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Block of Stores to be Demolished to Make Way for Target, Marshalls Coming to 31st Street


April 6, 2018 By Christian Murray

A number of stores by the Ditmars Boulevard station will be demolished in order for a new building to go up that will house Target.

The stores to be bulldozed are located in a two-story brick building on 31st Street–between 23rd Avenue and Ditmars Boulevard–and include Subway, Kapil bodega, a closed nail salon, a shuttered lunch venue, Cohen’s Optical, a law firm and The Rock Health & Fitness Club, according to a spokesperson for Alex Adjmi, the owner of the Manhattan-based A&H Acquisitions, who is the managing partner behind the development.

A new building will be constructed on the site that will be occupied by Target, which will be taking up 47,000 square feet, and one other yet-to-be-named store. For Target, this will be its third small-format store in Queens and it will offer household essentials, including home decor, apparel and accessories, and beauty supplies.

The existing building that will be demolished incorporates the addresses of 22-11 through to 22-25 31st Street. The spokesperson for Adjmi was unable to provide a timeline as to the new development. No building permits have been filed.

Earlier this week, however, Target announced that it planned to open at that location in 2022.

The developers of the site are also behind the new commercial building going up across the street at 22-06 31st Street, which was where CVS was located until 2015. Adjmi’s spokesperson said that Marshalls, the discount department store, signed up to be a tenant at the location this week. A health club is also likely to move into the space.

The Rock Health & Fitness Club has been rumored to be the tenant, although that has yet to be confirmed. The owner could not be reached.


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Rita Armstrong

Hey any update on the TJ Max tenant? They have a sign up now for rent, which leads me to believe it won’t go to TJ Max. Also don’t know who could use a space that does not allow for trucks to unload goods. Key Food has spaces for that…


KEY FOOD must never leave! It is one of the best supermarkets, & a longtime neighborhood staple here, that generations have shopped at! … BTW, I too remember SUSAN TERRY, an elegant store & always a good place to shop for clothes.


That Key Food is t that great. The Best Market by Steinway is beautiful after the remodel. Almost Whole Foods’ish.

Tim Tomlinson

I’m certain that Target will have an assortment in their grocery department with much better selection & prices than Key Food. In my opinion it’s the worst grocery chain At which I’ve ever had to shop, especially the one on 36th Ave. & 31st St. Although I agree that all of the Astoria neighborhoods need better supermarkets, Key Food has had their chance to be a well run, and up to date and well stocked grocery for years and they never took it! They haven’t even trained there Staff and ate it courtesy and respect for the customers that shop with them, obviously caring nothing about the Value of the return customer. It’s time to go! And the same for p Trade Fair Stores cleanup train your staff or make an exit too.


Why don’t they lease the giant empty space on Northern Blvd in Woodside where Sports Authority used to be and leave the neighborhood alone?

Lis Evans

There’s too much money to be made now, building in Astoria. From start to finish, it’s all about money (i.e., pure unmitigated greed). Who cares about mom & pops, or a neighborhood vibe? What we need are more cookie-cutter ‘luxury’ buildings, bigger flat screen TVs for every room in the house, and bigger SUVs for every family member. Oh, and don’t you dare tell me I can’t get my double-bagged plastic bags every single time I go to CVS, the market, the bagel shop, get takeout food, etc. It’s my right as an American citizen. Ain’t my problem that plastic bags litter our streets, trees, shorelines, oceans, etc.

Blech. Sometimes the US really disgusts me.

Tim tomlinson

An American citizen that is a thoughtful caring human being would have the ability to see beyond his or her ill informed selfish outrage because plastic bags are going to be taken away from them and they are going to have to act like grown ups and use alternative environmentally friendly containers. News flash! We are ruining our planet because we all have been greedy for too long and though we may not suffer terribly from what’s happening during our remaining years, we have children that we must think of and not leave them with a filthy planet that, due to our selfish self centered greed they will be battling dirty air and worse. You have no right to have plastic bags simply because you’re an American! What a moronic statement and thought. Learn proper grammar and try to learn some empathy toward the human race because ain’t is just useless to everyone and it’s obvious that you have no empathy for anyone but yourself. There’s no doubt you voted for Trump as your ranting and whining is typical Donald J Trump.

