Citi Bike expanded into LIC in 2015
Oct. 18, 2016 By Christian Murray
Citi Bike will be rolling in to Astoria sometime next year and the Department of Transportation and Community Board 1 are hosting two meetings seeking the advice of residents as to where the bike stations should be placed.
There are likely to be 50 to 60 stations throughout Astoria with 25 bikes at each docking area, said CB1 District Manager Florence Koulouris last month.
The first meeting where public feedback is sought will be at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26 at Bohemian Hall, located at 29-19 24th Ave.
The second meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 3 at PS 166, located at 30-09 35th Ave, at 7 pm.
Members of Community Board 1 will be attendance as well as State Sen. Mike Gianaris and Councilmembers Costa Constantinides and Jimmy Van Bramer. Representatives of the Long Island City Partnership, Steinway Astoria Partnership and Central Astoria LDC are also expected to participate in the discussions.
“Community Board 1 wants all members of the board district to be aware of this and participate, and we don’t want to feel that anyone is being left out of the process,” Koulouris said last month.
She added that it is very important for residents to share their opinions during the process, so that residents are happy with the placement of the bike stations around the community.
The installation of Citi Bike in the community would come more than three years after Gianaris said that the bike share program would eventually come to Astoria.
Twelve stations were introduced in Long Island City in August 2015.
More Citibike stations may alleviate congestion on the subway if more people choose to bike to work.
I ride my own bike but Citibike is extremely popular with empty or nearly empty docking stations the norm rather than the exception. In the space of one commuter’s car 6-8 Citibikes can be docked. That means that 6-8 members of the public can be served where only one person was served before. Hopefully 50-60 stations with 25 bike will be enough.
Citibike has proven itself to be a good use for street space, a great to cut down on neighborhood pollution, a good and easy way to encourage exercising, and should cut help a little with the overcrowding on the subways.
I have a car too but understand that NYC does not owe me a parking space.
Astoria doesn’t need Citibike stations. Parking is a premium and if Citibike is installed it will only add to more double parking, congestion and less space for regular cyclists to ride. Only an idiot, like our city councilman and our dumbBlasio mayor would support this.
So people that ride a Citibike aren’t regular bikers?
The double parking problem would stop if people would stop double parking. The police need to ticket the double parking aggressively.
I don’t throw my garbage on the ground because I can’t find a garbage can. Don’t double park if you can’t find a parking spot.
a fool and his money will soon depart wait and see —