in the street’s don’t dare think that you are safe you are not. With all the empty building’s that can be converted into affordable housing and even more supportive housing for people who suffers from mental illness and special needs community. So one should be subjected to live in The condition like subways, boxes, empty buildings. Please have more compassion less judgment. If you don’t know what the circumstances are to why they are homeless not everyone is on drugs or have a mental illness. People may have lost a job couldn’t pay rent or couldn’t stay with family any longer or have no family at all.
Just unfortunate that this happens. I have a nephew I have been trying to help and get help for, but the system makes it difficult for a family to get the service. Mental Illness is a serious matter, and how these politicians will fix the problem is yet To be seen. This is a crisis, and it will take a village willing to do the job sincerely. People that are sitting supposedly helping the homeless are just waiting For their paycheck. I have been trying to get The help my nephew needs for eight years but to no avail. The system is broken!