Sept. 5, 2018 By Tara Law
Astoria’s first official dog run is slated for completion this April, NYC Parks Queens Commissioner Dorothy Lewandowski confirmed last night.
The dog run will be located on Triborough Playground C, which is on Hoyt Avenue South between 23rd Street and 24th Street. The playground’s basketball court is also being renovated, Lewandowski said.
The dog run will feature separate play areas for large and small dogs, and will each feature spray fire hydrants, rocky mounds for the dogs to climb on and seating for owners.
The basketball court will resurfaced and include new hoops. Seating will be added.
Although dog parks have proliferated across the city in recent years, the new space will be Astoria’s first official dog run.
A makeshift dog park, “Bugsy’s Dog Run,” was created by community members more than a decade ago at 12-10 Astoria Park. However, the space was widely criticized for being rundown and inadequate for Astoria dog owners.
The push for the new dog run took off in 2014, when a group of dog owners released a petition on Change.org to call attention to the community’s need for a space for dogs. The petition ultimately gained more than 700 signatures and the backing of Councilmember Costa Constantinides.
The following year, the community voted in a participatory budgeting poll to direct $500,000 in capital funding to a new dog run. Borough President Melinda Katz agreed to contribute an additional $500,000 later that year to fully fund the project.

Interesting comments – I recently became a dog owner and looking forward to a dog park where my dog can socialize and play with other dogs off leash. Living in a densely populated community means putting up with people that may not realize what is the proper decorum for introducing a dog to that community. Here is hoping that community leaders take this opportunity to educate the public about how to be a responsible dog owner and how to behave around other people’s dogs. Living in a community means sharing space and resources and figuring out peaceful ways to coexist. Saddened to see comments that iterate division and isolation for dog owners and those without a dog. That being said, PLEASE PICK UP AFTER YOUR ?
You dog owners are so pathetic, get a life! Stop fulfilling your empty lives with your irate, exaggerated dog passion advocacy! Monkey see, monkey do that’s all you know!
You and your dogs are everywhere, you have no respect for anyone or any laws, you just do whatever you want where ever you want. People did not do this before, they obeyed the laws, lived civilly and life was much better but since the insane and enabling city councilmembers that we have in office now, they allow you to do whatever you want.
You bring them in stores, restaurants, kayaks, laundromats, churches, banks, deli’s, supermarkets, Home Depot, Rite Aide, Costco and yes all over the parks and street off of a leash most of you. I am always tripping over someone’s dog in places that they once were not allowed and should not be in. It is a hazard!
And yes there is dog shit everywhere. And yes it does smell like dog piss everywhere. Even when it rains, you can no longer enjoy the sweet smell of the rain, “beautiful nature” and yes even with the pollution because now everywhere you go it smells like wet dirty dog and dog piss! There is no exaggeration! Stop denying it to suit yourselves.
So sick of you selfish, inconsiderate, lawless, entitled, pretentious dog owners, you, the mayor, and the city council humanizing animals, it’s insane, further distorting the concept of reality, inconveniencing the rest of society to cater to your every stupid whim. Most all of you not even from NY but you get to tell all the rest of us born and raised here how to live in our own hometown where we worked and lived here for years, while your only passing through many of you, dictating to the rest of us and getting away with it because you are easier to manipulate by the government for their own agenda then the rest of us who actually think with our minds individually.
Then you laugh at us and tell us we don’t like change. Change is inevitable, it’s not the change that we don’t like, it’s not having control over our own neighborhood and being dictated to by mindless drones who care about nothing else but themselves and their dogs! And I am not a dog hater by far but dogs are dogs, not people and they don’t belong everywhere or off of leashes.
Go live in the country with your dogs. Astoria is so over crowded with them as well as too many people. This is majority, apartment living here folks, and even more now-a-days, check it out! Don’t have a dog or two or three in the city, especially a big old ugly and scary looking one trying to be tough as most of you do and aren’t, thinking you are so NY, “hysterical!” Then you all expect to have somewhere for it to run free and everywhere.
What a waste of tax paying dollars for all of these dog parks that only encourage dog owners to have their dogs off of the leash even more by thinking that all dogs are friendly and conditioned so they are entitled.
The only good thing about the dog parks is that it gets the majority of the dogs and their owners off of the street, at least for a little while, the rest is bad as I said because when they come out the attitude continues in the streets.
There are very good reasons why laws were created in the first place, trial and error has already been done and now undone unfortunately by our wonderful irrational, local government NYC leaders in the City Council.
