Aug. 19, 2020 By Christian Murray
Four men were shot at the Ravenswood Housing development in Astoria Monday afternoon, police said.
The victims—ages 21, 17, 18 and 19—were sitting in the courtyard in the vicinity of 21st Street and 35th Avenue when a man approached the group at around 4:45 p.m. and started firing.
The four victims were taken to Elmhurst Hospital and are all expected to survive, police said. The 21-year-old was shot in the head, the 17-year-old in the back, 19-year-old in the hand and the 18-year-old in the knee.
The unknown suspect—who was wearing a black T-Shirt and black face mask– left the scene in a dark SUV, police said.
I grew up in Ravenswood (14th St and 36th Ave) and it was a great neighborhood. Yes it was a different time (1960s – mid 1970s) but it was safe and people cared about each other. Queensbridge, on the other hand, has always had violence and crime. It’s sad. The city should have programs for kids to go to and learn art, computers, music, life skills. JayZ, that no talent who somehow became rich and married a woman who gets lighter and lighter, is opening an entertainment school. More kids will probably want to learn about music so they can become rappers, get rich, wear expensive jewelry, buy expensive cars and then get murdered before they’re 25.
Shooting are out of control. All 5 boro’s are under attack. Scary when it’s in your own back yard. This is a direct result of deblasio, Cuomo and AOC liberal hands off policies. The blood is on the hands of these people. How dare deblasio blame the violence on what he calls a perfect storm. Does he think we are that stupid!! Politicians empty the jails, eliminate the bail system, tie the hands of the police, eliminate anti crime teams and allow perps to riot and cause havoc in the streets. The city is at its tipping point. People are leaving businesses are closings. The tourists will not return and there goes the cities economy. Thanks current administration for this disaster. Or should we call it the perfect storm…….
I guess he does think people are that stupid after all
They voted for him twice. He has been a disaster since the first time they elected him.
“The white liberal is the worst enemy of America and the worst enemy of the black man.” -Malcolm X
Strange you’d quote a racist like that…but that’s the Republicans for you!
Alright, Boomers, the comment mic is yours. Do your worst.
If you don’t like it you can always move to a red state.
To you and all the other ageists, racists, and dumbs out there. This is coming from a 34 year old middle eastern brown immigrant. The main reason for the crime spike is local democratic-progressive policies praising criminals and promoting crime and antisocial behavior. Most of the black people are being killed under democratic jurisdictions. Obama deported undocumented folks the most. It became so easy to find a job after Trump took over for me and the people around till corona hit us. One day black people will realize that they are being conned by the democrats for their votes. The biggest enemy of blacks and all other bottom earner immigrants like us are cheap Chinese imports. Nobody wants to live in an under protected neighborhood run by drug dealers, gangs without police. We try to raise a family here as immigrants, minorities in the middle of a city turning to hell while living with “boomers”. Maybe “boomers” did not like us as immigrants but they respected us, they did not rob us, raped our women and kids, or looted our workplaces, burn our cars. The intellectual level of young people here in US disappointed me so bad that now I wish I had immigrated to Canada.I
Now you can go back to play computer games but let me tell you one more thing. The real chaos is not fun like in a computer game. I survived through it and made it here to US. You have no clue…
Keep defunding the police! Great work from the Democrats! Instead of driving out the insurrectionists, the Democrats roll out the red carpet, paint the streets and do exactly what they are told to do to appease criminal organizations. Your tax dollars at work! Where are the social programs to keep people off the streets and reduce crime? Democrats are famous for these programs that lead to nowhere. We need reform they say. But they do nothing while the body count increases. Can’t blame the pandemic on drive by shootings Mr Mayor. Can’t blame closed courts for this either. This is squarely on your shoulders-the soft on crime policies and the emptying the jails. We can thank Albany and the absurd bail reforms that have led to the uptick in crime. Failed leadership. Failed Democratic leadership. Now 4 men are in the hospital for sitting in a courtyard. Not a word from government on this. If Black Lives Matter as much as we have been told, then why isn’t there a manhunt for these would-be assassins? Oh right. You defunded the police. Told them to pull back. Disgraceful
Hey boomer, go back to sleep. It’s your nap time again. Your lies are on full display. Speak the truth for once Pat. I was there yesterday. There was a lot of police presence. Helicopters, detectives, the whole deal. But instead you spew fiction on a daily basis. Nappy time!!
Did they catch the perp? Give him a stern talking too & the RELEASE him/ them with Mets tickets and gift cards? You know so he/they can HUNT innocent kids again? And FYI 1 kid is DEAD…shot in the head. Boomer parents are without their children! BUT boomers are NOT allowed to get ANGRY about it! Not allowed to cry. When did rightous brats with “peaceful” roits think that guns & looting was an acceptable way to get your point across. People with guns are looting boomer parents of their children ALL ACROSS the states! If you were related to any of the kids hurt/ dead IF you’re HUMAN, you would be getting angry too hoping and praying that NO MORE LIVES are lost stupidly! If you don’t apperciate me calling you a brat then RESPECT others to EARN the RESPECT you want!
We don’t need hics, antifas, blm (only),kkk ers or ACTORS! Ruining peoples families for their boredom and hate!
This is about FAMILIES! Keep your politics out of matters that don’t concern you! Jump in your “van” and hit the “trail” man! Families will defend and shout and pray! Boomers are human! Are You?
Plenty pf cops show up AFTER the carnage. If they were allowed to do actual police work then maybe, just maybe we wouldn’t be having drive by shootings in broad daylight. This is the result of failed Democratic leadership. It is not a coincidence that shootings are up 177% since the Anti Crime Unit was inexplicably disbanded. Release criminals from jails, remove cops, crime increases. No lies here. You resort to name calling because you can’t refute my statements. You were there? You were probably hiding under a car three blocks away. Nice try
These boomers talk nonsense from their rent controlled pre war buildings. Get out of the Astoria Post comments, dust off the cobwebs and take a step outside for once and actually see what’s really happening in the community.
Another hack out-of-work comedian bringing out the boomer jokes. I get that you are suffering now that the extra $600 a week isn’t available anymore. I am out all over the area witnessing a decline in safety and common decency. That’s when I elect to leave my market rate apartment. I hope things pick up for you soon so you can go back to the open mics and your mom can have her couch back
The police haven’t be defunded by one dollar yet. You have to wait a few months before you can start blaming everything on that!
You’re right–this single isolated crime proves something about…”insurrectionists?” lol
They have been defunded. Once the library opens and you can access the wifi you can catch up on current events. The anti crime task force has been disbanded, there will be millions taken away from the police for social programs. Instead of trolling me, why not ask about the health of the innocent men shot in broad daylight? Or the other victims of crime in Astoria. Cute little remarks like boomer really tackle the issues
You’re completely wrong! You blamed something that hasn’t even happened yet ? senior moment?
Lol. The police have not been de-funded. But don’t let that stop you.
What about failed gun control laws? Why don’t we track guns with an electronic database instead of paper?…GOP. Why do we allow people to sell guns to criminals via the internet with no background checks? GOP Why do we not report on out of state gun stores that sell the most guns used in crime? GOP Why don’t we require gun owners to annually, physical verify they still own their gun, so that a person can’t buy 20 guns and sell the to anyone on the street a day later? GOP
Who said they were black? Ignorant comment by you.