Tim Tomlinson

And also, since the US disgusts you, I beg you to move to another country. If progress is that awful for you and the rest of you whiney people, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Turkey and many more countries would welcome you I’m sure. Britain and France and other Democratic allies I doubt very seriously would want to take you in just to add to their problems. WELCOME TO PROGRESS! It’s inevitable but you can leave, but I would bet my last dollar that all of you will be inside the new target buying you’re food cheaper and all else that you need. We all miss the mom and pops and I for one, continue to use my tiny hardware store rather than Home Depot but if I must buy a big item, I can’t afford the mom pop prices so I have to go to the Depot for a new sink that is $99 rather than $169 at pops store. Perhaps you can. But remember, mom and pops will eventually close anyway, naturally. Support them all as long as you can and if u can afford to. But also remember that the Walmart’s and Targets and Stop and Shops, as awful as they are in many respects, give the opportunity to those among us that don’t make a lot of money the ability to buy food so much cheaper than Key Foods, the chance to buy a pretty lamp or some curtains at prices they can afford so they can make their homes nicer and they can have pride in. Lamps at my mom pop hardware start at $49 and aren’t as nice as the $14.99 at Target. And I’m sorry I’ve ranted on here – probably no one will even see it but, I just returned from the Texas border volunteering to aid the children being caged, adults that came legally but are being charged as illegals as Trump blockers the Port of Enreies so the people are desperate and hungry and some sick so the cross the river and climb fences if the have to then are arrested as illegals. Trump is causing this and has taken 1000’s of children away from parents and now can’t reunite them as they were so ignorant they didn’t give matching IDs to each child and parent. His absolutely destroying lives. And the number is 47 children not reunited. Over 2000 were separated before we were told and those are lost somewhere in our country. He ordered that the children aren’t to be given a tooth brush soap or blanket as of Thursday last! He’s going to round up millions and kick them out he’s announced. Tomorrow, Sunday the 23rd, he says ICE is rounding up hundreds and deporting them. I came on here seeing if the target had opened yet as I just heard this news weeks ago and didn’t know. I can afford to go to target and buy boys and girls T-shirts and socks and some small toys and send them to my contact in El Paso who will get them to some children. I went to a dollar store today and a pack of 3 white Hanes boys T-shirt’s was $8.99! Target has them 4 for $4,99. Mom pops are $7.99 for 3. I’m headed to target in soho so that I can send 40 T-shirt’s instead of 15 or so from the small local shop. So shoot me but things change and ppl get hurt and others benefit. When it’s the poor that benefit I don’t have a huge outrage about it. Mom and pop have had their store for decades and shud have money in savings. Target is a pretty awful corporation in my view. But I’m getting 40 T-shirt’s just for the boys on the border. When I started reading all of your comments whining about all u were having taken from u like ur helpless victims it shocked me. I never read these things cuz I hear their hateful or stupid. What I read today seemed to be a bunch of spoiled ppl complaining their fee food was being taken from them. Like it was a toy to a child. Good god what wud u all do for food? Too much