Jan. 20, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
Celebrity Jaden Smith kicked off a participatory art piece outside of the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria this morning titled “HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US,” which will be in place to film people repeating the title phrase for the next four years to protest the presidency of Donald Trump.
To kick off the art piece, which is the work of actor Shia LaBeouf, Smith stood in front of a camera mounted to the wall of the MoMI at 37th Street and 35th Avenue and repeated the phrase, “He will not divide us.”
LaBeouf’s group, called Labeouf, Rönkkö & Turner, created the project, which consists of a camera mounted on the wall of the museum and the words “HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US” painted above the camera.
The project invites the public to repeat the words in to the camera for the next four years, and the video will be livestreamed on to the website http://hewillnotdivide.us/.
“In this way, the mantra ‘HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US’ acts as a show of resistance or insistence, opposition or optimism, guided by the spirit of each individual participant and the community,” explains the website.
Smith, an actor and musician and son of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, began standing in front of the camera at 9 a.m. and continued for more than an hour and a half. LaBeouf joined him at the site, but has not yet appeared on camera to repeat the phrase.
LaBeouf began hinting at the project by tweeting out the title phrase every day since January 14. Smith began tweeting the phrase January 17.
Jaden smith is a celebrity on another planet, not earth and he sleeps with Shia
Since when is Jaden Smith a celebrity, just because daddy is successful and tried to throw him in movies does not make this horrible so called actor a celebrity. He and Shia Ladouche suck.
Heeeey maaaaan why dont all you people go back to your own countries. If your from the usa, go back to the city you were born in and leave ny alone maaaaan
Smashing Starbucks windows and Bank of America windows, two big donors to the Clinton campaign. Shows the education level of these protestors. He’s gonna
The very words “he will not divide us” is divisive. Who are “us”? Not one of “them”. An overwhelming majority of the STATES elected Trump so maybe California’s and New Yorkers can stop warring against the vast majority of the states.
To be fair . He won by about 30,000 votes total in the three states which pushed him over with electors. That’s a very close election . That’s not an overwhelming majority of actual voters .
lol you retard
I think our first transgender president is going to do great!
Someone was just harassed for being a Trump supporter on their live stream. I feel sorry for the people living close to this.
It is Sunday (around 2pm) and i clicked on the live cam. Shia LaBeouf (30) is there chanting with a bunch of teens (many look underage and high). I am not trying to be funny but is Shia mentally stable?
The marches yesterday gave me hope, but we have to keep up the pressure!
Watch me make my puppet talk…….
Now letss grab the world by the p***y and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
sorry, this is such a waste of time and effort.
time to move on people and come together over something else. what is this going to do for the community?
The money spent on this could have gone to something worthwhile to enhance LIC. Could have been an actual exhibit showcasing NYC diversity and the strength of our location neighborhoods
I’m sorry but all of these protests need to stop. Get over yourselves. He’s our president!!!!!!!!!! Let’s all come together ! Stop this arguing!!! Donald trump will make America great again. Time for the lazy fucks to get off their ass and start working. My tax money isn’t going to go to you people anymore. I support his ideas and I support his mentality.
Funny how the only one that’s dividing us at the end of the day are the people not the president
The president is doing a pretty good job of dividing people . His seemingly endless insults is not the way an adult conducts them self.
Racist xenophobic people are doing a pretty good job too
LETS GOO TRUMP!!!!!!!! I hope he has an 8 year presidency.
Can i stand in Front and Say Get the F#CK OUT OF MY NEIGHBORHOOD YOU FREAKS!
How about you go back from where you came from!! FREAK.
Shut up and get lost. Trump won, hope for good the next 4 years. Sore losers
Aren’t the people that look into that camera and repeat those words “he will not divide us” actually keeping themselves separated from the other half of the country that voted for him. He won the election. All the protestors, disrupting people’s lives are keeping this country separated. Give him a chance!! When he screws up, then protest!!! I hope he grabs the world by the p***y and shakes all the money out, into your pockets. And then I want you to eat your protest signs.
You have to earn that chance. I’ve been hoping he does the same, but there is nothing to base that hope on.
He has been screwing up all the way to the white house and rewarded by the people who dont know the difference between TV and reality.
Trump boasts that he represents the people, the protests show that he does not. Don’t you see that Trump is the one disrupting people’s lives, not the peaceful protestors?
He did earn that chance. He won the election!! I love reality tv. My favorite was called “CLINTON CASH”. She had my vote until I seen that and then she said “white people need to learn how to act when it comes to black people”. That’s a divisive statement right there. He won all the county’s in ny state but the 5 boroughs. As well as the rest of the country. So he does represent broader America and not just big city’s. Peaceful protesters blocking streets and breaking windows and burning cars. Yea. Ok. Go smoke a joint with deblasio you hippie.
No, there actually wasn’t any of the vandalism of the type that Trump tried to incite during his campaign. If trump supporters were the ones protesting, totally different story.
Btw, not a deblasio fan. If you’re drawing comparisons on divisiveness, you’re the one hitting the reefer. Good try.
I am sure Jaden Smith and Shia LaBeouf will be affected by Trump as President. Not in terms of healthcare, taxes, jobs, retirement funds or income but more to do with a big fear of…who will bring their morning coffee or clean their toilets now.
look at his parents now you know why he feels like this —
Wow, a black millionaires son worrying about division in the country. Haven’t heard squat from him otherwise. The true racists are coming out now.
Put your thoughts aside, just cause youre celebrities doesnt mean shit. Respect your new president, suck it up. TRUMP! You refuse to then leave
wow it’s crazy how many white supremacists live in astoria lol
How are we supremacist????? Because we voted for trump??? GIVE US A BREAK
White supremacists? You make zero sense. Just because someone disagrees with you, you just accuse someone of being a racist.
Typical Liberal fool.
I think it’s the people yelling “go back to where you came from . Hail trump” is what’s giving people this opinion . Most trump supporters don’t care about what religion you are , your race or your country of origin … right ?
The president could set the tone by respecting people himself .
Who cares? WE WON! Happily watching the inaugural parade of our new president. Excited for the next four years.
Who cares? The cry baby sore loser liberals, that’s who. Get a grip on life and take a loss. All these losers protesting everyday, get a job and move on. Bunch of people with nothing else to do but whine.
“Get a job” . That’s original . Go to graduate school much?
No only liberals go to graduate school on dads dime rather then go out into the real world and do something.
That shows me what you know about getting an education . So getting a PhD after medical school and being a surgeon is not a real job? What job is doing something ?
People can disagree about a lot of things but getting an education seems like an odd choice.
I paid for my college. While working in IT my company paid for me to get my MBA. I do, do something in the real world. What do you do?
As though you did not complain (and likely make racist comments) about Obama for 8 years. Why don’t you get a grip? There was countless whining done by your kind.