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Greek bakery, located by Ditmars station for 40 years, forced to move


April 13, 2015 By Michael Florio

After nearly 40 years in business, a long-time Astoria café and bakery is being forced to move.

The lease is up on Lefkos Pyrgos, a Greek café and bakery, which has occupied the corner of 31st Street and 23rd Ave (22-85 31st street) for nearly 40 years. The owner of the bakery is now looking to relocate, according to the store manager.

The bakery is just one of four stores on the block that have been sent packing. For rent signs currently adorn the three vacant storefronts that neighbor the bakery along 31st Street.

The vacant stores were once occupied by the Blooming Company, Lucky 7 Internet Café and Astron Gift Shop.

The manager of the bakery and real estate sources said that the property owner wants to lease all four stores as one large parcel.

All three have been vacant for months. The store fronts are located right next to the subway station.

The bakery’s owner is currently in Greece but will be looking to move shortly after his return, according to the manager. The manager did not know the exact location the eatery will be moving to—but did say it is likely to be in the neighborhood.

The landlord could not be reached to comment on the vacancies and what his plans are for the property.



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This will probably end up a Homo Bar with all these Rainbow Flag waving creeps moving into the area.


This summer we kick the shit out of hipsters all over Astoria. It will be fun and fruitful.


I’m sick to death of these genuine Greek restaurants and bakery closing down only to see some lily white no culture shops open in their place. Go back to Nebraska you scum bags.


Times are changing and so is the neighborhood. If local greek people wanted this place to stay they would have patronized that bakery and other greek restaurants to ensure its viability. Instead whats happening is that they are moving our of Astoria and others folks are moving in.

Randy Super

What ever happened to Pinocchio’s on the 30th ave.? They used to be real close to the train, I think they moved a few blocks up later on… I used to go in there drunk around 2am for some gyros and donners after a good night of jerking in the booths at the deuce. Did they go out of business?


My biggest complaint is that this eatery didn’t offer Wonder Bread or a Latte Mocha.


We used to joke that if you broke up with a nasty boyfriend you could go to this bakery and get treated just as badly, but at least you could drown your sorrows in cake.


What will they put here? Wendy’s? Yeah perfect for the annoying trust fund scum coming into the neighborhood… these sorts don’t cook, they eat fast food.


If they were nice to everyone for 40 years none of you could help then with their lease regardless!

Michael G.

I am visiting Lefkos Pirgos for 20 years since i was 13 years old, i am Greek and its one of the stores that defined the neighborhood and gave many good memories to everyone around. Its a real landmark for the area and a meeting place for people of all ages and cultures especially for the Greeks ofcourse. The owners Giouli and Petros are helping the community for decades without showing off or asking for any publicity, they are low profile and hard working people who care about the others and have proven that with actions like the annual Love Celebration (Giorti Tis Agapis) for the children and poor people in cooperation with Mr. Katsihtis from Neptune Dinner. I will miss that place badly and i am sure that many others feel the same way too, HOPEFULLY THOUGH i heard from the owners that they will move nearby just 3 blocks away in their own private property so i will still have the pleasure to enjoy the amazing galaktoboureko, warm spanakopitas and greek pastries and delicacies. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES LEFKOS PIRGOS AND SEE YOU SOON IN THE NEW LOCATION 🙂


The only “thing” they offer to community was illegal gambling places ( Petros , giouli’s husband was arrested for been the owner) and they made the Greek community to look bad!! Of course Greeks aren’t all like them!!!!


Many thousands of greeks still live in astoria, despite the diversity of the area the greeks are probably still the largest ethnic group overall, the idea that the demographics of the area doesn’t justify an all greek place is absurd, this particular one practiced horrible customer service and paid the price for it, many greek places are still thriving and new greek establishments seem to open up regularly…hell a lot of people complain that the hood has too much greek.


Im Greek-American. Historic Greek spot, but honestly They had bad service. They should have not been complacent and better customer service may have helped.There are other Greek pastry shops one can patronize. The only sad thing is there just arent enough Greeks in the area to justify an “all” Greek establishment In Astoria anymore. You can’t. The demographics have changed from the peak 1990’s till now. Compare Astoria to Bayside with 80% Korean owned establishments and 99%Korean customers. Drive up Northern Blvd from 140s to Bell blvd It’s like a mini Koreatown. No comparison. Astoria will from now on cater to priced out Manhattan and Brooklynites.


Lefkos pyrgos has the worst owner that lady is so so nasty to her customers and her employees its really unbelievable the way she treats people.Please go away


Wow, when offered an opportunity people sure like to endlessly rant about a Greek bakery! lol


Why does everyone assume that it is greed that is driving the owner to want to lease out the entire strip of stores? Can only one rented store carry the entire tax bill and the upkeep of the building? Any smart businessman would want to rent all of the stores. Does the corner look appealing with 3 vacant stores there. I would be happy to see the corner improved and the vacancies filled.
Unfortunately many long time tenants do not appreciate the full value of the real estate that they are occupying.