noise! Too many cars! I’ve lived here 21 years and Steinway was a noisy disaster. Si I never went back to Steinway. I didn’t write about it. What I did do tho, was I protested w AOC our congresswoman, against google locating here. I was upset w her as she was against it. After I contacted her office and learned that anazon was getting 100s of millions of dollars in tax benefits and were refusing to pay a penny to improve the subways which wud have become a disaster when 25,000 new workers were going to be using my train I get home on and then that the 25,000 were almost all executive positions and already filled by Amazon emplyees and few jobs were for our community which was exactly the opposite of what we were told by Amazon. And that the prices of housing in this entire Burroughs was going to skyrocket and many lower and middle class people cud never live here. Astoria wud be Manhattan as far as prices to live. It wud in fact truly change our neighborhoods forever. I trust all of u were protesting w us on that issue?? Target, will be hiring their employees from our community. That’s one good thing they are know for. They will not receive millions in tax incentives. They will have a great bag for the plastic bag complainer which they are already developing that truly shudnt ruin the plastic bag complainers life as an American.
But, I’m sitting here w my iPad, 2 iPhones on their chargers and two laptops within reach. I’m just had a huge delicious sandwich w potato salad and some gourmet five grain salad. Huge glass of coke and a glass of filtered water and an
M about to have a $5 chocolate slice of cheesecake I bought at Dagastinos. But as I write this novel I feel more and more guilty for all of this and all my furniture and clothes because of what I just witnessed on our border and I’m grasping to the fact that I’m going to go spend $200+ for T-shirt’s etc for some of those children. But, I know that’s not enuff. I need to change. I’m spoiled and I’m whiey sometimes. I hope I’m never greedy. But, this country is being ruined and it’s by a conman I’ve known for years. His entire famiky will soon face the 14 cases against then in the znew York Southern Disrict and I believe they will be punished. And war is on the horizon. And everything is in chaos but these children are the most vulnerable and must be out first. Out of all this writing and reading I must do more and will. I hope u will as well. And dint fight all progress cuz that’s the way the world works. However, if u r goung to fight parts of it then pick ur battles and dint give up. Do research. Ask ur self if u fought amazon which truly was going to us. Target: not so much. Plus it’s mini target! Ansci saw a health club which are scams vobasically who ppl gibe mibey to every month and then never go to the gym at the gym has the US on the contract and will not let you out at how they make their money so one of those shows and. I didn’t see any mom and pop shop that I remember on the block for Target Ellie maybe Atmos. I digress and I ask you To think of all the refugees stuck on the border children separated from their parents no food no water no clothes and I think probably most all of that and looking around now and we have Peavy’s hanging on the wall and iPad and who is in the fridge and I for one am just feeling guilty as ever I am going to do more. My best to you all!! But only grudgingly to the American plastic bag person who cares biting about the trash on the streets or killing dolphins and others in the oceans. To u. Please read Wharton’s u wrote and see if ur heart feels anything. I really hope it does and it’s kind.


