Drybar at 222 E. 34th St. (Google Maps)
Dec. 19, 2018 By Meghan Sackman
A Manhattan hair salon has come under fire after one of its patrons, an Astoria woman, received a receipt from an employee with a racist slur written on it.
The patron, Briana Tae, went to a Murray Hill Drybar at around 6 p.m. on Monday to get her hair done for her nursing school ceremony the following day, according to her Facebook post.
Tae, identified by reports as an Astoria resident, took a look at the receipt on the table and was horrified by what she read.
“I look over and see this,” she wrote. “Client: Briana, Description: Chinky eyes.”
Tae, who wrote that she had never been so appalled in her life, said she confronted the front desk about the receipt, which only escalated the situation.
The front desk staffer apparently “could not understand why it was an issue and why it was highly inappropriate to write such a description,” Tae wrote.
The staffer allegedly even told Tae that she has “chinky” eyes, too, in an attempt to make her feel better.
The post has been viewed by hundreds and has more than 400 reactions and comments combined, with some now taking to warning others of the racist incident and effectively boycott the 34th Street business.
Tae could not be reached by press time, but noted in her post that she is disgusted by her experience, which was supposed to lead up to a day that would celebrate all her accomplishments while in nursing school.
“All of my hard work and successes simply came down to a girl with ‘chinky eyes,’” she wrote, later adding, “Since when is it okay to describe your paying customers as something so racist?”
DryBar referred the Queens Post’s questions to their corporate offices, which did not respond within press time, but told CBS that the employee responsible for writing the slur no longer works there.
“It’s very serious to us,” Drybar said to the news station.
USA is approx 49% Caucasian, you need to address that with extreme prejudice or in a hundred or so years it’ll be 25% Caucasian!
How is that invented she showed a picture of the receipt. It’s crazy that people think it’s made up, the company fired the person who wrote it. If this wasn’t true they would have denied any wrong doing.
“All of my hard work and successes simply came down to a girl with ‘chinky eyes,’”
— i’m sorry but i could not help but laugh at this section of the article. given this “bartender” or whomever wrote chinky eyes to describe the client did a very very poor job at noting this line on the tab. but to connect it to her hard work going to nursing school…sympathy much? one has nothing to do with the other. this is just some stupid “bartender” who didn’t think she was gonna get caught for actions. as a nurse who’s gonna be among the general public be prepared for what’s to come. this is nothing in comparison…coming from a fellow asian american working in the medical field myself. either way CONGRATS on your degree =)
What an absolutely stupid post. The focus should solely be on how she was done wrong. End of story. I could care less if you’re Asian-American, your post veers away from the main issue and does not represent the intelligence that you likely/hopefully possess.
I think that was the point OP was trying to make. As you so brilliantly put it, the focus should be solely on how she was wronged. It has nothing to do with her hard work. The main issue is a racist remark and the woman bringing up the topic of her “hard work and success” is pointless.
All of these comments are DISGUSTING. Did you all grow up in a trash can? Where is your human decency? No one should be subjected to racist comments, period. This isn’t attention starved or over dramatic, this is basic human rights. No one should be subjected to this.
I grew up in the Upper East Side thank you very much. Not all terrible people are poor.
Stop making this about yourself.
It’s a shame that now days where we suppose to be educated we are still refer to people with the shape of their eyes or the color of their skin or their body type..shame shame
Much Ado About Nothing if that’s the worst thing anyone ever said about you you’re lucky
Like what?
White people’s freedom:
1. To be ignorant of those who are different from them.
2. To deny they’re ignorant.
3. To accuse a minority they took it the wrong way when a racist comment is made about them.
You fit all 3.
And because they fit all three of your criteria you assume they must be a mean ole white person Adam?
So sayeth the moral compass of this post. Yawn
Trump’s America
Obama threw his white grandma under the bus
Stop blaming trump for your problems
typical Trumpeter reply