People are allergic to dogs, are afraid of them, don’t like them and have every right not to like them, just like you do. Dogs bite, get spooked, are unpredictable, etc. So sick of the people, “my dog is nice, small, he doesn’t bite, he’s a teddy bear, etc.” That’s not the point people! The dogs need to be on a leash at all times except for in the privacy of your own home and these designated dog parks but that’s it!
And as for 9PM – 9AM park rules with dogs off of the leash, no one obeys that, they do it all day long and it is a stupid rule anyway!
Do dogs stop biting you or jumping on you, barking at you, do people stop being allergic or afraid of them, stop liking them etc. between those hours of the day? Ridiculous! It’s not all inclusive to the rest of us, isn’t that what all of you people are about? Hypocrites! You dog owners are infringing upon the rest of our rights. Does anyone care about that?
Keeps your dogs to yourself and stop being lazy and entitled, pick up your dog poop, curb your dog that means to the “curb” not the trees and stop using those illegal extended leashes that take up half the sidewalk, tripping hazard and be considerate and pull your dog close to you when you pass by someone especially someone you see is afraid of your dog! And don’t walk your dog under our feet while we are sitting on a bench in the park when you have 3-5 feet free to you on the opposite side!
So do you like dogs or not?
It seems you need someone to talk to.
“What a waste of tax paying dollars for all of these dog parks that only encourage dog owners to have their dogs off of the leash even more by thinking that all dogs are friendly and conditioned so they are entitled.”
Astoria citizens voted for the dog park through Participatory Budgeting.
@ Jeff E. – What Astoria citizens? You mean only the one’s with the dog’s that do whatever they want at the all “exclusive” participatory budgeting? Some fair vote that is huh!
@ concerned friend, I just talked to a whole bunch of people didn’t I? I’m good thanks. Maybe you can get some therapy for you and your dog and get a couple of coupons for your friends too, then you can all finally learn the concept of reality and consideration for others, how to obey laws in a civilized society and lay off of all that self-love, selfishness, just a little bit? Looks likes a good place. I am sure you know it well and that’s why you are so able to recommend it!
Reality is a construct.
Lol in kayaks. Who isn’t delighted by a dog in a kayak. No one, that’s who.
Someone needs an esa
“Enough with the dogs” has no friends. Prkbably thinks they have friends. But, we all know they’re “pity friends”. Poor person.
These hipster dog owners should move to the country where their dogs can roam freely-pissing and shitting all over their yards. Please move away-the city doesn’t need you and your “special”places for you to congregate with other entitled dog owners while you nurse your pumpkin spice lattes. Just go away…
So all dog owners are hipsters? And entitled? And for some reason all like pumpkin spice lattes? You’re obviously a mean and hate-filled person. I can think of a few “special” places for you. Maybe you should just go away….
You clearly weren’t paying attention during reading comprehension. You must be a millennial glued to your smart phone posting filtered pictures to whatever god-forsaken application is most popular these days, instead of actually reading and processing what you have read. The opening sentence states “These hipster dog owners should move to the country where their dogs can roam freely-pissing and shitting all over their yards.” If you are a non-hipster, then clearly this doesn’t apply. However based on your shrill, hyperventilating reply, you must be an entitled hipster douchebag dog owner who is putting your stake in the ground for your fellow entitled hipster douchebag dog owners who need safe spaces for their dogs to piss and shit freely while you suck down your pumpkin spice lattes. Most non-hipster dog owners don’t need this kind of space as they go about their and their dog’s business without the pomp and circumstance others so desperately crave. It’s worth noting—a good dog owner wouldn’t confine their pet to a cramped apartment for 10-12 hours a day while they troll blogs and correct mean-spirited people such as yours truly. Instead they would be giving their precious pet the love and attention it deserves. Remember the poor dog didn’t ask to be paired up with a self-centered owner whose identity is defined by what they possess rather than by what they offer to those less fortunate. If the special place you would like to send me doesn’t have people like this, then by all means please buy me a one way ticket. Have fun scooping up your dog’s excrement-wherever it elects to evacuate its bowels…
I love all the keyboard tough guys. I forgotten more about dogs at breakfast than your tiny brain has ever known. You have absolutely no clue just how much a dog run benefits not only dog owners, but the non dog owning public as well. What happened? Mommy didn’t let you have a dog as a kid, so you have your panties in a twist? Go get your shinebox, tough guy. The majority of people @ any dog run are not millenials. They are people that have lived in the ‘hood for years. We get it, you hate dogs, get over it, or perhaps seek some therapy. These fine folks worked really hard to get that space, beautifying an area that was barely used. What exactly have you done to help your community, Mr. crankypuss? Typing in your mother’s basement, between chores, doesn’t count. More action, less talk. That’s how shit gets done.