I am so glad I moved away from Astoria. The apartments and restaurants are over priced and the neighborhood is far too noisy and dirty for my liking. With these future store openings I am glad I found a more affordable, less commercial and quieter neighborhood nearby.

Lis Evans

Sadly, I too am wondering at what point I may decide that Astoria is no longer for me. Ditmars used to be charming and QUIET. Now, literally EVERY WEEK, I walk down the stretch of Ditmars btwn Steinway and 31st, and I’m like ‘what?? another new bar/restaurant/coffeeshop?”

Every Spring, like clockwork, I see a fresh new batch of neighborhood transplants come out of the woodwork to begin exploring their ‘new neighborhood’. When you start seeing more asian women/white guy couples…. more young transplant couples with infants in ‘baby slings’…. more young people with this air about themselves like ‘yeah, I know I’m cool…and yeah, you know, Astoria really IS pretty awesome…I think I’ve officially given it my ‘stamp of approval’…lucky you….’ When you start seeing more and more people like that, you know it’s the end of the neighborhood and its unique charms.

I’ve also noticed that with the influx of new residents, and more businesses attracting folks from other parts of Astoria/other neighborhoods, that there is now much more traffic. Naturally, this means more traffic ‘jams’, more double-parking, more ‘complaints’ by drivers that the city doesn’t provide them with sufficient public street space to hold their Privately-owned Vehicles. All this makes for drivers who become irritated, impatient, and try to beat traffic lights, literally cut corners when making turns, etc. I’ve absolutely noticed an increase in more dangerous, reckless drivers, and there’ve been numerous instances where I was afraid I was going to get hit by a car (and typically, it’s a massive, gas-guzzling, street-hogging SUV!)… I’ve had to hold my hand out to tell a car they needed to stop for me (and yes, I had the right of way, was in the crosswalk and had the White Walk Sign)…and one time I actually had to run backwards as an SUV headed towards me in the crosswalk, while it was making a turn. (At least the driver was big enough to admit his lack of attention and apologize to me…)

It’s getting really bad here, and, I have to lay the blame on our local politicians. I mean, I don’t know how much power they do or do not have in stopping R.E. development, but… I sure as hell am not hearing any obvious complaining from any of them, nor have I seen anything coming out from their offices on this issue. I receive their constituent emails and haven’t seen anything on this topic from Costa, from Melinda, or any of the others…

Steinway, between 30th Ave and Bway, is nothing but a massive strip of empty storefronts now. All thanks to unchecked GREED.


Well… we just moved to Jackson Heights from Ditmars. But this makes me sad. No one likes Target in NYC. Mom and Pop stores are much better. Astoria will loose it’s charm.


I remember Astoria in the Good Old Days. Now its noisy and over populated with lots of traffic and inpatient people. Target, Marshalls, Whole Foods coming to this Ditmars area, and that new mixed use they are building where ABC stores used to be with apts..Forget about think Ditmars is a nightmare now wait until all these are up and running. =/

Stel Yo

Oh how the the foreign goods and pro-Communist transplants love buying Chinese and hate the American laborer. I guess paying $2,000 for a tiny 1 bedroom leaves no extra dollars to support American made industry.

Trying to sound posh by moving to trendy Astoria & LIC then buying shoes from Target. Make sure you clean them after being stepped all over on your N train because you have no money for a car or any place to park.

Rats in a cage. Keep supporting slave labor and superficially driving up demand in a dense, smog polluted, and noisy district. It’ll be Main Street Flushing in no time.

Bonus tip: Nihao is “hello” in Chinese.


Astoria is just another option in Queens for those that are priced out of LIC. It is a mix of the old and the new. It is for people that do not mind the crowds, noise/pollution (from cars, Amtrak, LGA airport, Con Ed Plants, etc) and are fine living in economic and ethnic diversity. Its far from being “trendy.” That’s a term that landlords and developers try to sell in the past. And most people who lived in Astoria for at least a year would agree.

Burt Bees

THE ROCK is taking over the basement in that new construction . Good luck charging 74 dollars to work out IN A BASEMENT .

Key Food is closing , so there will be WHOLE FOODS or TRADER JOES coming in where the ABC Store was … Parking will be a nightmare of course …

I’ve been on Ditmars since SUSAN TERRY Dept. Store was on the corner where TD BANK is now … Times are changing . Just wish theyd leave Ditmars alone. Appreciate the quiet …


What? The entire ABC lot is going to become residential buildings. Information of this popped up online shortly after it closed. If you’re going to spew random stuff get your facts.


At least its not a medical building that stays vacant for at least 5 yrs now. New residential developments are so much better to tolerate.


At least places like Keyfood on Ditmars caters to neighborhood residents. Hardly anyone drives out of their to shop at Keyfood here. Places like Target and Marshall’s appeal to masses. They will attract in neighborhood residents and beyond. Have you ever been to the Marshalls on Northern Blvd? Its horrible. Its sad what that area is turning into.


I guess CVS will add more food products if that happens for the 1 percent that will refuse to shop at Target if Keyfood closes as a result.


I wish they were open today in time for my Easter. I hate having to travel to College Point to shop.

Pedro Munoz

I live in Florida now but I used to leave in LIC 40 years ago and it was very safe I miss it


They are moving to Ditmars between 36/37th St. Renovations are already being made.


