28th Avenue and Steinway Street (Google)
March 5, 2018 By Tara Law
An off-duty corrections officer leaped into action to stop a man who was shooting a gun into a crowded area early Sunday in Astoria.
The suspect was shooting toward a crowd and into the air near the corner of 28th Avenue and Steinway Street at around 2:15 a.m., police said.
An off-duty corrections officer, who happened to be nearby, pulled out his own gun and shot at the suspect. The gunman took off in an unknown direction.
No one was injured in the incident. No arrests have been made, but the investigation is ongoing.
Officer has a gun on him at 2 AM off-duty? Guy’s story has a ton of holes in it.
You have to be really struggling to even step foot on Steinway after 7 pm.
New People to Astoria –
Avoid the lounges on the corner of 28th avenue and Steinway street on the weekends at night. These are almost always the only places that have shootings in the neighborhood. Its all derelicts from the Bronx that hang out there that cross the RFK bridge. Its not people from Astoria.
Man you not from NY either bitch don’t be callin New Yorkers derelicts from ANYWHERE and I can tell you ain’t from here cuz nobody from NY would ever call it the RFK bridge.
Papi is right about everything. So he’s new and calls the Triboro the RFK big deal, he can still spot a low life. Whenever they arrest these losers after a shooting you find out they are never from Astoria.
It’s Triboro and Queensboro Forever!
On the news they said 2 pm.
they said 2:00 am
If only more people had guns, we could have had a proper 2 am shootout just like in the old west. This is why we need reciprocity, people! How else could we get a bunch of drunks killing each other, er, defending their freedom, and maybe a few innocent bystanders? The NRA stands for your right to shoot anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason! We won’t stop until every mentally unstable jerk in America has a gun! Remember, only a Good Guy With A Gun can stop a bad guy who never should have been able to get a gun in the first place!
yes, Wayne, a bad guy definitely asked for a permit to legally own a gun, right.
and the NRA is definitely stands for providing every mentally ill with fire power.
CNN in action ))
You know Neighbor, you’re totally right. Let’s just stop this shootout and ask everyone involved who does and doesn’t have a permit so that no Official NRA Approved Good Guys With Guns get shot. Or do the bullets somehow magically know who the bad guy with a gun is and only hit them? Maybe we should just outlaw bullets that hit people who aren’t bad guys with guns, that would solve everything.
We at the NRA are here to defend Freedumb for all Americans, including the mentally ill, domestic abusers, felons and potential felons, terrorists, and even neo-Nazis, but especially the poor, oppressed gun manufacturers who are being discriminated against just because they make a few measly billion dollars a year selling death and suffer… uh, protection. Yeah, protection. Everyone should have the right to a gun, because guns are the same as speech. I know when I wave my gun around, everyone listens.
I think he joined the wrong agency. Your not NYPD buddy your a CO
Instead of Thanking him…you talk BULLCRAP !! WHAT AN IDIOT !!
does it really make a difference !!!!!!
Nypd or corrections, He’s a peace officer and is supposed to react in situations like that.
I remember when Astoria was the so-called “gem” of Queens. It is far from it now.
Gia- Gem of Queens??? I grew up in Queens, attended high school in the 70’s in Astoria and still live here. I never heard of Astoria being called the gem of Queens as a matter of fact I recall something completely different. I remember the “keep Astoria white stop building housing projects” tee shirt campaign. I remember the “Bad Boys of Bryant” Documentary. My family owned two bars in the area one on 31st street and a second on 28th ave, there was always crime, as a matter of fact I remember the bars being robbed at gun point and one of the bar tenders getting stabbed on his way home after a shift back in the 60’s. I recall many of our neighbors moving to Whitestone and Bayside during this time and people calling those neighborhoods the “gems” of Queens”.
Thanks for making me laugh. But i think you have been watching too many old episodes of All in the Family.
Yeah Gina Astoria the so called “gem” of Queens. I’ve lived in Queens for over 60 years and never once heard this. Do you really believe Astoria could beat out neighborhoods like Douglaston, Malba, Belle Harbor, Kew Gardens, Forest Hills Gardens, Jamaica Estates, Whitestone, Middle Village, Bayside, Sunnyside Gardens just to name a few.I think you’re a bit over nostalgic.
sorry to bust your bubble Bruno but the areas that you mentioned are not the greatest either — they have many problems there too — they just don’t report it – FACT
Anonymous- I never said they were the greatest just better than Astoria. I’m glad you agree.
So move!
Anonymous – You appear to have an inferiority complex.
It was known as a “hidden gem.”
Very laughable! Astoria is/was/will always be too close to power stations (Con Ed) and sewer plants to be considered a “gem.” Also, LGA is expanding and they plan on making Rikers a terminal which will just add more pollution/noise. It is surrounded by housing projects and now some homeless shelters. Its too over crowded and full of commercial problems and noise. But it is cheaper than LIC.
Astoria has seen some better days. I am hoping things do not get worse.
it will get worse with all of the homeless shelters that they will be putting up – be
Again! Seems like every other morning there is a crime, assault, shooting, body found, robbery etc. to hear or read about happening in Astoria. Its just too over crowded and commercial around here now. The scum from LIC and queens-borough plaza has been pushed into Astoria. I guess some will just get used to it.
I fill surprised Astoria is great community I never know about some like this could happen.