Have you been to the countries where dogs are allowed to walk leash-free and seen how the people react? Because not for nothing, everyone is pretty to with the flow and isn’t bothered by it. Maybe our country should be more relaxed like that- a dog with proper training is a gift on OR OFF of a leash. And whoever feels that a dog SHOULDN’T be allowed to run freely is obviously missing the point. Not everyone living here lives in a house with a yard so, for those acting like they are going to be bothered by this dog run where only dog owners will go with their dogs, need to relax because I’m sure we won’t be seeing you there anyway. Just because you don’t have the patience to own a dog, doesn’t mean they should suffer without some freedom. Move along.
Pipe down sweat hogs.
As always, the comments on Astoria Post do not disappoint. Leave it to the people of Astoria to find something to complain about in regards to a completely positive story…lol
Stop complaining and start being the change you wanna see. Otherwise nobody wants to hear your empty nonsense.
“when a group of dog owners released a petition on Change.org to call attention to the community’s need for a space for dogs” Meanwhile the homeless population is growing, crime is on the uptick, there is garbage everywhere, and businesses closing due to MTA station renovations. I am happy for the dogs though…
Hopefully there will be less dogs at Astoria Park when this dog run opens. The park is filled with dogs without a leash and those owners should be fined!
Astoria Park allows dogs to be off leash from the time the park opens until 9:00 a.m. and from 9:00 p.m. until the park closes. This won’t change because of the new dog run.
I guarantee those dog owners who dare let their dogs run around off leash are cleaner than the humans who dump trash all over the park, whether it’s on the bike paths, walk ways or green space. And I guarantee those dog owners cause less problems. Almost all I know pick up after themselves and they’re not bringing attack dogs to the park. They stay in a confined space and play. Wow, big deal. This is what a lot of parks in America allow.
Since you feel this way perhaps you should stay away from the park and spend more time at the dog run when it opens. Enjoy the smell of dogs and what they believe behind as much as you want.
Then they walk across the street to let their dogs piss on the fence to my apartment building. Or, they pick up the poop and throw the little bag in our garbage or on the sidewalk near it. Take it back to your building if you are goi g to throw it on the sidewalk here.
It’s bad to throw out dog poop in the trash?
Dogs are better person than some persons?
Astoria Park stinks of dog urine and feces. If you see dogs without a leash I urge people to call 311 and complain.
I am there all of the time. Here is another example of a person completely exaggerating. Sure, if you happen to come upon a spot where some jerk didn’t clean up their dog’s waste, it will smell. But to give the park a blanket label like that is absurd. I have also walked by people sleeping on the grass under the bridge, clearly drugged out…and where do you think they piss, crap, toss their garbage? So my point is, be fair…don’t single out dogs/dog owners just bc the article is based on dogs. Complain about EVERYONE and do something about EVERYONE.
My dogs are wonderfully behaved at Astoria Park. Its the only place where they can ran around without a leash and get some exercise. Usually the park goers do not mind and those that do walk away if they are bothered by my dogs. I will not be taking them to the dog park.
Please respect the rules and the other people who share the park space with you. The rule is before 9am and after 9pm it is ok to have dogs off leash. Between 9am and 9pm it is NOT ok to have dogs off leash.
Furthermore, please do not assume parkgoers do not mind. I have had my children approached by large dogs off leashes. I should not have to worry about a dog biting my child while we are roaming freely in the park.
If this were Central Park and you were letting your dog run loose on the lawn, you would be asked to leave, and possibly fined.
Thank you, i agree, dogs off leash is dangerous to us and our dogs. Hope this changes when new dog run opens.
Does that mean dog owners will stop walking their dogs through the meadows of the park and letting shit and piss where my kid and others play and layout and watch movies and picnic because nothing says have a great day at the park like looking at your dog taking a shit a few feet away from where my kid is playing… awesome…??
Does that mean that stupid people, often with kids, will stop dumping trash all over the park, where other humans – some of them with kids and dogs – like to play, layout and watch movies? Awesome! (And way to exaggerate reality as if it happens every damn time you go)
Are you homeless? Laying out in parks with your kids and dog watching movies? There are organizations that can help you.
Does that mean you don’t think that the squirrels & other animals don’t shit & piss in those same spots? Its outside. Its grass & dirt. That’s why you put a blanket down.
I hope a dog pees and poops on your blanket before you rest your face on it.
fran, if i see you pooping on my blanket in the park, I’m gonna have to take issue.