So many of you complain about the new condos and rentals going up. I would rather live next to a new residential development than what this area is going turn out to be like. Its a damn shame.


This needs to stop. This is not the place to dump big businesses essentially killing the area. The only supermarket in the area is being demoed and say good bye to all other small shops which are the heart of the hood. The only question we need to be asking is how do we stop Target?


Actually they didn’t mention Keyfood, but if the address is right, it’s gone.


Yes, what rich history a KeyFood is! We should salvage all our Key Foods before they become Targets, Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. How can we manage to walk three/four blocks away to another market that delivers for free when you need them to. So a supermarket becomes a (?). It’s been a commercial area for as long as I remember. And you still want to turn this into an Over development Rant????


Join the other 99% of us that live too far from any store (bodegas don’t count) and have to take public transportation to buy groceries…


You can’t stop and you certainly won’t. Those small stores can no longer service in the world today. Their time has LONG passed.

Lis Evans

Small stores can no longer (provide?) service in today’s world? Their time has long passed? Says whom?

The trick is, today’s small businesses have to understand and figure out….what can WE provide, that larger businesses cannot? They need to find a niche, figure out their demographic, etc. That that do so successfully, will continue to survive and thrive.

Contrary to what YOU might believe, SOME of us value what small businesses provide. A personal touch. A connection to the immediate neighborhood (most small biz owners LIVE in the nabe). Small businesses offer unique items that didn’t come from a warehouse or via a cargo ship. Small businesses often source their products from local farm, artisans, etc. vs from China.

Sure, items sold at small businesses may be priced higher, all other things being equal. But again, if they know their demographic, some of us have NO problem paying higher prices. Because we believe in small businesses, we GET what they are trying to do for the community and the nabe as a whole, and we WANT to support them because we WANT them here. We want them to survive…to thrive…for they are what make a place like Astoria great.

The shop Inside Astoria is a perfect example. Ditto for Lockwood, for Lavender Label, Brass Owl, etc. You couldn’t pay me to shop at a Target or a Marshall’s.


Ok, first of all, key food isn’t the only supermarket in the area. Closest to the train, yes. However, walk up Ditmars Blvd and there’s a Trade Fair. Also, Best’s isn’t too far either. If you’re legs don’t work, use the bus or Uber or whatever. Or go to the nearest Bodega. Change is happening whether we like it or not. Are you going to boycott shopping at Target or whatever else that is going to come into the neighborhood? I doubt it. You’re so opposed to it, do something about it instead of asking how do we stop this.


In the Ditmars area there are 2 other markets in addition to those you mentioned. There is Berry Fresh Farm on Ditmars/43 street and CHERRY VALLEY FARM SUPERMARKET on Ditmars/21 street. People just like to over react as if there will be no place to shop. I am hoping to apply for a position at Target once it opens because I have experience working there and I am glad this will be closer to where I live.


Cherry Valley is on 21st Avenue between 19th and 21st streets.
Are you really an Astoria resident?
Target doesn’t pay well.


Stores are always needed in residential areas. But they should not be large stores but mom and pop stores. Stores where they will serve the community and yet fit into the decor and ambiance


Other than the few low end household good stores and perhaps the hair/nail salons what “mom and pop stores” are you referring to? There is no place to shop for clothes, shoes or household items on Ditmars. These stores will be filled with people once they open which is a good thing however they will also cause additional quality of life issues including traffic, noise, dirt, etc. I hope they at least do way with all the food trucks in that area and scatter them elsewhere.


There is a household goods store called Home Comforts right between Pizza Palace and Create exactly on Ditmars and 31st St.


That place is so outdated. Also, you can find basically the same things at ABC deals and 99 cents store. At least Target sells some household appliances and not old curtains and oven mittens. They have better slecection for things we use daily like paper towels, cleaning products, beauty items etc. It’s no secret Target has our hearts!!

Astoria Resident

Where would they intend people to park? I personally wouldn’t need to drive there but many will want to and try to.

