Category: Uncategorized

73-year-old man robbed at Astoria ATM, police say

August 27, Staff Report

A 73-year-old man was robbed at an ATM in Astoria by a suspect who snatched $200 out of the victim’s hand and then made a quick exit from the location, according to police.

The thief allegedly approached the victim from behind at the Bank of America location at 30-18 36th Avenue at 9 pm Tuesday,…

Two men punch, stab and rob residents inside Astoria apartment

August 26, Staff Report

Two men were punched in the face inside their Astoria apartment—with one then being stabbed—by two suspects who broke in and stole a suitcase and $800, according to police.

The suspects punched two 27-year-old men in the face around 11:20pm Tuesday inside their 33rd Street and 31st Avenue apartment.…

Ground Rent jumps from $50 to $40,000 per year for some Astoria residents

August 25, By Hannah Wulkan

Residents living under the Amtrak train tracks in Astoria are facing rent hikes up to 100,000 percent higher than they currently pay, and several local politicians are fighting back on their behalf.

Property under train tracks has long been a magnet for graffiti,…

New building to go up on 30th Avenue, fruit store’s future in doubt

August 23, By Hannah Wulkan

More construction is coming to heart of 30th Avenue.

Building owner Haralabos Kartsagkoulis filed an application to build a three story, mixed use building at 32-12 30th Avenue where a fruit market is currently located.…

Philip Seymour Hoffman retrospective coming to Museum of the Moving Image

August 23, By Hannah Wulkan

The Museum of the Moving Image will host several film retrospectives this fall devoted to two of the great film talents of the 20th century: Philip Seymour Hoffman and Krzysztof Kieslowski.

The Hoffman retrospective will run from September 16 to October 2,…

NYPD: Man robbed at gunpoint in Astoria earlier this month

August 23, Staff Report

Police are searching for a suspect who reportedly robbed a man at gunpoint in Astoria and then shot him in the shoulder earlier this month.

The 29-year-old victim reported that around 4 a.m. on Monday,…

Constantinides allocates $200,000 toward neighborhood cleanups

August 19, By Hannah Wulkan

Councilman Costa Constantinides announced a new budget allocation of over $200,000 to keep Astoria clean this morning.

The budget will allow for increased cleaning, weeding, and graffiti removal throughout the neighborhood, with particular focus on the major business areas.…

Mayor allocates $30 million for Astoria Park upgrades

August 18, By Hannah Wulkan

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this afternoon that he would be allocating $150 million to five parks throughout the city, with $30 million going to preserving and improving Astoria Park.

De Blasio’s new Anchor Park Initiative,…