Justin Potter with his son Orlando (Photo: Justin Potter)
June 23, 2019 By Shane O’Brien
State Sen. Mike Gianaris faces a challenger in next year’s Democratic primary.
Justin Potter, a Long Island City resident, announced the launch of his campaign to represent the 12th Senate district recently, arguing that people can no longer count on Gianaris to take a pragmatic approach to policymaking.
Much of Potter’s criticism stems from Gianaris’ handling of Amazon as well as the lawmaker’s sudden shift to the left.
Potter, a self-described stay-at-home dad, said that Gianaris played a major role that led to the tech-giant’s decision to abandon its plans to create a Long Island City campus. The campus, advocates said, would have brought as many 25,000 jobs to Long Island City and boosted the local economy.
He started a ‘Defeat Gianaris’ movement soon after the deal collapsed. He created a website and has gained a twitter following. The movement subsequently led to the creation of Citizens for Queens, a centrist group he and others plan to grow within the Democratic party.
Citizens for Queens has just started raising money for Potter’s campaign.
Potter said that Gianaris has lost his way by attempting to curry favor with the left wing of the Democratic party, which has gained strength since the election of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He labeled Gianaris an ‘opportunist,’ noting his last minute support for Tiffany Caban who is running for Queens District Attorney as an example.

New York’s 12th State Senate district covers the neighborhoods of Astoria, Long Island City, Sunnyside and parts of Woodside, Maspeth, Ridgewood and Woodhaven.
Potter said Gianaris ignored the polling evidence that showed strong support for the Amazon deal in Long Island City and other parts of Queens.
“We believe Senator Gianaris is more interested in scoring political points than he is in protecting the long-term viability of our community. We need a representative who will embrace and leverage extraordinary opportunities,” Potter said.
Gianaris, along with a multitude of other Queens Democrats, opposed the Amazon deal on the grounds that the company would receive $3 billion in state and city financial incentives and was anti-union.
Potter, who was a registered Republican until making the switch this year, said that his former party affiliation should not undermine his campaign. He said he was registered with the GOP so he could have a say on the direction of the Republican party. He said that he has always voted for the Democratic candidate in presidential elections.
The catalyst for making the switch was his decision to run for office, he noted, since the winner of the Democratic primary traditionally wins the general. However, he said his beliefs are more aligned with the Democrats in any case.
For instance, Potter expressed his support for the legislation that permits undocumented immigrants to get a driver’s license. He also fully supports recreational marijuana and backs climate change legislation.
Potter also said that he supports congestion pricing, but that it needs to be done in the right way. He said it would wreak havoc on the local area, for instance, if people were to drive to western Queens, park their cars and ride the subway into Manhattan.
Potter said he helped form Citizens for Queens in April, in response to the party going too far left in his mind. The group plans to field candidates in other Democratic primaries and raise funds for them.
Gianaris, in a statement, said that he welcomes a challenge and noted Potter’s previous Republican affiliation.
“I successfully fought Republicans and their agenda over the last several years and I look forward to doing it again in this campaign,” he said. “I am confident my record protecting our neighborhoods from further displacement and fighting for better subways and delivering justice for tens of thousands on New Yorkers will be recognized by the voters.”
The primary will take place in June 2020.
I am still infuriated over Giannaris going against his constituents on Amazon. By all means necessary Giannaris must go…. LIC-Astoria & Public Housing Communities need the economic boost of Amazon. Over 37,000 units are entering the real estate market by the end of 2019 & we just had the worst winter rental market in 25 years plus 20% drop in local rents. Prepare for the lean years.
We need someone to bring Sanity back to Queens, AOC, Caban and Gianaris will destroy what is left of Family neighborhoods
Good luck with that stay-at-home dad Harry Potter, just don’t forget your magic wand. We need someone from the bottom to come up and challenge these clowns who say they represent us. Ravenswood, Queensborough houses you need to organize, come out in force to the next community board meeting in Sunnyside, they only remember you exsist come election time. Just tired of these two-faced career politicians who have never had a real job, (Melinda Katz, Michael Gianaris, Jimmy Van Bramer) and a host of others who constantly getting elected. Enough already.
Good all the Greeks that aren’t to the left or PASOK left overs will vote for the incumbent .
In the last 6 months, Gianaris has:
– chased away 25,000 jobs
– co-sponsored the late term abortion bill
– supported new tolls (congestion pricing) in Manhattan
1. A far-right tabloid blames “muh libruls” for Amazon
2. ANOTHER far-right tabloid focusing on the Trump tweet about “late-term.” Shocked you’d blindly parrot him, but you’re wrong. Before, a woman in New York who experienced serious health conditions past 24 weeks of pregnancy, and required an abortion, was forced to travel out of state — if she could afford to. I know nuance is hard for you.
3. This will reduce congestion pricing and raise $15 billion for our crumbling subway. What a nightmare!
Those…are your sources? 2 tabloids and the same site you’re already on?
Gianaris is a self serving politician. All he cares about is job security.
Mike Gianaris has been doing great things for Queens. He will have my vote again.
The state Republicans prevented tenant interest for years and have shortchanged the city for decades. “Potter, who was a registered Republican until making the switch this year.” Good luck to him in other areas of his life, but I won’t be voting for him.
let not forget that it was senator gianaris sponsor the elimination of the mci with Assembly member Barnwell, that mean they are whit us not again this two person are the future voice in new York let give them our support.
Yawn. Giannaris will easily defeat his challenger because the idiot electorate in Queens has empowered the vile entrenched Democrat Party to the point of unassailable dominance.
He’s running as a Democrat. I suspect others will jump into the race too. Primary is next summer, so plenty of time to debate.
Gardens Watcher: I am aware that this fellow is running as a Democrat in the primary. What I meant is that he is not part of the entrenched machine here in Vallonia. The Taminent will be out in force to quell any primary challenger. It might be their last gasp but they still have a few cycles left before the AOC/Caban far-left lunatics overtake and completely destroy the Democrat Party. Gianaris will beat any primary challenger and will not face any meaningful Republican opposition in the general as is always the case.