Rain Barrels
July 20, 2016 By Michael Florio
It’s time to roll out the barrel in the name of conservation.
Councilman Costa Constantinides is hosting a rain barrel give away this Saturday at Chappetto Square, located at Hoyt Ave North, between 21st and 23rd Street. The July 23rd event will take place between 1 pm and 4 pm.
The barrels are typically used by environmentalists to collect rainwater that is used for gardening and other purposes.
Constantinides decided to host Saturday’s event after seeing the demand for rain barrels at a Jackson Heights giveaway last month. Seventy barrels were given away.
“We are excited to once again promote the use of rain barrels and make them available for free to all Astorians,” Constantinides said. “Due to the great success of our previous rain barrel giveaway, we know there is already interest in using the barrels as an environmentally-friendly way to collect water for usage at home.”
The barrels will be given out on a first come, first served basis, although residents can put in a request early by emailing at mcorbett@council.nyc.gov.
Constantinides will also be giving away children’s helmets at Saturday’s event.
“Community members will also be able to take home children’s bike helmets or sign up for a Learn to Ride bike lesson for kids,” he said.
The councilman is hosting the event along with the NYC Department of Environmental Protection and Bike New York.
These rain barrels are gonna be great to be used as a garbage pal, I can’t wait to get my hands on them.
Great idea. Of course more complaining from people who are perpetually stuck in the past.
This is the stupidest idea!!! I am trying to avoid Zika!!!
Interesting. I wonder what deal he made to get these free rain barrels. How about focusing on what the community really needs. Oh wait, it’s rain barrels that we all really need. Great idea once again from our Councilman. Can’t wait to see what he comes up with next.
You know what he’s gonna come out with next?? A PODIUM!!!!!
Costas – don’t forget your podium!
Bravo – getting the next generation used to living in an Astoria without those nasty, disgusting, dangerous, earth polluting motor vehicle.
Should we really be giving away rain barrels when we already have problems with standing water and West Nile Virus Mosquitos? Aren’t we encouraging more mosquito production and…. Zika????
Listen !!!!
The water should be used for gardening and other purposes !!!!!
Not stand around !!
Take it easy Frances, calm down.
Perhaps the barrels will have instructions on mosquito prevention. Anyone getting a rain barrel should look on the internet for mosquito prevention with rain barrels. There are a lot of easy methods.