I have eaten at this bakery but I have also eaten at Oasis bakery in Queens! They bake the best not only Greek but all types of pâté ties and desserts.


We have a cafe papagalino chicago’s north side the owner was from ASTORIA he was ones the owner of a cafe I think its called Edelvis his name is SOTIRI SAVVINOS i am the contractor that did his place IN CHICAGO not that him and his Ukrainian shit wife; that has taked him for a ride OWE ME $13.000 has kick out most of the greeks they are rude to What is it with cafes they think they roll the town by selling coffee i dont get it


astoria has become a Manhattan rejects hotspot.anyone that cannot afford city rent end up there now….the bakery is great the staff was ok .after 40 years everyone on this thread that’s a hater is jealous or hates greeks….40 in the same spot you must be doing something right…what’s the landlords name ? I wonder who wouldn’t renew the lease….


To the responder who would rather see hipsters come into the ‘hood: Hipsters are immigrants, the worst kind, and are known to ravage neighborhoods. Astoria is on its way to losing its personality.


Another greek here who was never treated well there so I’m not fussed, but I love the hysteria when a greek place closes and everyone claims the greeks are gone, the hood has new greek businesses popping up all the time as well, not all greeks own greek themed businesses, the area probably has more greek run businesses now then what it did 10-15 years ago. A person could come here from Greece and never speak a word of English, and that’s what many do!

Anonymous visitor

NASTY OWNER ADIOS YIOULI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AS FOR Ovellia if you post a comment on their fb ewall that they don’t like they block you….I saw a picture once of some kind of food all I wrote was (what is that? Is that Greek?) Ovellia didn’t even answer me THEY BLOCKED ME WOW !!! Are they related with LEFKOS PYRGOS ? Someone told me they are !!!!!

Anonymous visitor

she is so rude , nasty , money hungry that i do not feel sorry for her. She should have been out of there long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never understand y people are working for her … I guess they must be desperate there is no other explanation…… She treats her employees like garbage………And i don”t know where you come up with this statement that she has helped the community !!!!! she curses out her customers She is CRAZY ….. CAN’T WAIT TO SEE HER GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous visitor

The area is popping. The old mom-n-pop Greeks can’t afford the new rents. But plenty of more successful Greek businesses are taking their places. It’s not about Greek vs. non-Greek. It’s just the next generation of business acumen, which are taking advantage of the deeper pocket customers in the neighborhood now – some new, but plenty who are children of successful Greek immigrants.


When I was a younger man that establishment was a pizza place. I use to go there all the time. Pizza was 50 cents a slice…

Ana Paula

That’s so sad.. I’m not Greek but I was always treated well by them.. And their galoktoboureko is the best.. Every Greek restaurant that I go I always ask for this dessert and none of them was even close to the ones they served at Lefkos.

Astoria friend

Artopolis is no where near better. Overated.

Ovelia is a completely different type of store.

Service was bad though.


The owner at lefkos pyrgos is so nasty is unbelievable that she even gets customers.She treats her employees like they are worthless peoplesoo No I do not fill sorry for her.She has lot’sof money and sshe’s moving into her own building that she bought…. She wants t be the only one making money and is very envious of others opening business! !! I can’t wait to see her go!!! Nasty Nasty plzzzz people stop feeling sorry for her she’s not a good person at all !!! Adios yiouli Karma sucks but you deserve it


I went in as a request to purchase some desserts and my wife used the restroom first. The owners wife started screaming at my wife bc she thought we weren’t going to purchase. We left and went to Artopolis which was at a much higher tier in terms of quality. They were disgraceful to patrons…..there desserts were mediocre and they were well past there prime. Aside from it being a landmark it’s truly no great loss for the neighborhood or the people that had at one point supported them. They were there own worse advertisement..


I’m Greek and I personally experienced the owner’s bad attitude!! Even though Lefkos Pirgos was a landmark founded by another owner ! Not the nasty ,crazy one who tries so hard to close her store, with her attitude … But she didn’t succeed!!!


people who are hungry for money it does not matter it the property owner is Greek and the tenant is Greek, they want money


The owner is nasty to everyone, Greek and non-Greek. I went last week when it was Palm Sunday for Orthodox Christians (I’m Greek) and she asked with such coldness “how many people” I had my son with me and friends and I did “4 and a half” showing my son. I didn’t expect her to pee in her pants but I didn’t expect her to give me attitude. She goes through tantrums, I know many people that she has gone off of for no reason.


Is sad, but life goes on….
As for the anti-Greek statements above, get a grip ….

1. it is not Greek Owned but Jewish..not that it maters.
2. The owners gave so much to the community, that you should be ashamed bashing them like that.

