Oliver’s 37-19 Broadway (QueensPost)
Jan. 22, 2018 By Tara Law
Astorians and future Astorians are invited to try and meet their next roommate at an upcoming “Speed Roommating” event.
Room and roommate search service SpareRoom will hold its first ever Queens event at gastropub Oliver’s Astoria at 37-19 Broadway from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Jan. 31. The event is free.
The London-based company launched in New York in 2011, and has held SpeedRoommating events in Brooklyn and Manhattan since 2012.
The event will be similar to a networking meeting, where attendees will meet-and-greet while finding their next roommate or living situation, according to SpareRoom spokesperson Matt Hutchinson.
“It places the emphasis on the people, rather than the apartment,” Hutchinson said of the event.
Renters’ relationships with roommates can make the difference as to whether or not someone likes an apartment, Hutchinson said.
SpareRoom is now focusing in on Queens and claims that the number of people looking for rooms in Astoria is on the rise. The company said that about 10 percent of New York City SpareRoom searches are for rooms in Queens.
Most people who attend speed room-mating events are in their 20s and early 30s, Hutchinson said, but with the high cost of living in New York City, people in their 40s and 50s are also attending.
The market in New York City is very fast paced, according to Hutchinson.
“New Yorkers always have an eye out for the next opportunity— a better apartment, a cheaper apartment,” he said.
One Comment
What about Seniors? Any room for Seniors!