Old Astorian

I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 20 years, this a all a total drag. Two large corporate chain-stores on that block is going to be a nightmare. Parking in the area is already impossible but I’m sure the overfed, pasty transplants will be excited, they’ll feel like they’re back in Ohio.

Lis Evans

I love how some folks (i.e., drivers, and probably owners of SUVs at that!) go straight to complaining about ‘lack of parking’. Yeah, cuz naturally the city and its residents is supposed to make sure we allocate plenty of PUBLIC SPACE on our streets for everyone and their PRIVATE VEHICLES. Gee, wouldn’t some of us pedestrians (non car-owners) love it if we could ‘park’ some of our own personal possessions on city streets? But yet, car owners are so entitled and are like ‘we demand more parking spots on the streets for our privately-owned vehicles!” Since when did 2-tons of steel become more important than humans simply using their two legs to walk through their own neighborhoods, get some exercise and fresh air, and see some familiar faces? But no….. it’s more important that entitled, out of shape people with gas-guzzling, street-hogging SUVs have the option to hop in their cars and then double-park outside the Dunkin Donuts that’s just THREE BLOCKS from their home.


But hey, I get it. You need your big-ass SUV for ‘safety’. What’s next…everyone will say they need an army tank for a vehicle, in order to feel ‘safe’ from all the SUVs on the street? Or actually, maybe they need those SUVs to hold all the cheap CRAP they like to buy from Costco, and next, from Target and Marshall’s.


Marshalls!!? Seriously! I can go to Northern Blvd for that, even then, I don’t bother because that place is a mess and unorganized. Eh at least it’s not another cafe, vape or phone store.


The train station is also under construction and I live around the block. I am so glad my lease is up in June. I’m out of Astoria. I lived here for 5 years and I can not take the noise, crowds and traffic. My boyfriend and I are moving to LIC where it is less commercial, quieter and safer.

Lis Evans

Actually, the area right around Vernon/Jackson in LIC seems pretty quiet and tame as compared to all the major ‘Aves’ in Astoria, and now that even includes Ditmars.

Yeah, the LIC waterfront is overly built-up, and SO not my cuppa. Reminds me alot of Battery Park….just a self-contained, sterile area with boring luxury towers….but at least the part of LIC right around Vernon/Jackson still feels very LIC…neighborhoody…and charming.

Bill de Blowsio

I agree with half of your statement. Let me know how safe LIC is if you move near Ravenswood and Queensbridge.


And who do you think will be flocking to Target and Marshall’s once it opens? Ditmars has enough trash and I guess we have to make way for more once this is built. Most of the crime that I read about is occurring outside of the housing developments in/near Astoria/LIC.

Lis Evans

Right. Because everyone knows that most folks who live in housing projects are….criminals??

By your same juvenile rationale, then I guess none of us should take out mortgages with banks, since, as you know, most bankers are also criminals.


This is happening because of people like you. Go back to where you came from.


Mom and pop stores have sucked for years. Their time has passed. Its over folks, deal with it. It can’t survive.


Mom and pops that are smart and understand social media, marketing and the importance of business planning and being adaptable….of knowing their customer and demographic, WILL survive.

Big names who do NOT understand the local market, politics etc. (Amazon anyone?) WON’T survive…at least not in the local area, and not in the way they HOPED for.

It has nothing to do with big vs small. Small doesn’t necessarily have to mean old-fashioned or clueless. There are a number of small businesses in Astoria who’ve been around for a while, and remain successful (Lockwood, Lavender Label, Inside Astoria, Brass Owl).


I wish they build these stores somewhere on Steinway or on 20th Ave. The last family oriented and semi quiet area of Astoria will turn into a traffic and pedestrian nightmare. I also heard that a property with a chain of small stores (one of which is the old bakery across the street) was recently sold. These developers see Ditmars as a profit potential area because its the last stop on the train and is known for housing families.


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