Anonymous visitor

What are you talking about it? They are notorious for being rude and nasty. In 30 years I have seen the wife pull some really gangster moves on people, the vulgarity!! and karma finally got her. We don’t need people like that. Show me where they’ve helped the community please. Also they are Greek Orthodox not Jewish


The only thing they give to the community is agida…and I’m not talking about th pastries


Being Greek and being Jewish are two different things. One is a culture and one is a religion. They definitely ARE Greek. So ignorant

Liz Santilli

It doesn’t matter if they’re Greek, Jewish, Italian…whatever. What I’m reading are not anti-greek statements. I grew up in Astoria and yes, it’s sad to see all the hipsters taking over and seeing Astoria little by little lose it’s close community feel but the fact that these people are rude, they are rude! The owner, he’s an animal, has no class or manners what so ever, the wife does not know how to treat customers. Their frappe is so watered down that it’s more like dirty water with ice cubes.

What goes around comes around. Hopefully another Greek bakery with NICE PEOPLE will open there.


Good I’m glad . The owners and managers age extremely rude and disgusting to all customers . They will get no sympathy from me that’s for sure ! Karma does it’s justice .


That doesn’t matter, it’s the service industry. Show kindness to all who walk through your doors, because even if they’re an asshole they’re the ones keeping the lights on. If an annoying customer has a bad experience they can complain about it and tarnish the reputation of your business. It’s well worth it to be kind to everyone when you work in the service industry, and if you can’t handle that you shouldn’t be in business.


Curious if it’s Greek owned property, are they forcing out their own for even more money?


the people who are hungry for money they can even sell their mother, if they want to make more money, it does not matter for a Greek property owner if the tenant is Greek

Old Astoria Resident

so sad to see the Mom and Pop places close. For the over 35 years I lived in Astoria, it was The Greeks that kept the neighborhood the hood. They are clean, maybe a bit pushy, but they did care about Astoria 🙁

Anonymous visitor

I was born and raised in Astoria in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. There were plenty of Italians here as well that keep the neighborhood the hood!! The Italians had as much of a presence as the Greeks. The Greeks were always stand offish back then. I hated that the first question they would ask is “Are you Greek?” and then walk away when you said No or the Greek kids who were not allowed to play with non Greek kids too long because they were not Greek. I welcome the Hipsters anyday over an ethnic group who thinks they are better than everyone else.


to be honest Ovelia and Acropolis are so much better than Lefkos for Greek desserts. The service at Lefkos is consistently surly.


This bakery is notorious for being nasty to anyone that isn’t Greek so they will get no sympathy from me. And those other 3 storefronts were dumps.


I was thinking the exact same thing. They could have taken Astoria’s growth as an opportunity but instead they chose to be unwelcoming. Sorry not sorry.


Actually, I’m Greek and they were never really kind to me either, so this isn’t true.


I agree I’m Greek and I know plenty of other Greeks that have bad experiences there. the lady in there is a psycho she has no respect for anyone – I hate that Astoria is becoming yuppie central and it sucks that all these changes have to happen… However I don’t feel bad for the owners – had they been nicer and polite I would be sad but they weren’t even nice to the girls working behind the counter who were Greek! Doesn’t surprise me they would be nasty to non Greeks!

Anonymous visitor

Greeks and Italians made Astoria, and you have a bunch of hill Billy’s moving in and changing things and cause of them they are making things more expensive, and crime rate going up…So I suggest you try to hit the road also cause your not from here either you clown.

Luv to be greek

Why would you say something like that in here?

Astoria is the largest greek community outside of greece.

You sound like an ignorant dumbass to me


Reading all these comments about the “cake nazi”, odd are she was a nightmare tenant too. This is a case of Karma at work!


I’m Greek and that didn’t stop the owner and her swarm of worker bees from being a-holes to me. Good riddance !


I grew up in the general area and moved out about 15 year ago and every month that I visit I see the gentrification and transition. Being a Native-Speaking Greek-Born American I can say the owner was rude, unintelligent, and crass TO ALL VISITORS are poor representation of my Hellenic culture. Good to see them go! Hopefully a better establishment can take this place while retaining Astoria’s Greek & Greek-American heritage.


i have never had an issue here, and I am not Greek.

BUT, i will say there is a particular woman in here who was extremely nasty to me once, and I was dropping off a helenic magazine for them to distribute.

just appalling behavior.

many greek owners are behaving in this manner. it’s ridiculous


Yes that lady is a pshycho. The credit card machine didn’t work and she yelled at me saying I have no money in my bank account. She is a big B.

anthony a.

I guess there will be no more Greeks or Italian shops in 10 years. Astoria will be completely different… it isn’t the first neighborhood for this to happen and it won’t be the last either. Astoria has become more and more anonymous like Manhattan… it is losing that ‘neighborhood feel’


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