Category: Uncategorized

Cops seek bicyclist who rides through Astoria touching women’s buttocks

April 24, By Christian Murray

A bicycle-riding pervert has been riding through the neighborhood grabbing women’s buttocks, according to police.

The police said that the alleged perpetrator squeezed women’s buttocks on three separate occasions in Astoria this month.

The first incident took place on Thursday,…

Steinway Street Fair takes place Sunday

April 24, By Michael Florio

The Central Astoria Local Development Coalition is hosting its annual Steinway Street Fair this Sunday.

The fair takes place on Steinway Street between 34th and 28th Avenues from 12 to 6 pm.

Vendors will be selling jewelry,…

Man robs T-Mobile store on 36th Avenue at gunpoint, takes off with phones and cash

April 23, Staff Report

A gun-wielding robber entered the T-Mobile store on 36th Avenue Friday before taking off with cell phones and cash, according to police.

The suspect went into the 31-06 36th Avenue store at about 4 pm and demanded an employee fill a duffel bag with multiple boxed cell phones.…

Commanding Officer at Astoria’s 114th Police Precinct leaves post

April 22, By Michael Florio

The commanding officer of the 114th Precinct in Astoria has moved on after being in charge for just 18 months.
Deputy Inspector Kevin Maloney has been promoted to the Firearm Suppression Unit and is no longer with the precinct,…

After 40 years, CB 1 chairman is stepping down

April 22, By Michael Florio

After nearly 40 years at the helm, Community Board 1 chairman Vinicio Donato is stepping down.

Donato, who has held the top job since 1979, told the board at its monthly meeting at the Astoria World Manner last night that it was time to move on.…

MTA’s long-term solution to No. 7 train overcrowding, two extra trains per hour

April 21, By Christian Murray

Ridership of the No. 7 train at the Vernon-Jackson and Court Square stations continues to surge and the MTA plans to alleviate the problem through the addition of two trains per hour.

The MTA is currently working on a new communications system (known as CBTC) that will ultimately add two trains per hour—from 27 to 29 trains during rush hour,…

Queens woman charged with vehicular assault following Astoria DWI and hit-and-run

April 16, By Christian Murray

A 21-year-old East Elmhurst woman has been charged after she allegedly drove drunk and struck a pedestrian and several parked vehicles while in Astoria Tuesday.

Gisel Carchi, who lives on 81st Street, is currently awaiting arraignment in Queens Criminal Court on multiple charges—including first-and second-degree vehicular assault,…