Category: Uncategorized

Strip Club Where Cab Driver Was Shot Closed For Good

June 1, By Michael Florio

An Astoria strip club with a history of violence has shut down for good.

Club Purlieu, located at 36-04 34th St., has closed its doors, according to Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer.

Deputy Inspector Peter Fortune,…

Astoria Pool Set To Open June 29

June 1, By Michael Florio

Despite the scorching temperatures, residents have to wait until the end of the month to use the Astoria Park pool, per the Parks Department’s schedule.

The pool is set to open on June 29,…

Man Seriously Hurt After Jumping Off Ditmars Blvd Station

May 27, Staff Report

A man was seriously injured after jumping from the Astoria/Ditmars Blvd subway station onto the street Friday morning.

At roughly 5:40 a.m. the man got off of a train and was observed climbing onto the “catwalk” – a walkway past the end of the platform that is off limits to the public – according to an MTA spokesperson.…

Empty Dutch Kills Lot Gets $20K For Community Garden

May 26, By Michael Florio

A group of Queens resident who are turning a vacant Dutch Kills lot into a community garden were awarded a $20,000 grant last week.

The Windmill Community Garden, located at 39-22 29th Street, was one of 16 parks to win the grant provided by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and The Walt Disney Company.…

Thieves Targeting Motorcycles, Leads To Spike In Auto Crime

May 25, By Michael Florio

Auto theft is up sharply in Astoria due to a slew of stolen motorcycles, according to the 114 precinct.

There have been 19 Grand Larceny Auto incidents in the current 28-period, which ends on May 22,…

1,000 Signed Up For LIC Waterfront Run; Organizers Limit Registration To 1,200

May 25, Staff Report

Nearly 1,000 people have signed up for Long Island City’s first waterfront 5K run/walk and the organizers have decided to limit the number to participants to 1,200.

The event, scheduled for Saturday, June 4, is for both runners and walkers—and it is expected to be a sell-out with 1,200 participants in attendance.…

‘Aces’ Strip Club Shut Temporarily After Gang Shooting

May 25, By Michael Florio

An Astoria strip club has been shut down following a gang-related shooting earlier this month.

The City slammed Aces New York, located at 32-10 37th Ave., for paperwork issues, forcing a temporary closure, according to the 114 Precinct.…

W Train Likely To Return In November After MTA Committee Approval

May 24, By Michael Florio

The W train is approaching Astoria.

The MTA’s transit committee approved the Second Avenue Subway service plan on Monday, which includes a return of the W train to Astoria in November, according to an agency spokesman.…