Photo: @fogrei Unsplash
Aug. 13, 2020 By Christian Murray
The Queens District Attorney’s office– with the support of the NYPD–is hosting two gun buyback events this month as a means to get deadly weapons off the street.
The district attorney is offering a $200 bankcard for each working hand gun surrendered and is promising that there will be no questions asked and people will remain anonymous.
For each rifle, shotgun, BB gun or air pistol, the reward is a $25 bank card.
The first event is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 15 at the Greater Springfield Community Church in Jamaica from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A second event is schedule for Saturday, Aug. 22 at Macedonia Baptist Church in Far Rockaway from 10 a.m. to 4 p.mm.
“This summer we have seen a horrible spike in shootings. This increase in gun violence is unacceptable but we can do something about it,” said District Attorney Melinda Katz.
Attendees are encouraged to turn in as many guns as possible. However, there is a limit of three bank cards worth $200 each per handgun–totaling $600.
The bank cards can be used as a debit card or to withdraw cash at an ATM.
Participants are encouraged to bring their weapons in paper or plastic bags, or shoe boxes when brought to the church. If they are transported by car, the gun must be kept in the trunk of the vehicle.
“We cannot prosecute our way out of this,” Katz said. “We need everyone working together—my Office, law enforcement, our faith leaders and everyone in the community—to stop the violence.”

Information pertaining to the first event in Jamaica
One Comment
It’s about time! Only way to get our city back to livable is to redo the programs from Guilliani’s mayor days! He cleaned it up and these “progessives” brought us back to the savage gang days!
Buying back fire arms is the first step but we HAVE TO –STOP– the pot sales & their users! Marjuania and vaping killed their immune systems response that a simple flu became a superbug renamed Covid-19! Even Spain is starting to ban pot smokers to get their nations health back from Covid-19 (source…Dailymail UK).
Other countries are realizing this too. Even in California it was reported that Teens who smoked pot (marjuania/vape) we’re PROVEN to get Covid-19 (source abc7 news)!
The goverments and private business men only wanted to legalize it for PROFIT! Now NYC is considered the WORST state in the WORLD according to a study done on Rich & Poor states! We have lost half a million people who moved out since this epidemic started and many still fleeing! Chelsea has become a HOMELESS encampment! (source Dailymail UK & The Sun UK)
Cops that have been defunded and restricted can only watch without apprehending the perps making our streets unsafe! 1000 people shot & murder and crime up 50% since this Covid thing started! (source abc7 news).
Steps to reclaim our city that Guillian used that cleaned up our city!
1. Buy back guns (check–this article)
2. Increase Cops– LET THEM DO THEIR –JOBS–!! Their TRAINED to stop the war on the streets. Defunding them allows GANGS to overrun us! Making going to school, work, church, or hanging out with friends IMMPOSSIBLE!!!
3. Role back the bail bill and make murders stay in jail! Do a crime do the time! Even CHILDREN are brought up with manners that if they harm another or act out they are put in a time out to learn that they can’t get away with that behavior! Criminals are no different! If we allow them to go unpunished then they will continue to LOOT/ Kill for fun! Videos of new reels show them smiling when they hurt someone! These SICK individuals need a TIME OUT in jails to learn we won’t allow them to hunt & hurt our family and friends!
4. Smokeing pot/ vape, do drugs crack, heroin to be illegal again! Really the war on the streets was largely due to overuse of drugs! Stop making Pharma rich by make yourself their guinne pigs that harms your immune system and messes your mind up! Like the girl who gouged out her eyeballs cause she was in a drug induced “trans”!(source Dailymail UK)
5. Bring back mentor programs for kids & innercity youths. If a child has someone to look up to and has time for them they won’t be cohersed to a life of crime in a gang. Most gangs are formed cause they want to belong somewhere! Mentoring as a big brother, sister keeps a child centered!
6. Bring back after-shool programs that teach camaraderie and team work! Programs like that help take a load of of overworked parents and guaruntee the parent that their child is safe, making friends and learning values not learned in school.
7. Community gardens used to be in an empty lot in every bourgh…real estate took to much to build luxury and deprived our communities our shared space! Community gardens also taught values to children and the poorer folks or cash strapped individuals (families and seniors even kids) to grow our/their own food! It brought neighbors together and helped keep the produce prices affordable. Supply and demand if you grow your own veggies there won’t be many needing it from a store causing prices to come down so you can streach what you got to live!
8. Bring back no exp. jobs that gave TRAINING! Mosts schools only provide history,science, grammer,& math lessons while immportant they don’t get you ready for the work force! We need trade schools and work place training! To give people the confidence to do a job and bosses won’t have to constinitly look over tgeir shoulders to know if the newie is doing the job right!
Also suppervisors should watch their employees do their jobs instead of turning a blind eye and the worker is playing on their phones!
Phones are for emmergencies! Bosses DON’T pay you to play! Use a watch or if your child or parent needs you!
9. No age discrimnation! Just like no race discrimnation! If some one wants to work RESPECT that! Older people are more willing to learn a job and do it right cause they aren’t glued to Tik Tok or other distractions the youth are addicted to!
Have an open mind when hiring don’t force a person to retire! Older people know how to be efficent thus saving you money. And if older americans are working it puts back money into social security and taxes helping the ecconomy grow! Those taxes pay for programs and infostructure! We don’t have to raise taxes but we do have to have a more diverse workforce! Working can also allow a person to live longer if lockdown has taught us anything its taught us its BORING to be by yourself with nothing to do! That leads to deppression that leads to dementia that even studies show that the youth have been getting.(source Google it!)
10. Bring down prices! Apts /Houses/Coops/Condos in our area are overpriced! If affordable you can get more tennants vs empty no profit place! Some money is better than no money! If homes become affordable, landlords and property managers can lower their property taxes and get help to maintain their propery without too much of it dipping into your/their profits! (J-51 and 421-a and MCI)!
Follow the above steps to get NYC and broughs back to liviable conditions that are profitable to you and safe for us! We can get back to living in less time that Cuomo/DiBlassio are predicting by following Gullian’s clean up! He cleaned up Times Square check out youtube or goole to see what Time Squared looked like in the late 70s and early 80s and comprare them to today!
P.S. Clean up the Graffite it’s not artistic!